Global warming is real right? I mean the green house effect is real but there is so much controversy about if its man made or not, and even if it is man made will it kill us all. I think that it is man made and it will kill us all, but i want your opinion.
We need to sacrifice more virgins to the mountain Gods, guys! It's the only way to stop their incoming wrath.
*taps microphone* "Is this thing on?"
The actually way to stop global warming is if we all kill ourselves. It will save poor little earth.
On a different note, I am all for cleaning up the planet and using solar, wind and hydroelectric power. A cleaner Earth would be better for everyone, if it wasn't so expensive.
Global warming has two sides being caused by man, or Earth's cycle that is normaly accuring
Yes, now if we are to go with natural cycles of the Earth as a cause. We will have to explain why only now we see CO2 levels rising first and fueling this increase in temperature, in stead of the CO2 levels rising after the temperature already began to increase.
I just read something about it: The article says that nearly no serious scientist doubts that we have an influence on the climate. But the climate change may also have some positive effects: You can already see that parts of the deserts are becoming "green". A warmer climate and more CO2 might also be better for the growing of plants in general. So the worldwide grain harvest might rise for 3% till 2050 but with local differences: Africa will lose 28% and Central Asia will gain 19%. The perma-frost soil will become usable for agriculture etc...
It's a total load. Thats not an opinion, thats just a fact that rich, pampas scientists seem to ignore so they can get even richer off of it.
To bad this is science, no place for opinions. And may I ask how many people make money of of global warming? I would assume a few jobs in making "green" products, though that would not explain the ones who are not employed by any such people.
I won't say anything about warming, but it is a fact that climate (local as well as global) is changing. Just ask people around the world. It is changing in various ways, mostly rather fast. And such a change is bad for ecosystems in any way, be it cooler or hotter, doesn't really matter. And cutting trees by square kilometres each minute doesn't really help. How can trees benefit of the raise in CO2 if they're being cut, Hidenx? I mean of course there will be a lot of organisms that will prosper in the changing climate, but a lot more will die.