ForumsWEPRThe MAIN reason that I am Atheist.

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2,128 posts

Want to know why I am Atheist? It's because of how the story of Jesus came to be. His story was not written down for at least 40 years; think of all the misconceptions that could have happened between that time. I mean, it is much like gossip. It works for the first few people, but then the story starts to mutate uncontrollably.

Who isn't to say that at first, Jesus was just a psychotic whom talked to his imaginary master, named god? He could have just been walking down the road talking to "god" about the basis of his life, and what he shall not do. Later, he commits euthanasia because god told him to. See how that could mutate into the modern story that it is?

  • 135 Replies
1,482 posts

I wouldn't call it a false hope at all. I believe in it, so, as false as it may seem to you every bit of it is true to me. Otherwise you wouldn't see people flying into buildings?

Also, I am not relying on religion for guidance. Its like a tool that I've set to use, and I have to use it. Not because I'm forced to, I just chose to. Then I can get into the hell/heaven aspect. After all, you don't believe in it so really you don't care about it.

By the way, Idk about people using religion to justify their hates and prejudices. What else would they say? Religion has been used for loads of BS. The crusades themselves were merely a lie from the patriarch because the Byzantine at that point in history was weak.
Anything can be used to justify immoral gains, if not religion then people will use something else. I can't use religion to justify anything, if I do it will counteract my religion as a whole. I cannot vouch for Christianity but I can't seem to find one way or the other to do anything without breaking a rule to begin with.

Also, Nurvana's got a good point. If all of this really was false hope and bs -- why would people never give up their religion? Is false hope really that attractive to people that they would rather lose their lives then give up on this useless dream? If false hope is something that powerful, I'm sure if used correctly it could go places.

1,255 posts

There have always been people who rag on religion. For example "Monty Python's Holy hand grenade of Antioch. That was funny. You can disbelive religion and make fun of it allyou want but the fact remains that if Jesus wasn't real, why bother trying to take him down. If he is such an nonentity, why try to debunke all of his teachings.

600 posts

Because the 'other side' has missionaries.

9,462 posts

I wouldn't call it a false hope at all. I believe in it, so, as false as it may seem to you every bit of it is true to me.

Just because you believe something doesn't make it real. I could believe a blue pen is red until to me the pen really does look red, but that doesn't mean it really is red.

Also, I am not relying on religion for guidance. Its like a tool that I've set to use, and I have to use it. Not because I'm forced to, I just chose to.

I think I would still call that a reliance, even if it is by choice. Say this in about the same way I rely on a screwdriver to help me assemble/disassemble things.

Then I can get into the hell/heaven aspect. After all, you don't believe in it so really you don't care about it.

To an extent your right. However I see the effect such a belief can have on others lives. In that regard I do care about the idea of hell as much as I would care about a small child being afraid of the boogie man. As for heaven I would love it if there turned out to be some place where I get to be rejoined with all the people I cared about after I die. But without any evidence to suggest such a place exists, it's about as worthwhile living my life for, as living my life in a way that I would hope one day got me to Never Never Land.

By the way, Idk about people using religion to justify their hates and prejudices. What else would they say? Religion has been used for loads of BS....Anything can be used to justify immoral gains, if not religion then people will use something else.

I will agree that people can use anything, but it seems religion tends to be used far greater because people turn to these doctrines for guidance and when those doctrines tell group A that group B a vile in some way this only breeds hate and prejudices.

Also, Nurvana's got a good point. If all of this really was false hope and bs -- why would people never give up their religion? Is false hope really that attractive to people that they would rather lose their lives then give up on this useless dream? If false hope is something that powerful, I'm sure if used correctly it could go places.

Yes it can be a powerful thing, and it has gone places. We call it religion.

You can disbelive religion and make fun of it allyou want but the fact remains that if Jesus wasn't real, why bother trying to take him down. If he is such an nonentity, why try to debunke all of his teachings.

If the Greenman wasn't real then why try and demonize him and debunke all the teachings of that belief as false?

If the The Da Vinci Code wasn't real why did certain Catholics feel threatened by it?

If the witch craft in Harry Potter wasn't real then why did so many people burn the books about it?
1,482 posts

If the Greenman wasn't real then why try and demonize him and debunke all the teachings of that belief as false?

If the The Da Vinci Code wasn't real why did certain Catholics feel threatened by it?

If the witch craft in Harry Potter wasn't real then why did so many people burn the books about it?

All three just point to really one group of people.
None of them is really something you can deny on a global perspective, it didn't affect people globally.
1,255 posts

I'm not saying that any of, say, Darwin's theorys are wrong... but it is JUST A THOERY!!!!! Why do almost all of the schools in America teach that darwin is the only correct person. Why can't they just say it is one theory and say that Christianity is a theory and leave it at that and let the students decide? Why do they have to make Darwin into a "god" and try to take the other THEORY'S out of the picture?

1,482 posts

I'm not saying that any of, say, Darwin's theorys are wrong... but it is JUST A THOERY!!!!! Why do almost all of the schools in America teach that darwin is the only correct person. Why can't they just say it is one theory and say that Christianity is a theory and leave it at that and let the students decide? Why do they have to make Darwin into a "god" and try to take the other THEORY'S out of the picture?

I'm religious, but I disagree with that. I believe in separation of church and state. Lived in Texas for two years and once I had a biology teacher just shoving lord Jesus Christ down my throat and I'm like some brown kid in the back. Total WTF moment.

Also, its not a theory. Its a religion. Its not speculating on a part of life -- its telling you what life is and how to follow it. Darwinism just states that we, possibly, are ancestors of a big bang thing + chemical reactions that formed an organism that evolved into us.
1,255 posts

Good point. I too am religious but I am always open to new ideas. I also am not talking about a biology teacher in Texas: The Republican Capitol of the World.

I'm talking about the fact that kids should have all sides; not just Christian vs Athiest; but all the religions and theorys, presented to them once ortwice and they decide for themselves which one to choose.

259 posts

I'm not saying that any of, say, Darwin's theorys are wrong... but it is JUST A THOERY!!!!! Why do almost all of the schools in America teach that darwin is the only correct person. Why can't they just say it is one theory and say that Christianity is a theory and leave it at that and let the students decide?

That is not possible, because Christianity is not a theory, it is Religion. A Theory is a conclusion that is supported by facts, while religion is something that is made up.
1,255 posts

Armed_Blade beat you to the cake on pointing out my faults.

1,633 posts

I'm not saying that any of, say, Darwin's theorys are wrong... but it is JUST A THOERY!!!!! Why do almost all of the schools in America teach that darwin is the only correct person. Why can't they just say it is one theory and say that Christianity is a theory and leave it at that and let the students decide? Why do they have to make Darwin into a "god" and try to take the other THEORY'S out of the picture?

1) not all kids are Christian. That would be a direct volition of the Bill of Rights.

2)Do you have proof that Darwin was wrong? Darwin's principles have been proven time, and time again.

3) In science, law=theory. Theories are hypotheses proven numerous times by many different scientists. If you have logical conclusive evidence that Darwin was wrong, please! tell it to me!

4)Priests should not teach science classes as much as physicists should not preach sermons at church. Separation of church and state. Remember?
9,462 posts

Darwinism just states that we, possibly, are ancestors of a big bang thing + chemical reactions that formed an organism that evolved into us.

Ummm what? Darwinian theories have nothing to do with the other two theories you threw in there. Darwins theory of evolution is just how a species changes over time. the theory of abiogenesis covers life from nonself replicating compounds. The Big Bang theory deals with the formation of the universe. They are all separate scientific theories lumping them all together under some bs outdated label implying some sort of belief system is just wrong.

Though I agreed with the rest of your post.
3,437 posts

The original statement on the first page of this thread is...well ridiculous. I am not a religious man in any sense, but calling Jesus a pyscho shows a lack of proper understanding of what he did. The man, I must admit is a true historical figure, however I do not believe he was a prohpet, or son of god. Simply a genius of his time.

The bible I find has a great deal of contradictions in it. For instence, when Cain is banished to Nod he fears harm from others, yet what others are these? According to the previous verses Adamn, Eve, Cain and the late Abel are the first and only people on earth.


Darwinian theories have nothing to do with the other two theories you threw in there. Darwins theory of evolution is just how a species changes over time. the theory of abiogenesis covers life from nonself replicating compounds. The Big Bang theory deals with the formation of the universe. They are all separate scientific theories lumping them all together under some bs outdated label implying some sort of belief system is just wrong.

I quie agree with this. Like the scientific comunity grouping religious sects together, the religious group scientific theories. Also, I would like to point out (just in case these is any confusion) Darwin did not propose Survival of the Fitest He simply proposed that humans evovled from hairy tailed quadrapeds. Well science has proven that evolution strain wrong, but evolution itself is sound, if there are any doubts I ask you to look at a developing fetus of a variety of animals, you'll see they share almost identical characteristics.
9,462 posts

The original statement on the first page of this thread is...well ridiculous. I am not a religious man in any sense, but calling Jesus a pyscho shows a lack of proper understanding of what he did. The man, I must admit is a true historical figure, however I do not believe he was a prohpet, or son of god. Simply a genius of his time.

Speaking from a strictly historical perspective it is believed he intentionally got himself killed because he truly believed himself to be the son of God. So saying the historical Jesus had some sort of psychosis might not be an unfair statement.
1,361 posts

Want to know why I am Atheist? It's because of how the story of Jesus came to be.

Why not be Jewish then?
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