Want to know why I am Atheist? It's because of how the story of Jesus came to be. His story was not written down for at least 40 years; think of all the misconceptions that could have happened between that time. I mean, it is much like gossip. It works for the first few people, but then the story starts to mutate uncontrollably.
Who isn't to say that at first, Jesus was just a psychotic whom talked to his imaginary master, named god? He could have just been walking down the road talking to "god" about the basis of his life, and what he shall not do. Later, he commits euthanasia because god told him to. See how that could mutate into the modern story that it is?
you just proved his point. He says you won't see his proof as proof and I, being Christian, know that his proof has been repeated over and over to many atheists, including those on this forum. You have probably come into contact with this proof and didn't see it as proof, resulting in your believing there is no proof now. There is no point in telling you if you won't receive it when it is given, so why bother?
Just a thought here, and this may not be true for the atheists on AG, but most of the people I know that CLAIM to be atheist celebrate Christmas. And correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't christmas the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ (Even though he wasn't born on the 25th of December, it was most likely some time in November). So if you are an atheist but celebrate christmas, are you a proper atheist???
Just a thought here, and this may not be true for the atheists on AG, but most of the people I know that CLAIM to be atheist celebrate Christmas. And correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't christmas the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ
Christmas(aside from the name) is the celebration of the winter solstice.
So if you are an atheist but celebrate Christmas, are you a proper atheist???
The only requirement to be an atheist is to not believe in any god.
p.s. we do know that according to historical records, the presumed climate conditions indicate it's almost certainly not December 25th on the Roman calendar!
p.s. we do know that according to historical records, the presumed climate conditions indicate it's almost certainly not December 25th on the Roman calendar!
Most guesses are putting His birth somewhere in spring, when most shepherds had their flocks out to pasture.
The reason I am atheist is because... 1.How in the world can one religion be the true religion? 2.Islam,Judaism,Christianity are almost the same deal. The same God just different by-laws and rules. 3.If there was a God why isn't he helping us? 4.If there was a creator why didn't he make us super natural?
Anyways the main reason is that it is hard to believe without seeing it first hand.
I am not saying religions are bad. They're another way to be social, and a hope but I am just saying that the religions story aren't always that believable to a certain extent.
You want proof homo's share AIDS? Google it. You atheists sure seem to like it.
You said you get AIDS from having sexual intercourse with the same sex. You get AIDS from having sexual intercourse with another person with AIDS.
You get aids if you intercourse homosexually.
This statement is very miss leading as it implies only those who have sex with another of the same sex are the only ones who contracts AIDS.
You only proved my point of running away by not being able to do anything but "epic fail". How embarrasing :P
No by saying "epic fail" means you epically failed. He didn't need to say anything else since your point had already been refuted by at least three people before that.
I believe the Homo argument has nothing to do with AIDS, as AIDS isn't connected to religion.
I'm just going to put in if your saying that just because homo's can get aids.
Your all homo's because homo's talk with men, so if you do you must be gay. That doesn't make much sense, but neither does saying 'omg homo r getting aidz0r's.'
If you screw anyone with AIDS, there are chances of infection.
You only proved my point of running away by not being able to do anything but "epic fail". How embarrasing :P
Are you serious?!? That statement was so f***ed up into so many ways it wasn't even funny. Every one attacked that statement. I was just supporting the obvious.
You want proof homo's share AIDS? Google it. You atheists sure seem to like it.
Any one can have AIDS. You get AIDS from having sex with someone with AIDS. Not all homosexuals have AIDS just like not all straight people haves AIDS. You should using your brain. You theists sure like to use it.... oh wait! You don't!