Wow, i am blown away by this movie. I saw it yesterday (12/19) in 3D. It is jaw dropping. I cannot believe how amazing the CGI looks and how good the 3D is. After a while it just seems like the 3D just "should be" there. This movie made 27million the first day, it seems it may break some records. I think it is going to take a lot of academy awards.
And the part where he admitted to mating with her?
As far as the movie is concerned, its a shiny movie, with a rehash plot(All the original ones outside of horror seem gone nowadays) but the way the story itself is told is still fairly original. The 3D is really nice in adding detail and getting to see 3D trailers was nice too. All-in-All the movie is mainly about the special effects to me, though it does have some interesting moments in it story wise as well.
This was probably the greatest movie I have ever seen! The graphics were absolutley incredible. The Storyline really interested me, and the battle seens had me at the edge of my seat! I was blown away at James Cameron's movie. If this doesnt win at least 3 Acadamey Awards, then my cousin is a squid
No, it wasn't such a hot movie. I was glad to see that there was no cheesy good guys win ending, the nature coming together to win thing was pretty cool. The Colonel refusing to just DIE! thing was cool, but when that warrior guy goes and kills a few people then gets shot, the soldiers are just staring at him, like, kill me!
Why is this being hailed as the best movie of the year? Sure, the effects were cool, but the storyline was in no way original, in many ways this is just a live action sci-fi Pocahontas or Ferngully, I wasn't wholly impressed by it, but it is an enjoyable little diversion, but wait! Even that factor is subtracted from by the fact that it's TOO FUCKING LONG!!!!! Seriously, James Cameron, 2 hours and 42 fucking minutes?! This is really only a ways above the line of being pretentious straightforward block-buster garbage. I much preferred 2009 for comedies (The Men Who Stare at Goats, Zombieland, The Hangover) and Animated Features (Up!, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Coraline), I also found Star Trekand District 9 better than Avatar.
One of the reasons why it was so great is because it was so long. More movie time makes room for more plot and excitement! Lord of the Rings was that long and you don't see anyone complaining about that movie... XD
I watched the 3-D version. It wasn't really made FOR 3-D, but it's better than having people go "look over theerre!!" extending a finger, having it almost touching your nose with the effects. It's better just having the 3-D effects minimal just feeling like you're there in the battle scenes than having a movie specifically for that effects and having it screw with your mind, leaving it hurt the morning after.
I know a lot of people are pointing at how cliched the plot is, but may I ask you when the last time you saw a completely original film was? The plot for Avatar was presented in a unique way, and thats my opinion.
The time issue? I personally like long movies, because character development is huge. But the time thing did bring up a good issue...Intermissions! What happened to them? A person just isn't meant to hold in their bladder that long lol.
may I ask you when the last time you saw a completely original film was?
The men Who Stare at Goats was quite original actually, it's also probably my favourite movie of the year, I really enjoyed it's absurd, off-the-wall black comedy.
more than half the movie was probably just CGI. I didn't like the politico' aspect of it. It showed the military/capitalists like they are just a bunch of ignorant people sucking the life out of each planet they go to.
and at the end battle, the military would've soooooooo woooonnnnnnn.
The time issue? I personally like long movies, because character development is huge. But the time thing did bring up a good issue...Intermissions! What happened to them? A person just isn't meant to hold in their bladder that long lol.
((hahaha this brings one of the comedy movies to a point. It was an AO movie, 3 hours long, where halfway, the main character goes into the bathroom. The bathroom scene took 2 and a half minutes long, and to scare the guys off to go to the bathroom themselves, they had some pretty AO-like scenes. Anyways, this scene's purpose was to make for an intermission. They were just in a middle of a conversation, and the main guy was just like "hang on guys I gotta pee for a long time" and immediately, guys just started pouring out of the theater.))
and at the end battle, the military would've soooooooo woooonnnnnnn.
This is what I want to know: this was in the near future, right? Did they not have gatling guns, predators, and idk brains? the story was TOTALLY in the main characters' favor! Great movie though, as stated in my first reply ~~