ForumsWEPR[redirected]If God created all things

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210 posts

Here is something to get the brain going. It's been said that God created ALL things. Also it's been said that God is 100 precent pure/good. So God created man and it was said that because of man's sinful actions bad/evil things were created. But if God created ALL things then God created bad/evil things, not man. So by God creating bad/evil things this does not make him 100 precent pure/good.

  • 1,849 Replies
9,462 posts

God you are so ****ing stupid with your stupid troll threads. God made man with the sole purpose of free will PEOPLE CHOOSE TO BE BAD. THAT IS WHY THERE IS SATAN. TO DECEIVE PEOPLE.

This time he may actually have a point with this one. According to your beliefs isn't Satan a creation of God?
948 posts

MageGrayWolf, your kinda right... i guess.

948 posts

What if God Created Satan as a friend or something but then when he gave everything free will Satan became EVIL...?

9,462 posts

What if God Created Satan as a friend or something but then when he gave everything free will Satan became EVIL...?

If we are speaking of an all knowing God (which is usually the case with the Christian God) then God would have known what the consequences of that action would have been ahead of time.
210 posts

The religious people will have a hard time showing me wrong on this one.

God you are so ****ing stupid with your stupid troll threads

If you are a religious person that sure does not sound like the language they would use. I know I can be an a**hole sometimes but remember im an atheist so there is no one to punish me for my wrong.
9,462 posts

I know I can be an a**hole sometimes but remember im an atheist so there is no one to punish me for my wrong.

You would be accountable to others in society, or as being a member of this forum a mod could suspend or ban you for breaking the rules that have been set down. So just because you don't have a god to punish you doesn't mean there is no one who could.
210 posts

You would be accountable to others in society, or as being a member of this forum a mod could suspend or ban you for breaking the rules that have been set down. So just because you don't have a god to punish you doesn't mean there is no one who could.

I was talking about punishment on a religious stand point. Yes I know if I tried to rob a bank the police would come after me.
4 posts

I'm agnostic and do not know what to beilive because theres two sides of the story because god gave humans free will and evil caused by people is the choice of humans mis-using their free will. Yet there is natural evil like natural disasters, why do these occur?
but as you say DrCool1 god is said to be 100% nice but what about Lucifer the Devil? He is described as repelling against god and hating all of humanity and causing havoc and distress among mankind so he may be the cause of natural disasters but yet again theres science which i wont go onto, because there is alot of arguements for this point but honestly this could never end if i went on so im going to end this here.
thats my opinion.
thanks for reading

1,207 posts

If we are speaking of an all knowing God (which is usually the case with the Christian God) then God would have known what the consequences of that action would have been ahead of time.

Then surely an omnipotent being would know what Man was to do with his free will? If so it makes his actions either an intentional creation of evil or signals that he is not omniscient. Hm?
601 posts

god is said to be 100% nice

Who says God has to be nice? In plenty of religions there are good that are rather cruel. The Hindu god Shiva specifically comes to mind. Also, plenty of ancient religions gave sacrifices to their gods so they wouldn't be destroyed, as they felt storms and natural disasters were God's wrath.

Then surely an omnipotent being would know what Man was to do with his free will? If so it makes his actions either an intentional creation of evil or signals that he is not omniscient. Hm?

Or he felt that we were so insignificant that no matter what actions we took would really effect him in any way.

remember im an atheist so there is no one to punish me for my wrong.

This could be compared to the people in ancient times thinking the world was flat. Just because they thought they were going to fall off the world if they went to far doesn't make it so. Not saying your wrong or anything, but if you were and there was a God that gave out divine punishment, you surely wouldn't get away because you didn't believe in it.
1,207 posts

Who says God has to be nice?

Well if He is the opposite of the Devil He probably is pretty nice. It also seems that Kirby was defending that God was evil in any way.

Or he felt that we were so insignificant that no matter what actions we took would really effect him in any way.

Maybe not affecting Him, but if He created humans and they made problems He is a slightly evil.

By the way, are you meant to capitalise he and him when referring to God?
601 posts

Maybe not affecting Him, but if He created humans and they made problems He is a slightly evil.

He created them with free-will, they turned that free will evil. He is not responsible for the evil, therefore he himself isn't evil. And if he didn't care about humans in all his perfection, then what they do doesn't matter to him, further setting him apart from evil.

By the way, are you meant to capitalise he and him when referring to God?

You can if you want, but I feel as if God doesn't have a gender, as there is man and woman. So I don't capitalize 'he' and such, but I use it because it's what you guys are using, so I'm trying to reduce the amount of misunderstandings.
386 posts

I barely skimmed through the thread, so I can't quote anything, but from what I saw people are saying stuff about Lucifer, and that since God created him, and he's evil, God isn't 100% pure?

Lucifer is not evil. From the biblical books I've read, God created Jesus and Lucifer, along with 8 other angels, as brothers, and gave Jesus and Lucifer both the chance of free will. Lucifer went against God because he knew the suffering that humans went through, and he didn't beleive that God should make us if we're going to suffer that bad with war and whatnot. Lucifer went against God for US, and people say he's evil. The way I see if, Jesus and Lucifer both had a chance. If Jesus had seen it that way, and not Lucifer, then we'd be saying "Praise Lucifer, our savior!".

I am NOT a satanist.

601 posts

Lucifer is not evil.....Lucifer went against God because he knew the suffering that humans went through, and he didn't beleive that God should make us if we're going to suffer that bad with war and whatnot.

My understanding was that Lucifer didn't go against God for us, but for his own selfish reasons. With his free-will he gained pride, thinking that he was better than God, and subsequently caused a revolt of sorts. He failed and got cast down to Hell.
386 posts

My understanding was that Lucifer didn't go against God for us, but for his own selfish reasons.

He DID have other, selfish reasons, but in the end they would have benifitted us. He wanted controll, because he thought he'd do better than God, and convinced himself it was for us. Though it WAS greed.

With his free-will he gained pride, thinking that he was better than God

Read above.

caused a revolt of sorts. He failed and got cast down to Hell.

He gathered up those who beleived the same as him to overthrow god, but yes, failed. But he wasn't cast down to Hell. He was banished from the kingdome of Heaven, and God made Hell for him to rule over, because he was still his son.

Lucifer accepted, because he wanted power, and thus began his role as Satan. People picture him as a red devil with horns.

His REAL image is that of Jesus's brother, he's still an angel. The red horned demon thing were his creations/minions to acompany him in Hell.
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