ForumsWEPR[redirected]If God created all things

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Here is something to get the brain going. It's been said that God created ALL things. Also it's been said that God is 100 precent pure/good. So God created man and it was said that because of man's sinful actions bad/evil things were created. But if God created ALL things then God created bad/evil things, not man. So by God creating bad/evil things this does not make him 100 precent pure/good.

  • 1,849 Replies
5,043 posts

All life is only a set of pictures in the brain, among which there is no difference betwixt those born of real things and those born of inward dreamings, and no cause to value the one above the other.

-H. P. Lovecraft

Take from it what you want.
166 posts

These threads are really useless, everyone in here knows that nothing this will cause nothing but flames and trolls, I mean no atheist or no theist would ever say "alright god exists" or "alright you're right god doesn't exist"
Noone is right.

78 posts

EXACTLY. That's what I'm kinda trying to do...
If you go to my page then you will see on my about my new proposition that Christians and Athiests need to respect our differences and beliefs so we can compromise and work together as normal human beings.

1,903 posts

@ justaroundthecorner
I don't know what you took from NoName's post, but the quote seemed more than a little nihilist(metaphysical, not political definition)to me.

Besides, Christians and Atheists happen to work together remarkably well when religion is out of the picture, or in my case, even most times when people are attempting to shove it down my throat, because religion is too petty a difference to divide the species how it has.

Unless they're actually trying to do that physically, someone actually hit me with a Bible a few times... He just got a kick in the 'nads.

818 posts

If God really is omnipotent, then why didn't he create mankind with perfection?

If God created man with perfection then man would be like a God. If you look at it from a certain viewpoint humankind can be perfect in its own way. (That last part makes me laugh) lol
And perfection also adds in "not learning anything new". I'm guessing He made us with intelligence, but started us off with nothing but land and domestication. We had to do everything else. 20,000 years later (or 6000 for the bible), here we are! And we still have much to learn!

Exactly, if humans were perfect then the world wouldn't be any fun. It would have nothing new to offer and would be considered dull.
work together as normal human beings.

If there were no opposing arguements the world wouldn't thrive. New things wouldn't be created, and old ideas wouldn't be questioned. If there is no opposing arguement then we don't advance.
hit me with a Bible a few times

lol, wasn't me. *Hides bible and walks back slowly*
9,462 posts

I mean no atheist or no theist would ever say "alright god exists" or "alright you're right god doesn't exist"

Yes I would say "god exists", just have to prove one exists first.

Exactly, if humans were perfect then the world wouldn't be any fun. It would have nothing new to offer and would be considered dull.

This actually get to being more of the "let's talk about heaven" thread but anyway. Wouldn't this mean that heaven is dull if it's a perfect place?
If we were perfect we would be able to find a way to correct for the dullness and find excitement. Perhaps we would think differently as to what is considered exciting, considering what's exciting and what's dull is a subjective thing.
159 posts

I truely believe that the Earth was made by the big bang.No offense to religion but come on,one person cannot create everything.

739 posts

If God made man in mirror image of him, would that mean God is also evil if it coexists with us?

Man was created in God's image, but man also has free will . . . God isn't evil . . . man wasn't evil, until he was tempted and gave into that temptation . . .
374 posts

Man was created in God's image, but man also has free will

Well then, that contradicts the "mirror image" part.

until he was tempted and gave into that temptation . . .

If man possesed a mentality that caused him to give into the temptation, then wouldn't God follow suit?
166 posts

posted by MageGrayWolf page 84

Yes I would say "god exists", just have to prove one exists first.

But then, you wouldn't be an atheist anymore
1,903 posts

But then, you wouldn't be an atheist anymore

There would be no need to be, as there would be proof that an omnipotent deity actually existed.
36 posts

Man has free will, God just knows what he's going to do with it. He, being omniscient, knows what you're going to do before you do. Meaning, he knows you're going to do bad things. He allows us for the same reason your parents will let you do something they know is stupid, even after they've told you time and again that it was stupid. It builds character.

You can't say that man was created in God's "mirror image" in the sense that you mean, because that would make man omniscient. And we, obviously, are not. This precludes the possibility that we were created as God's equals, which is what you're implying.

EvilGinger: That's the thing, God isn't a person. He's a thing. An entity. We just call Him "Him" because that's the closest thing that our minds can fathom him to be.

374 posts

But then, you wouldn't be an atheist anymore

He'd still be an Atheist, just not a hard-core atheist.

It builds character.

Please elucidate. Any individual with some sense of sanity would agree that intentially commiting acts of debauchery is detrimental to ones morality.

You can't say that man was created in God's "mirror image" in the sense that you mean, because that would make man omniscient. And we, obviously, are not. This precludes the possibility that we were created as God's equals, which is what you're implying.

You're very correct, spoonner. However, can you explain why God has "inherited" some characteristics, both physical and psychological, from mankind?

EvilGinger: That's the thing, God isn't a person. He's a thing. An entity. We just call Him "Him" because that's the closest thing that our minds can fathom him to be.

Touche. May I inquire as to why God is portrayed as a humanoid figure in most religous texts?
9,821 posts

Touche. May I inquire as to why God is portrayed as a humanoid figure in most religous texts?

Simple - the limits of the language, and as proposed precisely by Spoon in the post you are quoting, the limits of our minds.
9,462 posts

There would be no need to be, as there would be proof that an omnipotent deity actually existed.

Very true but I would still be free to accept or deny that deity based on how that deity behaves. So even if it was proven there was a god doesn't mean I would necessary follow said god.

Man has free will, God just knows what he's going to do with it. He, being omniscient, knows what you're going to do before you do. Meaning, he knows you're going to do bad things. He allows us for the same reason your parents will let you do something they know is stupid, even after they've told you time and again that it was stupid. It builds character.

Then God knew what was going to happen when he placed the tree of knowledge in the Garden thus making him at least partially responsible. It would be like a parent leaving a loaded weapon in easy reach of there kid knowing full well they will play with it.

Though I do question how knowing something is such a horrible sin. Really what is it with the Bible? Knowledge is a sin, wanting proof instead of just blindly believing is looked down upon and even at times required that you don't ask for it first. It's almost like this God doesn't want us to develop and grow in any way.
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