ForumsWEPR[redirected]If God created all things

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Here is something to get the brain going. It's been said that God created ALL things. Also it's been said that God is 100 precent pure/good. So God created man and it was said that because of man's sinful actions bad/evil things were created. But if God created ALL things then God created bad/evil things, not man. So by God creating bad/evil things this does not make him 100 precent pure/good.

  • 1,849 Replies
818 posts

Simple - the limits of the language, and as proposed precisely by Spoon in the post you are quoting, the limits of our minds.

Also humans have to have a way to relate to God. (thus human to human)
I actually almost laughed at this one. That's like me saying, "Not until you admit that God is real." Think about.

That's why he said that.
Moses asked God if he could see His glory? "God said you may see the back of me..."

Since God such a perfect figure man cannot do no more than fathom what he must look like.
God is Spirit.

We are all spirit. (soul)
Anyway getting back here if God created all things, why did he create viruses, parasites, and harmful bacteria?

Multiple bacteria are in ones everyday diet and others help keep one healthy.
people who believe ( i don't)
just believe and if you ask this, the'll probley say:
Yes but those don't listen to god, and will go to hell.
( thats just nonsens.)
but if you want to believe that, go ahead.
believe what you want, i'm ok with it, only if you'r not trying to make other people believe!
oohh i got chips on them.!
or when you come in a church whole sad and down because a familiy member died, they come to you and say: hey, want to donate?.
ohh i can kill them on such moments, it's coming really respectless to you.
i can't believe they thinkg that's normal for them.

but maybe it is.

still, i hate people who try to make you believe what you don't want.
you believe what you believe, thats it!

Fabio Wertpopetje

This is a general statement from an closed minded person who is trying to convince others that they aren't a general stereotyping person.
9,462 posts

Also humans have to have a way to relate to God.

Which God would this be? The God of the Bible? I'm not sure I would want to relate to such a being even if he was proven to be real.

The 6 Moral Dealbreakers of Christianity

Since God such a perfect figure man cannot do no more than fathom what he must look like.

See the link above and tell me how this being is so perfect.

We are all spirit. (soul)

No evidence for that so we can't really say that. But let's just say there is one, what is it? What does it do?

Multiple bacteria are in ones everyday diet and others help keep one healthy.

Look at the key word on the bacteria "HARMFUL bacteria" but still this doesn't cover the issue of the other two.
818 posts

my first question is: 1. Is that a guy or girl? 2. The points good. 3. Was it meant to say God isn't meant to be praised or that he doesn't exist. 4. From a christian stand point all the things done were needed.

9,462 posts

1. Is that a guy or girl?


3. Was it meant to say God isn't meant to be praised or that he doesn't exist.

The point of the video is to say even if the God of the Bible did exist and had done what the Bible claims he did si he really worth worshiping.

4. From a christian stand point all the things done were needed.

So your saying Christians find global genocide, child murder, condoning slavery, condemning people for something someone else did, punishing an innocent instead of the guilty, and disproportionate punishment to the crime all acceptable?
818 posts

So your saying Christians find global genocide, child murder, condoning slavery, condemning people for something someone else did, punishing an innocent instead of the guilty, and disproportionate punishment to the crime all acceptable?

I really don't get it either. I will say what I do believe though. Slavery is wrong. The child murder was bad, but got the point across. If God didn't wash away all the sins and sinners then the world would be even worse. I really don't agree with that one. Adam and Eve were models of all human kind, so since they ate the apple it was as if we all ate the apple. I didn't finish the video due to the lack of time, so explain the last two. Please.
9,462 posts

The child murder was bad, but got the point across.

Apply this it anything else and tell me just how much well these accuses hold up.

I would love to hear a defense try and argue with this same logic "yes he did kill a child, but the court must understand he needed to make a point".

If God didn't wash away all the sins and sinners then the world would be even worse.

As the video said this suppose supreme being couldn't think of a better way then mass genocide to fix the problem and why would he allow things to get that bad in the first place?

Your saying these things are wrong then your turning around and making excuses as to why they are acceptable. How can you continue to say that a being who would by your own admittance do acts that are bad and wrong still be worth worship and praise?

I didn't finish the video due to the lack of time, so explain the last two. Please.

Actually I would like to hear your take on these last two without the bias perspective of what is being referenced. Would you regard those acts acceptable to do?
818 posts

Apply this it anything else and tell me just how much well these accuses hold up

I don't get this statement, please explain.
yes he did kill a child, but the court must understand he needed to make a point".

lol, I would love to see someone in court argue this, you made a good point with this.
still be worth worship and praise?

God would be a bad God if he actually did all of the things, but you do have to take into account that humans related the words into the bible. These indivuals could have put these things in to put fear into people, or as a joke.
Actually I would like to hear your take on these last two without the bias perspective of what is being referenced. Would you regard those acts acceptable to do?

The innocent should not be held responsible for the actions of the guilty, yes I do disagree with this. The crime should be dealt with according to what the crime is. The circumstances should be taken into account and previous accounts should be known. If the individual gets an unfair punishment, then the person giving the punishment is at fault. One thing you need to take into account is, the judge gets to decide the punishment, not the general population.
3,817 posts

God would be a bad God if he actually did all of the things, but you do have to take into account that humans related the words into the bible. These indivuals could have put these things in to put fear into people, or as a joke.

Then why does that not apply to everything in the bible, how would part of it be taken true while the rest is put off as human error? If the parts about his crulity were wrong, a nice percentage, then how could you take the rest at face value?

The innocent should not be held responsible for the actions of the guilty, yes I do disagree with this. The crime should be dealt with according to what the crime is. The circumstances should be taken into account and previous accounts should be known. If the individual gets an unfair punishment, then the person giving the punishment is at fault. One thing you need to take into account is, the judge gets to decide the punishment, not the general population.

Everyone undestands that an internal punishment is not a good punishment for bieng born...
85 posts

God would be a bad God if he actually did all of the things, but you do have to take into account that humans related the words into the bible. These indivuals could have put these things in to put fear into people, or as a joke.

You could say that of everything written in the bible.
818 posts

Then why does that not apply to everything in the bible, how would part of it be taken true while the rest is put off as human error? If the parts about his crulity were wrong, a nice percentage, then how could you take the rest at face value?

I didn't say the rest was true. I clearly stated that those parts might be the opinions of the writer, or their own tales. The whole bible is full of opinions and tales, some are true and others might be false. We will never know. A large majority of the bible has been removed.
Everyone undestands that an internal punishment is not a good punishment for bieng born...

Well, I am internally being punished by your bad grammar, but I didn't say anything. lol, jking.
909 posts

Mage, I haven't seen the video 'link' yet but I understand the questions you pose from it. Here's the list and if I've omitted anything, let me know:

So your saying Christians find global genocide, child murder, condoning slavery, condemning people for something someone else did, punishing an innocent instead of the guilty, and disproportionate punishment to the crime all acceptable?

I think this is what you're asking? Why do Christians believe in God who to you is nothing more than a 'blood thirsty tyrant'?

I'll start in Genesis with the 'fall of man':

Genesis 3:22...God said,"The man has now become like one of us.. knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever."

23) So God banished Adam from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken.

24) After He drove the man out, He placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.

On to Cain's story:
Genesis 4:3 In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the Lord.
4) But Abel brought fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering,
5) but on Cain and his offering He did not look with favor. So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast.
6) Then God said to Cain, "Why are you angry?" "Why is your face downcast?"
7) "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."
8) Now Cain said to his brother Abel,"Let's go out to the field." And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.
(skip to verse 10)
10) God said, "What have you done? Listen! Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground.
11) Now you are under a curse and driven from the ground, which opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand.
12) When you work the ground, it will no longer yield its crops to you. You will be a restless wanderer on the earth."
13) Cain said to God, "My punishment is more than I can bear.
14) Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me."
15) But God said to him, "Not so; if anyone kills Cain, he will suffer vengeance seven times over." Then God put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him.
16) So Cain went out from the LORD's presence and lived in the land of Nod, east of Eden.
(Nod means wandering).

Two age-old questions are present here and later w/verse 17 that speaks of Cain's wife.

question #1 what other people was Cain afraid of because up to this point the Bible has only mentioned Adam, Eve, Abel and Cain?

Genesis 1:27) So GOD created man in His own image, in the image of GOD he created him; male and female He created them.
Genesis 1:28) GOD blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.

Then in verses 29 and 30 GOD tells 'them'..."everything that has the breath of life in it--I give every green plant for food."

So back to the people. Adam, named everything and also named Eve. In Genesis 3:20 it tells us why, because she would become the mother of all the living.

The Bible mentions the fist born 'male' child as being Cain and this is what Eve says in
Genesis 4:1, "With the help of the LORD I have brought forth a man."
Verse 2 mentions the birth of Abel.
Genesis 4:25 Adam lay with his wife 'again', and she gave birth to a son and named him Seth, saying "GOD has granted me another child in place of Abel, since Cain killed him.
3,817 posts

Wajor watch the vidio, it was more about questioning the Cristians god's morality rather then anything about humen. The vidio basically states instances were the Cristian god is immoral, thus unworthy of praise, even if he did exist.

818 posts

Wajor watch the vidio, it was more about questioning the Cristians god's morality rather then anything about humen. The vidio basically states instances were the Cristian god is immoral, thus unworthy of praise, even if he did exist.

Please correct the following:
Video, christians, than, human, where.
9,462 posts

The innocent should not be held responsible for the actions of the guilty, yes I do disagree with this.

Since you answered. This refers to how Jesus died for your sins. By accepting this your accepting the punishment of an innocent for anothers guilt.

he circumstances should be taken into account and previous accounts should be known. If the individual gets an unfair punishment, then the person giving the punishment is at fault.

This is in reference to hell. an infinite punishment for a finite transgression is clearly a disproportionate punishment. This is made even worse when you consider you have to have an innocent punished in your place or receive this disproportionate punishment.

I didn't say the rest was true. I clearly stated that those parts might be the opinions of the writer, or their own tales. The whole bible is full of opinions and tales, some are true and others might be false. We will never know. A large majority of the bible has been removed.

again your just making excuses and trying to shift the blame. You can't claim this to be the word of God then turn around and claim the parts you don't agree with are because of human error. I will agree that it has been messed with in a number of ways but this only puts the validity of the entire thing into questions not just parts.
1,101 posts

Wajor watch the vidio, it was more about questioning the Cristians god's morality rather then anything about humen. The vidio basically states instances were the Cristian god is immoral, thus unworthy of praise, even if he did exist.

=/ i watched this video, and i am now officially gonna have nightmares about the creepy man lady, and her manly horrendous lipstick and creepy slick backed greaser hairstyle. So that is basically enough for me to kinda disregard his/her... screw it... i call it an it... Basically enough for me to disregard its theries. But on the discussion level, i decided to turn my screens light level all the way down to just hear its voice. I kinda thought to myself about this.

First point. Book of genicide. Considering that with christianic belief, God created the earth, created man, and created everything. If his children start to disobey him, and cause murder, start to steal, condemn their own creator, and even start to hate one another, then they should be punished. Should we not remember that we also killed people for crimes they commited? We dont look back on the government, and the law enforcement, and say wow they are bad people!!! No we see the murderers, and say they deserved it. They deserved what they got coming. Now God did this with moses, but spared each different kind of animal so the races should live on.. Although this is all metaphorically speaking, and was only printed in the bible to show a moral lesson... Which of course is follow good morals and follow God. Yes it is a little extreme, i must agree... "and almost every living thing is killed".. K first off we got of each animal, so life basically restarted. And on another note, no ones knows how many people were on the planet at that time. For all we know there could've been like 100 people, and moses and his family were the only good ones out there. =o As well he gave man there own thought, and there own way to act. Free will... He wanted man to go there own way, follow what they thought was right. Once they stepped over the breaking point into the lets call it... the heart of darkness??? He knew they went to far, and there was no going back. Seeing the only good on earth he decided to try and save that part, and destroy all the evil. What do you do with zombies??? you kill em. Or is that going to be another moral judgement also?

Second the murder of children... God asked the egyptians to free the prisoned isrealites, because basically they were what the jews were to nazis... So god decided to stop this, and prove a point if disregarded. The plagues. Last of course the death of the children. "The words he hardened the pharoahs heart" can also be taken in many ways. For instance he pleaded with the pharoah to harden his heart with the burden of the death of children, and still the pharoah said no... Therefore God caused the death of all first born children..

Slavery... Like i think we've been over this a million times. The bible was written to help cope with things back in the day... If they were to say slavery was wrong, christians would be killed. They had to go along with times, and not to mention its kinda hypocritical now. You first say its wrong to kill the people causing slavery, and now ur saying its wrong to have slavery. so umm yea, just kinda showing a point here.. I mean God killed the people causing slavery, and you just pointed it out how it was such a bad thing, and now ur saying that god doesnt mind slavery.. hmmmm weird.

Premeditated sin... Well its forgivin with baptism... And yea its the sin of adam and eve, because they chose to go against gods word. It is such a horrible sin, that it is to be passed down to every generation. That would mean us all. Yea its a bit weird, but I mean God is a judge, and thus gives out the punishment. I mean getting baptized isnt that bad...

...The fact that someone was willing to die for humanities sins, was enough for God to realize that there truely was good in humanity. Especially the way he died, gave God the epiphany. Not to mention that Jesus was the son of God, allowing him to take part in decision made within the spectrum of heaven and judgement of man.

And of course hell. How could a God do this? Well theres a place for evil buddy, and it definately doesn't belong up where God is. And i should also say, if you were all powerful, and someone didn't believe in you and tried with every might to prove you wrong, would you really want them to live in your house? Would you want to become pals with them? Anyways its either eternal damnation, or eternal bliss, depending on if you follow good morals or not. So heres the thing. So lets put it in terms of life. Either your gonna go to jail for being bad, or your going to live outside of jail... Its simple as that. Does someone mighty and powerful wanna sit next to someone whos killed a bunch of people. Probably not.

And next time, dont pick sum biased pr'ck that looks like a wanna be maralyn manson on youtube to give your source, please.... Biased articles are lame... especially this one so poorly done.. I could probably also take parts of sentences out of everyones books to make them sound bad too... =/

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