ForumsWEPR[redirected]If God created all things

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210 posts

Here is something to get the brain going. It's been said that God created ALL things. Also it's been said that God is 100 precent pure/good. So God created man and it was said that because of man's sinful actions bad/evil things were created. But if God created ALL things then God created bad/evil things, not man. So by God creating bad/evil things this does not make him 100 precent pure/good.

  • 1,849 Replies
374 posts

If God created all things, he would know what would happen to everything and including the future. Look at it this way, we created god, as an image of the ever-knowing and pure "God" that looks over everything. And therefore by creating God, assuming he's not real (which is what I think) we have something to depend on. The responsibility is taken off our shoulders.

Let me put this into a paragraph: This is what I think:

People back in the medieval ages and before had questioned their existence. Why are we here? Is there a meaning? Then they lead to the idea of a God, especially Jesus the son of God. Because they couldn't think of another reason why they're on earth, they use God as an excuse. God created us. And the Bible allows them to be free of the responsibility; of work, reasoning, personality. It also gives leaders and the people a certain 'guideline' of how to behave. Such as being kind, because committing sins are bad and so on... And the religion feeds on the instinct; that everyone wants to be part of the big 'roject' or life and the fear of the afterlife. Other reasons are because of the unanswerable question of 'what is the meaning of life and why we exist', people don't like the idea of not knowing what the answer is, so they use God as a reason. This frees them of the burden of trying to discover the meaning of their existence and gives them a set of rules to follow in life, making it easier.

And also the bible is basically a book of law telling people how they should behave and the penalty for not behaving is an eternity of damnation.

374 posts

Um my last word in my above response was censored :S its suppose to be "dam" and then "nation"

78 posts

EvilGinger: That's the thing, God isn't a person. He's a thing. An entity. We just call Him "Him" because that's the closest thing that our minds can fathom him to be.
Touche. May I inquire as to why God is portrayed as a humanoid figure in most religous texts?

Well what do you think we'd portray him as? A blob of light? A dog? A slice of baloney from the planet of zurcharo?
78 posts

Not until you admit that God isn't real.

I actually almost laughed at this one. That's like me saying, "Not until you admit that God is real." Think about. Are you ever going to do that? Am I ever going to do that? Religion is something debating and arguing NEVER solves. In fact, I do believe that what you believe is based on your past and background, not who beat you in an online argument.
Sorry for the double post.
9,462 posts

Well what do you think we'd portray him as? A blob of light? A dog? A slice of baloney from the planet of zurcharo?

The holy toast of course.

Anyway getting back here if God created all things, why did he create viruses, parasites, and harmful bacteria?
1,903 posts

This video addresses that, though I have no idea how I found it in the first place.

374 posts


Very well spoken. I'd like the religious side to try to respond to that one

Well what do you think we'd portray him as? A blob of light? A dog? A slice of baloney from the planet of zurcharo?

The blob of light sounds reasonable. And remember, Ancient Greeks potrayed their numerous Gods as animals.

Are you ever going to do that? Am I ever going to do that?

If religion ever becomes scientifically based, then it would become a considerable possibility.

Religion is something debating and arguing NEVER solves

Please feel free to explain what you mean by "solves".

While we may not be able to entirely convince you that religion is fallable, at the bare minimum we want you to actually begin to question religion from an intellectual, logical, and unbiased standpoint.
909 posts

Touche. May I inquire as to why God is portrayed as a humanoid figure in most religous texts?

In Genesis, it says that, "God walked with Adam in the garden." The way I interpret that is that early followers of God described Him in a human way and gave Him human-like qualities so that He could physically walk.

Moses asked God if he could see His glory? "God said you may see the back of me..."

Really what is it with the Bible? Knowledge is a sin, wanting proof instead of just blindly believing is looked down upon and even at times required that you don't ask for it first. It's almost like this God doesn't want us to develop and grow in any way.

To my knowledge of what the Bible says, (and I certainly don't know it all), in regards to knowledge, God didn't want Adam and Eve to eat of the tree of 'good and evil', lest you shall surely die...

What this tells me is that the tree wasn't the problem, disobeying God's command is what got Adam and Eve kicked out of Eden.
The word die could mean separation from the Father. Because the word death could mean sleep that we don't wake up from or a spiritual death.

Everyone sounds as if they think God is human, God is Spirit.

And the religion feeds on the instinct; that everyone wants to be part of the big 'roject' or life and the fear of the afterlife. Other reasons are because of the unanswerable question of 'what is the meaning of life and why we exist', people don't like the idea of not knowing what the answer is, so they use God as a reason. This frees them of the burden of trying to discover the meaning of their existence and gives them a set of rules to follow in life, making it easier.

Jesus, in the New Testament, warns of religion and religious zealots. Telling His disciples not to act like them, and telling us, as believers, how to pray: "Our Father, which art in heaven..." in our closets, not openly, outside like the heathen do. In other words, we're not to show off. Other's will know us,(believers) because they see Jesus living in us, by how we act and what we say.

Anyway getting back here if God created all things, why did he create viruses, parasites, and harmful bacteria?

I asked my mom a similar question when I was, I think 7-8. I asked her, "why did God make flies, I hate flies!" "They can't be good for anything!"
She said that we may not understand why God made flies and insects but He did make all of the those things and flies do serve a purpose, that I later learned was to remove flesh from dead creatures.

Parasites, of the 'social' type teach us who not to hang around with in an intimate way. The type of 'rat flea' that experts say led to the black plague teach us how to improve our living and working conditions by practicing better hygiene and sanitary waste management.

Viruses and harmful bacteria, provide humans with the knowledge of how different species interact with one another, helping us to better fight new emerging strains of influenza. One day we'll learn what causes cells to become cancerous so we can detect it sooner, or avoid it all together.

I also believe that God made us to be curious. The Bible does say that," we are to test the spirits."

If all of us were of perfect health we wouldn't need each other that much, apart from social interaction.
9,462 posts

This video addresses that, though I have no idea how I found it in the first place.

That video is what got me thinking about it in the first place.

Parasites, of the 'social' type teach us who not to hang around with in an intimate way. The type of 'rat flea' that experts say led to the black plague teach us how to improve our living and working conditions by practicing better hygiene and sanitary waste management.

This is completely ridiculous. Teaches us who to be intimate with? WAH!? If we didn't have these things there would be no need for what we regard as proper hygiene.
This is like someone punching you in the face and saying there only doing it to teach you to block there punches. If they didn't punch you in the face to begin with you wouldn't need to.

Viruses and harmful bacteria, provide humans with the knowledge of how different species interact with one another, helping us to better fight new emerging strains of influenza.

Again if the didn't exist we wouldn't need to learn how to combat them.

One day we'll learn what causes cells to become cancerous so we can detect it sooner, or avoid it all together.

Not always related to the above so cancer could still accrue and without such things as viruses and the like we could focus our attention and resources in better research for this and other problems.

I also believe that God made us to be curious. The Bible does say that," we are to test the spirits."

If there is a God ever consider the Bible may just be the test? We have the ability to reason following thus we go against this "God given" ability by following something so clearly flawed. Even from amoral perspective test who will follow a clearly blood thirsty tyrant of a being (God of the Bible) and who won't.

If all of us were of perfect health we wouldn't need each other that much, apart from social interaction.

And the problem here is? We would still need each other for many other things beyond that of the problems viruses, parasites, and harmful bacteria bring.
374 posts

The way I interpret that is that early followers of God described Him in a human way and gave Him human-like qualities so that He could physically walk.

Judgement call: Is God a human or a spirit? According to this block of text, God, as described by religion, is either a human, or can magically transform (whoooo) from a spirit into a human. However, you also addressed in your comment that God is actually a spirit.

Parasites, of the 'social' type teach us who not to hang around with in an intimate way. The type of 'rat flea' that experts say led to the black plague teach us how to improve our living and working conditions by practicing better hygiene and sanitary waste management.

What Mage said ^-^

One day we'll learn what causes cells to become cancerous so we can detect it sooner, or avoid it all together.

We actually already have a pretty good understanding of the basis of cancer. There are actually multiple ways to detect cancer, I think, but they aren't fully developed, or something.

If all of us were of perfect health we wouldn't need each other that much, apart from social interaction.

And why is this bad? Why must humans rely on each other?
374 posts

Very well spoken. I'd like the religious side to try to respond to that one

Why thank you haha

The problem is you could read/interpret the bible in so many ways. Its like how English teachers read books too deeply than the authors did. Once you have a mysterious and influencing book, its easy to think about it in wrong and different ways. It could just be a collection of fictional stories or a real account of lives, which I don't think is right.
374 posts

The problem is you could read/interpret the bible in so many ways. Its like how English teachers read books too deeply than the authors did. Once you have a mysterious and influencing book, its easy to think about it in wrong and different ways. It could just be a collection of fictional stories or a real account of lives, which I don't think is right.

Agreed. Religious debaters move the goalpost around a lot.

I desperately need to sleep now ^-^
10 posts

people who believe ( i don't)
just believe and if you ask this, the'll probley say:
Yes but those don't listen to god, and will go to hell.
( thats just nonsens.)
but if you want to believe that, go ahead.
believe what you want, i'm ok with it, only if you'r not trying to make other people believe!
oohh i got chips on them.!
or when you come in a church whole sad and down because a familiy member died, they come to you and say: hey, want to donate?.
ohh i can kill them on such moments, it's coming really respectless to you.
i can't believe they thinkg that's normal for them.

but maybe it is.

still, i hate people who try to make you believe what you don't want.
you believe what you believe, thats it!

Fabio Wertpopetje

4,871 posts

people who believe ( i don't)
just believe and if you ask this, the'll probley say:
Yes but those don't listen to god, and will go to hell.
( thats just nonsens.)
but if you want to believe that, go ahead.
believe what you want, i'm ok with it, only if you'r not trying to make other people believe!
oohh i got chips on them.!
or when you come in a church whole sad and down because a familiy member died, they come to you and say: hey, want to donate?.
ohh i can kill them on such moments, it's coming really respectless to you.
i can't believe they thinkg that's normal for them.

but maybe it is.

still, i hate people who try to make you believe what you don't want.
you believe what you believe, thats it!

Honestly, could you even possibly generalize any more than you just did?

Until you get your facts and ideas strait it's going to be impossible to argue with you so I wont even try.
210 posts

I think wertpopetje is trying to say that he does not hate Christians but hates the ones that say turn or burn.

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