I ran into someone on the internet who supports Anarchy. They believe in it like it's a religion, as in, if you don't support it, then no matter what logic you use, you are wrong. Anyway, they find that the American government is flawed, and therefore should be eradicated. I explained that government is good. They probably jumped to the conclusion that I was talking about The Government rather than government in general. I find that there's A LOT of problems with the American government. In fact, I complain about it all the time. However, to think that the government should seize to exist, is absolutely absurd!
It is common in many situations for people to believe total eradication to be the answer to any given problem. Alcohol caused problems in the past. The answer? Prohibition. Obviously it didn't work. The war on drugs. With zero tolerance for marijuana, is any good actually being done? I say this in the most matter-of-fact way possible, no. I hear about extremists all the time, and I have never met a single extremist who was open minded or one that seemed to speak a lick of sense.
Rather than eradicating something that is flawed, one should think about the conclusions behind such ridiculous actions. Far too often do people jump to extreme measures for their answers when the only thing needed is some tweaking here and there.
True, and I believe that maney of the thigs outsiders don't understand or things that don't use logic are usualy beat into the person,sometimes by birth (case of maney riligions) sime times by the general public (part of the case of the Natzis)
The government doesn't need to be eradicated, it needs to be fixed. I think that calls for near-eradication, a completely reworked system of government made so that the government exists for the sole purpose of protecting the citizens freedom and health from being negatively impacted by others. It shouldn't be stopping people from hurting themselves, as long as it doesn't include hurting others. Do all the meth you want. You know why? Because its a synthesized chemical. Heroin and cocaine, however, I don't think should be legalized until slavery and child labor are no longer a part of the business, as ones heroin use calls for the slavery of innumerable captured children.
The government already exists to protect citizens and to help maintain a higher average rate of living. I'm not even going to ask what your logic is behind meth, heroin, and cocaine. It's all idiotic at best. People on meth, heroin, and cocaine have little control over their actions and the drugs are highly addicting. Not to mention that these drugs can harm other people through direct use and through the people using the drugs.
Ahem, he's a Neo-Nazi. There's a whole network of them on YouTube.
He supports anarchy because he is non-conformist and has no idea what he's talking about. There are some people like that who just want to go against the system because they're rebels like that.
None of this is a surprise to me. I bet that someday Hitler will rise again, because trust me, we haven't seen the last of the Nazis.
I ran into someone on the internet who supports Anarchy. They believe in it like it's a religion, as in, if you don't support it, then no matter what logic you use, you are wrong. Anyway, they find that the American government is flawed, and therefore should be eradicated. I explained that government is good. They probably jumped to the conclusion that I was talking about The Government rather than government in general. I find that there's A LOT of problems with the American government. In fact, I complain about it all the time. However, to think that the government should seize to exist, is absolutely absurd!
Humans are naturally made to have to live in a society, or government, because of their nature and their intelligence. I hope your friend knows what anarchy is. Anarchy = no laws. Doing whatever you wanted. There are some bad people out there, and them living in that kind of society means that they could molest, murder, steal, battery, + [insert standardized illegality here] and get away with it. Anarchy basically means "someone wronged you, fix it yourself" in my mind. How is that the correct way to live in a world like this again?
Why not just let Natural Selection do its job, this however is where the problem arises because our govt. (US) hands out welfare checks as if they're worth thing...this then increases govt. spending, decreases peoples will to work and some how manages to make people think turning into bums is okay. Therefore not only are we justifying but enabling the survival of the weak. Disability I can understand however short of having all four limbs cut off there is always something you can do. Hell, I recently heard about a girl who was born with no arms and overcame that obstacle and now actually has a pilot's license. I'm not saying to kill them, but let nature take its course, if you cannot support your self then your are a burden upon society, this is only for those whose minds are still capable of functioning normally. Those whose mental abilities are highly retarded shouldn't be in this group as most of the time, they were born with their condition or it came with old age.
Why not just let Natural Selection do its job, this however is where the problem arises because our govt. (US) hands out welfare checks as if they're worth thing...this then increases govt. spending,
I'm assuming you are talking about a way the government can be fixed rather than abolishing it all together. That would cause quite a few problems. If the government stops taking care of the people, the people do even less to help the government.
Note: my definition of anarchy may have been part of the definition of anarcho-capitalism
I'm pretty sure the general definition of anarchy/anarchism is "lawlessness". It's in my government textbook! We haven't gotten to branched-off forms of government though, if Anarcho-Capitalism involves combining two different types.