obama's projected deficit to be 3.83 trillion at the end of 2010
Bush (with hurricane katrina and fueling a war) - around 600 bilion
Projection doesn't mean it will be exactly that much, but to think that Bush got so bashed for spending and then Obama plans to have 2, TWO, trillion dollars more of deficit in A, 1, ONE, year and no one is saying anything?
We shall also freeze like 25 billion dollars... then spend another trillion
2011 is the year of fiscal savings!
*2011 comes*
2012 is the year of fiscal savings!
only the lowest approval rating of any president so far in the first year, he must be great!
only lost a 60 year democratic seat in massachu to a republican, democrats must be succeeding!
Bush was historically the worst president this country has ever had, he started 2 wars that did not need to be started using propaganda (which our country prides ourselves in). He actually mimicked Tom Clancy's "Red Storm Rising". The only difference between the two is that we didn't crash the plane into our own Trade Center. Besides, who cares how much money goes into deficit anyway? We'll still be collecting loans from other countries, and the majority of our products are still going to be made in China.
Besides, who cares how much money goes into deficit anyway?
Because if our economy is ever to falter, and we aren't seen as profit/worth the investment -- we are screwed.
Also, I'm with Moe here. Bush boomed us like 5 Trillion, 600 Billion would be near death impossible because I remember senate passing 200 Billion dollar things out quite frequently as it is.
Also, I'm sure nobody expected for us all to love Obama. Nobody will. Obama is not a titan that can fix all problems, he came into office with a load of junk around him. Whoever is expecting for everything to fix, your -retarded-. Its going to take time and a few more good presidencies before we see anything worthwhile to turn it all around.
Whoa man you better watch your choice of words, Sarah Palin might call you up and tell you to resign from your job!
Watch Dane Cook much? Lol. But Kirby I agree with you 100% If it wasn't for all the stupid media-aka bloodsucking parasites-coming up with senseless crap, this country would be better off. Besides, why don't all you complainers see if you could do a better job. Didn't think so. If I had to control all the crap hes trying to get done, I'd have a psyhcologic breakdown....or get really fat.
so many people blame him for everything that happens, because he is in charge, i think we need to see what he can do in 4yrs, not 1, do you know how hard it is to pass a bill to help people if the opsing party will disagree with whatever you say in order to support their own party instead of the peole of the USA?
Read a poll one in a while you ignorant SOB. Republicans want reform, we just do not want nationalization. Don't be an idiot when you control the house and senate and have to bribe your own members to sign your bills you have problems. They could have passed this legislation without the consent of a SINGLE Republican and had it on the President's desk to be signed. They waited and now they are fucked.
Bush increased the national debt by about 5 trillion.
Just saw this. How many fucking times do I fucking have to post my fucking debt chart damn it. Other people are even using it and you still can't see it. Damn get your eyes fucking checked.
Federal Debt: $5 T Public Debt: $7 T National Debt: 12 T
The public debt is all that the people owe for their houses, cars, credit cards, student loans, land, farm equipment, taxes, and whatever else they owe money on. The GOVERNMENT doesn't owe a dime of that.
The only things I have heard Republicans claiming to want are the policies that brought us to this economic crisis in the first place.
Thank you Moe, because that's all I really see. The republicans have been complaining forever how they want bipartisanship in the senate so they can "get things done" Then Obama had his State of the Union adress that I thought was pretty good, really packed a punch. I never knew you could make smack talk polite and political....Anyway he never stopped talking about how he wants to cast aside politics and have huge bipartisanship. Afterwards, the Republican senator stepped up at a press conference of the GOP, and complained how he was dissappointed that Obama did not adress at all about bipartisanship....Say what?! That goes to show you how screwed up the damn senate is.
How can anyone be judged so quickly after being installed as the president of the US?!
Ok, granted the fact that I'm from the Netherlands and I don't know all the ins and outs on this president and therefor this topic, I still think a little more time is in order to actually be able to call Obama a bad president or not...
Just let the man continue with his presidentcy and judge him after a good amount of time, say a year... Then you can really base a proper judgement on a range of things he did, or didn't do...
great reasons guys. i also think we should also pass a bill that lets civilians start impeachment. seriously, this is supposed to be equal government...