Shall we compare our IQs to see who is uneducated???
IQ isnt a measure of everything balerion... I know you have very valid points and they are very good.
but you have to remember some of these people are like 14 and have yet to understand that the people dont vote for the president. but an electoral college does. (sometimes you can win popular vote and still lose **cough** al gore **cough**)
I never blamed Bush fully
the thing is... it is Bush's fault technically spending over half our reserve to fight a war on foreign turf, spending more money on "terror", and spending more money on the republican fiscal expansion agenda.
Without realizing the terrorists have already caused what they wanted to do. Instill fear and cause us to spend a butt load of cash on useless stuff. Who said we needed bomb sniffing chairs? or some other weird stuff.
Actually children and teens often have much higher IQs than adults as age is the deciding factor in it
ah figured as much.
Anyway I personally dont believe IQ is a tremendous factor in "being smart" as I've seen people with upwards of 150 IQ score 3.4 GPAs while people with lower IQs get 4.0s GPA (all non weighted) IQ just allows you to retain info and dictates ability to learn/ grasp stuff easier. Being hard working allows people to make up for the IQ deficiency.
Data from 2006 lists 21: Albania, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, South Korea, and the United Kingdom.
That is down from the previous 33 countries involved.
Dems own the House and the Senate and there is nothing Reps can do to stop them from passing their agenda. It just doesn't keep us from trying.
They did, but Republicans hold up the vote by talking non-stop. Now that Democrats have only 59% it is going to be impossible to pass anything even vaguely helpful.
I would also like to point out that some of the things Obama is trying pass are Republican ideas, yet Republicans still fight them simply because they are against Obama.
You do not understand parlimentary proceedure. A Republican Senator cannot hold the floor unless it is yielded to him. Thus the Dems could simply keep the Reps from EVER talking. There are two ways to pass it still. House signs the Senate bill and ships it to BO. Reconciliatrion, a VERY lenghly process that only requires a bare majority of 51 votes.
No one can hold the floor without the express permission of the president pro tem, however said person is allowed to hold the floor until he yields to another.
I belive that no matter how much you hate Obama you have to respect him for being the president. That alone requires a certain amout of respect. I like him. Just so you know.
Just so you know making a direct threat to the President of the United States like that is actually just broke a law.
I belive that no matter how much you hate Obama you have to respect him for being the president. That alone requires a certain amout of respect.
I'm glad that somebody else agrees on me on that. He still should be given respect for being presiden,t just like everybody else deserves some degree of respect. Not meaning to bring this up, but it was immensly disrepectful when that republican senator(forgot his name) shouted "You lie!" at President Obama. I know this was an outcry for the americans who do not suport Obama or how he is governing the country, but it does not justify disrespecting President Obama, but most importantly, the presidency itself. All I'm saying is, you have every right to have your views upon the president and his doings, but you must respect the presidency, no matter who is in it.
Random but: You never hear about Joe Biden anymore. Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Code Pink, but Joe? No!
Anyways, I do respect Obama. He is the president, and thats thats. I disagree with his ideas and views, but as I have never met him before, I feel that I'm in no position to judge him.
And the current health care plan is a waste on most americans, I think. Most people I know have healthcare, and are perfectly happy with it. Yes, there are some flaws, but theres not that many and it certainly doesnt justify spending a few trillion dollars of borrowed money to fix the problems of a few to heap more on the rest. I've heard it compared to getting a splinter in your thumb and chopping the hand off to resolve it.
If I could rewrite the bill, it would be based more on those who:
a) have a current job, and the job does not currently provide a healthcare package.
b) had health care, and were laid off (due to the recession, etc), thus losing the healthcare
c) MUST be legal citizens of the US, and all its teritories. AKA, no illegal immigrants, border hoppers, Terminal Junkies, etc.
d) limited package to those with out a highschool degree. You wouldnt miss out on coverage, just you would have a state/gov doctor employed by the government.
e) would have the public option, and Government Healthcare would not be mandatory, nor would it replace your current healthcare plan. (for those who are satified with there current healthcare plan)
f) would have a this-that option, allowing people to have smaller packages that contain only the parts they need (dental, etc) if there current healthcare provider is missing out, and only if they are unable to get a better provider.
I could go on longer, but I dont want to make this a wall of text...
Actually, it's majority rules with minority rights. That means that although the minority has to give in to the majority rules, the majority can't deny the minority any rights, so the majority can't deny the freedom of speech cause that is unconstitutional.. unless there is a clear and present danger, where the person(s) words can cause danger such as riots or whatnot, then the right is stripped from them
Wrong. If the president pro tem deigns not to allow a senator to have the floor he cannot speak unless he breaks proper parlimentary proceedure which of course they take VERY seriously.