At any given moment, the average person is using about 10% of their brain. However, each section of the brain is in charge of different things, meaning when you stop waving your arm and stop walking, your using a different area of the brain. So when a full day has passed, most people have used most of their brain.
It's safe to say that the people who believe humans are not capable of using 90% of their brain, are in fact, the only ones who use 10% of their total brain throughout the day.
We use 100% of our brain. Gonna tell you this right now. We use 50% of it just for moving one side of our body. You're probably thinking the fact that we use 10% of our brain for IDLE THOUGHTS, but that is it. So yeah, going to end this debate with a fun fact. We use our back of our brain for school work, whether it is for studying, or for using it for memory, and our frontal brain is reserved for emotions, for chatting. Right now, you are using your frontals for interpreting how you feel about my comment, whether it is a piece of crap, or something good And your back of the brain for remembering how to read English and how to use the grammar and sentence structure to combine letters together to read it.
Yes I looked it up and it is a myth. It would be a cool concept though to think that everything we did used only 10% of the brain and that by activating the other 90% could give you psychic abilities or something. Of course, for a retarded person activating that 90% would just make them normal.
Of course, for a retarded person activating that 90% would just make them normal.
Well, I know what you're trying to get at, but let's not look at it from that perspective shall we? XD
Really, the only part of the brain that regulates intelligence is the cerebrum, AKA the largest part of our brain. the rest just do what it and the medulla oblongata tell them to. Those with refined genes would have a finely-tuned cerebrum, one that bestows high intelligence ratings on the person, and the opposite from there. Not saying like those with low IQs have a shabby cerebrum per say, but ones that aren't reflexive and as active as others.
If we did activate the other 90% we would die. It would be to much for the brain to work for.But if we didn't die i am pretty sure you wouldn't be what we say normal.
First of all, that 10% issue is a myth, and a poor one at that. Second of all, we use 10% of our brain for idle thoughts alone. Much more strenuous tasks requires more usage of the brain.
This only tells me that humans don't use 90% of our brains at one time. Of course that's correct! 10% of our brain is used at once, this much is true, yet 90% of it is working at different periods of time. It is like a computer, how many switches are turned on and off rapidly and repeatedly, non-stop, and more is used with different tasks.
This is from reading, paired with word comprehension. Many different areas of the brain are being used, as you can see. The brighter colors are being used less, while the heavier colors are being used more, red as an example.
Your right, I have no clue. Because I don't pay attention to stupid shit comments used to make fun of peoples opinions. You can blow it out your ass for all I care.