Also, freakenstein, what's MO? The thing about medical acronyms is that most of them double for something else. Like modus operandi. (My favourite is SOB, for shortness of breath.)
medulla oblongata I think thats MO, anyways I am trying not to argue biology as much as at which point does the mind it self that is the personality and whatever other characteristics are formed to create an individual, Supposedly many of the brains functions are based on certain connections to the senses and thats why certain parts of the brain control certain aspects of the body but I am no doctor,there are neural links to artificial machines such as an artificial ear have been linked to the brain and the brain adapted to the input from the machine... Anyways the whole thing is NO senses that exist therefore NO knowledge to become part of the mind, and I am sure to date there is no living person without any senses...Strop do you know that even before birth a fetus can sense things such as sound, I think this has been argued as why a baby knows its own mother but who can remember everything, I can't...
Do you spell check your posts because HOW DOES ANYONE spell all those big long confusing words?
I never use spellcheck. I know I make a typo every few thousand words, but cbf. Funny story, the last time I typo'd was during a fight with a troll. I was dissing said troll over his lack of spelling and grammar >_<
Supposedly many of the brains functions are based on certain connections to the senses
Yes, the basic functional model of the brain's systems is divided into a primary, secondary and tertiary cortices. To put it really (too) simply, the primary is the "input" i.e. the basic information from the environment e.g. air vibrations. Secondary is where it's processed i.e. where the air vibrations become "sound" and tertiary is where it's mixed up and interpreted (i.e. "OMG WHAT WAS THAT BANG JUST NOW!?". As to how much mixing goes on at the secondary level is debatable.
I am sure to date there is no living person without any senses
This is also true, AFAIK. There is the theoretical entity in knowledge and consciousness debates known as the philosophical zombie, but practically speaking I'm pretty sure any being without any senses probably wouldn't survive very long!
Strop do you know that even before birth a fetus can sense things such as sound
The development of the basic layout of a baby's nervous system should start at about 12 weeks gestation and be complete by approximately 26 (birth being due at 40).
Yes, the basic functional model of the brain's systems is divided into a primary, secondary and tertiary cortices. To put it really (too) simply, the primary is the "input" i.e. the basic information from the environment e.g. air vibrations. Secondary is where it's processed i.e. where the air vibrations become "sound" and tertiary is where it's mixed up and interpreted (i.e. "OMG WHAT WAS THAT BANG JUST NOW!?". As to how much mixing goes on at the secondary level is debatable.
So the brain is more of an adaptive organ according to this. If we were to be on a different planet with different air vibrations would this have negative affects on the functioning of the brain?
Do you spell check your posts because HOW DOES ANYONE spell all those big long confusing words?
Classes such as human anatomy and organic chemistry uses such medical words and terminologies. We just get used to these sorts of things. Also, most of them consist of prefixes and suffixes that stand for a word, such as Bio = life, and logy = study of. Biology must then equal 'the study of life'. That sort of thing.
Anyways the whole thing is NO senses that exist therefore NO knowledge to become part of the mind
no senses...? At all? I can't even comprehend that... you'd just be a lump on the couch then! I mean, you would have a high degree of intelligence but no knowledge or experiences to nurture it... that would suck terribly.
Also, freakenstein, what's MO? The thing about medical acronyms is that most of them double for something else. Like modus operandi. (My favourite is SOB, for shortness of breath.)
That there's the medulla oblongata, 'the little brain'. Didn't I put it in parentheses? I thought I did anyway.... huh.
Trying to actually push forward into a sustainable topic, what if...fortifying your intelligence was a reality? I mean, we do have foods and medications to help nurture brain development during the growth years, but I mean to actually significantly boost your intelligence by means of surgery! How much of a breakthrough could that be? Like in Flowers for Algernon, where a man with an IQ of 68 undergone surgery and increased his IQ by 3 fold in just over 2-3 months. That would be crazy. What if the same could be applied to the average man? The already intelligent? So many wonders about this that could be so helpful...
I mean to actually significantly boost your intelligence by means of surgery!
And Dr. Freakenstein, how do your propose we go about with this procedure?
This would be amazing, but think of Flowers for Algernon. Charlie suffered from fissures of amnesia and a mental regression after sustaining his intelligence for only a couple of months. It suggests that not only is artificially increased intelligence highly improbable but also highly volatile and unstable.
If we were to be on a different planet with different air vibrations would this have negative affects on the functioning of the brain?
Wow, how do I answer this...
The human body has self-evidently adapted to function on Earth, so in general, any environmental change would obviously result in an alteration of function. The brain is said to be plastic in function meaning that you can learn stuff but if you don't use a function, you'll also lose it. To be a little more technical about it, "lose it" here means atrophy of relevant neurons in the associated network and the degeration and rerouting of their connections to other areas which remain in use.
or you can have an extra set of robotic arms for those nights you have to cram for that exam lolz
I wish I could literally cram information into my head. Then instead of going crazy before exams I could just be all OM NOM NOM ftw.
but I mean to actually significantly boost your intelligence by means of surgery!
This sounds like a nifty concept but in reality, eh. I think the most relevant study in this regard right now would be on savantism.
Classes such as human anatomy and organic chemistry uses such medical words and terminologies. We just get used to these sorts of things. Also, most of them consist of prefixes and suffixes that stand for a word, such as Bio = life, and logy = study of. Biology must then equal 'the study of life'. That sort of thing.
So its basically confuse us simple minded people into something like your more intelligent because you have a better vocabulary at hand...Opens electronic dictionary OO look pretty words....lack of communication= complex and ridiculous Jargon based on a field we average people don't look at... all things we create are based on rules which we some how have derived from a chaotic state we call nature to become educated we stare at these rules until the mind says o wait thats what it is...and I though I was looking at a drug...wait isn't any hormone a drug? the whole body works on drugs...usually an protein created by DNA...dunno how intelligence which really cannot be measured by standards we set exist in such a concoction of molecule, atoms, subatomic particle, energies and chaotic structures we have no idea how they work because we are place in an environment so isolated we can just understand a minute amount about anything...
Technically speaking, would you say there is a chance that by suggesting a human brain to different environmental conditions that we could alter it? Possibly give it psychic powers like telekinesis or telepathy?
Well I think telepathy could be possible in a sense if we hooked up a wireless transmitter to you mind then a receiver to others and the brain adapted to it well it possible just who will want to fund such a project....if you knew everything anyone knew why would we want to argue anything.