well if any of u r familiar with the law of conservation and mass, then u know that it states that matter cannot be created from nothing, or completely destroyed. so evolutionists say this, then turn around and say the big bang created the universe as we know it. WTF!!?!?!?!the universe went from non existent to existent in a fraction of a nanosecond! and where did the bigbang come from? nothing? nope, because if the law of conservation and mass is true, then the bigbang isnt. simple...
Let me set this straight. You cannot believe in both God and Big Bang, because if you believe in God, you believe in the bible, and if you believe in the bible, you believe that God created the Heavens and the Earth. I'm tired of people saying that they believe in both, because the two disprove their selves. I believe in God, and about a hundred years ago everyone believed in God (Well, a lot of them did.) We are in a new society, where everything has to be new or changed. We are so far from our moral beliefs, that we had to go and come up with a theory so unbelievable just to show people that we are in a new age. God has always been here, nothing created him. He is everliving. If you want to believe in the foolish nonsense that the scientists tell you, then go ahead. But let me tell you this: I sure will pray for you, because when Judgment Day comes, you will be sorry you ever believed in that load of crap.
Thought you guys might appreciate the story of a NASA scientists replying to a little boy aged 10 at Christmas. The question "does santa exist" was asked. This is the "dumbed down" version of the reply from NASA one of my chemistry mates e-mailed me (bear in mind the little boy was aged around 10).
We have calculated using basic physics and inferences from related scientific fields that based on the number of children in the world; the required speed to reach all their homes in one night; estimated weight of santa, reindeer and presents that within around 0.135 seconds of taking off santa would have consumed within a white hot flame and thus believe that if he did he now does not.
You cannot believe in both God and Big Bang, because if you believe in God, you believe in the bible, and if you believe in the bible, you believe that God created the Heavens and the Earth. I'm tired of people saying that they believe in both, because the two disprove their selves.
How do the two conflict? The Bible never says what mechanism God used to create the universe. That is where science takes the reins of our knowledge past religion. We will never figure out how God did what he did, but the fact remains that this is our best theory. Tell me exactly, in the plainest words possible, how the two conflict.
If you want to believe in the foolish nonsense that the scientists tell you, then go ahead. But let me tell you this: I sure will pray for you, because when Judgment Day comes, you will be sorry you ever believed in that load of crap.
"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven."
How do the two conflict? The Bible never says what mechanism God used to create the universe. That is where science takes the reins of our knowledge past religion. We will never figure out how God did what he did, but the fact remains that this is our best theory. Tell me exactly, in the plainest words possible, how the two conflict.
In the Bible, it says he created it with his words!
What's that? This is the first time Google failed me.
The temperature of the CMB is essentially the same everywhere5â"in all directions (to a precision of 1 part in 100,000).6 However (according to big bang theorists), in the early universe, the temperature of the CMB7 would have been very different at different places in space due to the random nature of the initial conditions. These different regions could come to the same temperature if they were in close contact. More distant regions would come to equilibrium by exchanging radiation (i.e. light8). The radiation would carry energy from warmer regions to cooler ones until they had the same temperature. Figure 1 & 2 (1) Early in the alleged big bang, points A and B start out with different temperatures. (2) Today, points A and B have the same temperature, yet there has not been enough time for them to exchange light.
The problem is this: even assuming the big bang timescale, there has not been enough time for light to travel between widely separated regions of space. So, how can the different regions of the current CMB have such precisely uniform temperatures if they have never communicated with each other?9 This is a light-travelâ"time problem.10
The big bang model assumes that the universe is many billions of years old. While this timescale is sufficient for light to travel from distant galaxies to earth, it does not provide enough time for light to travel from one side of the visible universe to the other. At the time the light was emitted, supposedly 300,000 years after the big bang, space already had a uniform temperature over a range at least ten times larger than the distance that light could have travelled (called the âhorizonâ)11 So, how can these regions look the same, i.e. have the same temperature? How can one side of the visible universe âknowâ about the other side if there has not been enough time for the information to be exchanged? This is called the âhorizon problemâ.12 Secular astronomers have proposed many possible solutions to it, but no satisfactory one has emerged to date (see Attempts to overcome the big bangâs âlight-travelâ"time problemâ below).
@Guys God and the big bang might work I'm not 100% sure but ya, however evolution and God DO NOT WORK. If God did not create us there's no way the bible could be true. Second something HAD to be a creator, something inteligent. Now whether it's something like the dark particles in Philip Pulmans works (The Golden Compass ect.) or God they can't prove but something HAD to create.
I believe in a God who is asleep. Get this. We are all just characters in a dream. It explains why God can just poof things into existence, but there is a natural order to things normally.
How do you know this is a dream? Do you remember being born? When you dream, do you remember how you got were you started? There is no death, just waking up, thus the after life :P
It's ok to realize when you are dreaming that nothing is real, why would it be so different?