Why can't god have made the big bang, and then went on to make the Earth and such like in the Bible.
Because there was only nothingness before the Big Bang. 1angelette went on to explain elaborately
you can't beat "God did it".
'God did it' is the resort of a weak debater who cannot find an answer to the question asked in his only reference, the Bible (Or Quo'ran, etc. in other cases.) God is like gravity, you can't disprove it but you can't prove it, of course, there is evidence backing up gravity, and no evidence backing up God.
This thread is confusing as it involves three topics. My theory on the universe is that it is static AND expanding. Instead of being finite or infinite (which goes on to another argument but I won't get into that,) my theory is that there is an infinite universe, but matter in it is finite. I'm having difficulty explaining it but I hope you get the idea, let me try to draw a small diagram to explain it:
Hope it comes out right, but my point is the universe is infinite, and not expanding, but the OU (observable universe - matter) is expanding. In the diagram the dots are infinite in all directions, they are the universe as a whole, the 0's are the observable universe, and they are expanding, with more 0s forming around the current ones.
The problem with the argument that the universe as a whole is expanding is that it is based only on red shift, which also has no definite proof. Red shift could be nothing more than the effect of gravity waves that promulgate faster than the speed of light, causing the galaxies to appear red shifted even though we are living in an inert universe. I believe the universe is not expanding, but the objects in the universe are drifting away from each other
The problem with a finite universe is that it would be unstable, wouldn't the attractive forces of gravity of all the objects in the universe collapse on themselves?
If two particles that are at a certain distance from one another, they impose no force on each other. Over a period of time, these particles, affected by the expansion of space, accelerate in opposite directions. It is reasonable to declare that space is expanding, but what I mean is that the universe will not grow. The distances between these two particles that are not held together by any external force will grow.
Another plausible theory is that the universe is infinite, and expanding, concurrently. For example, think of the infinite set of odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, etc.) Now insert the infinite set of even numbers into the odd set. The amount of numbers increase, but they remain infinite.
You can also use logic to disprove a finite and expanding universe - if something ends, something else must start. Another blow for the believers in a finite universe is the Hubble Constant, the rate of expansion in the universe. When the universe reaches critical density, it can stop expansion.
Um, no I believe God did it but not just because, theres science regarding it, theres no evidence that disproves it either.
Just because there's not evidence that disproves it? Do you happen to believe in UFOs, ghosts, flying ostriches, jumping elephants and big foot? There is evidence that goes against the belief of God, but not completely disproving it, but I have a headache right now and I won't get into that.
Oh, and what science are you talking about?
Cosmic Background Radiation.
How can a theist belief in the CBR? there is nothing outside the CBR, just nothingness. So God can't exist outside of the CBR, and if he exists inside it with us, he is bound by our laws, gravity, etc. So the CBR goes against God.
So you putting theories on top of theories to cover up flaws in that theory
What's wrong with adding to a theory? We are constantly learning new things that help add to our previous knowledge and there's nothing wrong with that.