well if any of u r familiar with the law of conservation and mass, then u know that it states that matter cannot be created from nothing, or completely destroyed. so evolutionists say this, then turn around and say the big bang created the universe as we know it. WTF!!?!?!?!the universe went from non existent to existent in a fraction of a nanosecond! and where did the bigbang come from? nothing? nope, because if the law of conservation and mass is true, then the bigbang isnt. simple...
I usually wrap God, fate, chance, and Karma all into one force/entity/thing. So, yeah the Big Bang happened, but God guided/suggested the events around and following it. If you were to roll a die and know all the physics (the table, the wind, the particles, the gravity, the spin, etc), it would still be impossible to tell what number it would land on... That, to me, is God :P
Although, to accept the Big Bang, first you have to accept that everything we see and know is real (something which is rather unprovable, but it would be unpractical to live by it/let it affect us). Then, you have to accept that God didn't create everything 2 seconds ago the way it looked then (which is also unprovable). Now, it would be easy to just be an atheist , but it just doesn't feel right. I also watched the really great movie Contact (it is not about God, it's about belief), and that pretty much sealed it for my belief in god
If you were to roll a die and know all the physics (the table, the wind, the particles, the gravity, the spin, etc), it would still be impossible to tell what number it would land on... That, to me, is God :P
Sometimes I see on TV people that play those dice games on cassinos. Some of them train to play the dices in a certain way that they have a higher chance (almost allways) to roll the number they need. That, to me, is math.
Now, it would be easy to just be a theist , but it just doesn't feel right
not really...he means "how did the Big Bang create rocks",
Then he should have said.
Ok Crouchbitefrom from what I know the general idea is that membranes in the 11th dimension caused the Big Bang. The lighter elements were created in this. Once the universe expanded enough the heat and pressure reduced so no more new elements. Once everything settled down pockets of dark matter started to appear. This caused imbalances in gravity leading to matter to clump together. These formed stars. The stuff that didn't get into the stars became stuff like proto-planetary disks and (surprisingly) became planets or dwarf-planets depending on how big they are and orbit etc. Once planets had formed the 3 processes I mentioned above eventually made rock as we know it.
have a look at some of the videos in the parallel universes thread wooters. The horizons one s graham provoded are great.
We live in a 3d world. Then we have time/duration as the 4d. Then 7 more after that these are just part of M theory and the string theories and are kinda complicated.
We can only observe 4 precent of the universe with our modern technology.
It is such a shame that. The Oort cloud ont he edge of out solar ststem barely 1 light year away is only hypothetical because we can't see it. Hubble can't even see it lol.
Your not the only one with those beliefs. Yours is actually one of the more popular ideas. However the "majority" think one or the other and haven't mixed them as you have done. Yo're not alone Devious.
Devious, Most educated (in apologetics) theists tend to think all 3 happened. With the most recent findings, it be kinda hard to not think that the Big Bang happened, in fact it'd be rather ignorant to deny it.