well if any of u r familiar with the law of conservation and mass, then u know that it states that matter cannot be created from nothing, or completely destroyed. so evolutionists say this, then turn around and say the big bang created the universe as we know it. WTF!!?!?!?!the universe went from non existent to existent in a fraction of a nanosecond! and where did the bigbang come from? nothing? nope, because if the law of conservation and mass is true, then the bigbang isnt. simple...
Yakooza99k, Kalam Cosmological Argument Moral Argument (morals can't exist w/o a God)
Look 'em up, if google fails than I guess i can explain it, but google should work wonders.
Then of course, theirs personal experience. I can't exactly argue that, but I certainly believe that I have experienced the intervention of God in my life.
My second arguement is that just because the bible says you're made by god, Why would you believe it?
That is not a valid argument against the Bible. It is just asking why someone believes what they believe. I believe I was created by Someone because it is next to impossible for me to have come about by chance.
Pixie214, Your describing two different world views. Deism would be the belief that A deity created us all, but afterwards left the picture. And Theism would be the belief that a Deity has created us and continues to act in our world. So Christians would believe the latter.
There is no god. our planet was not created by a superior being. if a god figure created us to be the dominate species us humans would not need things like the constant intake of oxygen and other unpleasant things like scat.
The "Big Bang" is a more logical explanation but probably not the begining of our planet.
Pixie214, No problem, I'd question the faith of that Christian person if he actually told you to F' off. XD
Xrunner, What if the God who created us wanted us to remain dependent on that which is beyond our control, to ensure that we remained humble enough not to believe ourselves better than he?
Whether it was God flipping a light switch, or out of the darkness a sudden bang created everything, the most important part is that we are here. I said earlier I believe in the big bang theory to be true, but that doesn't mean I rule out the existance of an all powerful all knowing God. Maybe God created us and the earth and the Heavens in six days and rested on the seventh, or it took hundreds of trillions of years to form all that we know and God was created by man to personify his power and authority over others. What I find more interesting is that in our time here on Earth we have found more way to destroy life than help to create it. With all the tecnologies we have created it is ironic that most of them are dsigned to destroy. That to me is the more important question.
What I find more interesting is that in our time here on Earth we have found more way to destroy life than help to create it.
On avergae 4 animals per year go extinct naturally. since humans about a few thousand per yea go extinct. (I can't emember the exact numbers but their close)
The "Big Bang" is a more logical explanation but probably not the begining of our planet.
About that one little thing - Why would u believe something else than the big bang if it's the most logical (to your knowledge) for you, go to the most logical and real, because really and Pixie, just because we were made doesn't mean we were made right, evolution is probably best thing, us, as a race are a bugger-up, because we broke off the animal tree, we developed alot more, how is beyond me, probably... Well I won't go into it, but you can if you like - But Evolution as far as my knowledge, and anyone else's that I know's knowledge, is the most real
Think about it can a Big bang seriosly make infinite space? Can it make different types of satars and planets and galaxys? Can it but planets into a rotation with gravity? Can it make plants and animals and even humanss where their isn't a single one that is exactly the same ? Th bigbang could only be a certain size of an explosion not neverending.
Once it started to expand their is nothing to stop it or slow it down except itself (which may happen someday and it could snap inon its self).
I'm not sure about the classification process of stars but I think it is temp (or size) Stars were formed from pockets of matter in space. So bigger pocket bigger star I suppose.
I'll have to look up the rotation one. I sippose wea re in orbit so gravity doesn't slam us into the sun. We are in that orbit as we formed from proto-planetary rings.
Why would there be ones the same. Variation is huge is nature. I think at one point human population was down to a few thousand. Now look at us. almost 7 billion and of all kinds of races.