well if any of u r familiar with the law of conservation and mass, then u know that it states that matter cannot be created from nothing, or completely destroyed. so evolutionists say this, then turn around and say the big bang created the universe as we know it. WTF!!?!?!?!the universe went from non existent to existent in a fraction of a nanosecond! and where did the bigbang come from? nothing? nope, because if the law of conservation and mass is true, then the bigbang isnt. simple...
I believe in God as the creator. Science says that Water Magically appeared on a planet cover in magma, then we came from Binomial soup, then water particles made fish, turned into a lizard, then monkey, then a primitive human, then man. Face the facts, science has no clear explanation to back up its THEORY. All science's definitions of creations are just theorys.
Oh man, I think this post killed a part of me. X.
Have you ever taken a Biology class? I really think most arguments against evolution would be squashed right out of a person if they took the time to actually learn and consider some biology and chemistry. I know after I took a bio course last year it firmly removed all doubt from my mind as to the idea of evolution. Believe it or not, nothing about evolution is based on "magic" I've seen with my own eyes, examining my own experiments that evolution is a realistic truth.
I can't expect the average person to know the level of Biology or Chemistry that I have taken, but I can't believe that people would believe in Creation instead of Evolution because they think it's "magic." Please look up some information before you post.
I dunno, something can't materialise from nothing, neither can God
Neither could the Big Bang under this logic. It is possible that we came to be without a creator, but it is also possible that there is a higher being. Whatever started everything didn't follow the law that something can't materialize from nothing. Otherwise it wouldn't have started everything.
Eternety is more than infinity. Infinity goes all the way forward, but eternety goes all the way forward and back. I think God existed for forever. And he always will. I belive that God made everything, and that there is no such thing as the big bang. They say that an atom exploded and made everything? I don't think so. I think God created every person on this planet. I think he made the sun, and this solar system, and made this planet specificly for us to live on. How could the big bang make humans? How could it make bugs and animals?
Eternety is more than infinity. Infinity goes all the way forward
But if infinity has always been going forward that mean that it also goes all the way back.
they say that an atom exploded and made everything? I don't think so.
If so please explain your reasoning and show proof. I mean if the nucleus of and atom was the size of a grain of rice the electrons would be like a mile away from the grain of rice. AND most of the universe doesnt even have Any mass to it at all its just nothing, empty.
How could the big bang make humans? How could it make bugs and animals?
The big bang didnt make humans it made the elements that make up the universe. And after billions of years the Earth formed out of these elements and then some time after that life happened. And then after millions of years humans happened.
Neither could the Big Bang under this logic. It is possible that we came to be without a creator, but it is also possible that there is a higher being. Whatever started everything didn't follow the law that something can't materialize from nothing. Otherwise it wouldn't have started everything.
Time is relative. Relative to space. In the Big Bang, all space was compressed to trillions of times smaller than this period:. Therefore, all time was different, as it was relative to the space that was the Big Bang. Therefore, time would be different. There would be no 'start' or 'end' as we know them. Therefore, the process of creation would be invalid. Therefore, the Big Bang would not have had to be created. -------------
Infinity goes all the way forward, but eternety goes all the way forward and back.
You got the definition wrong. Infinity is in both directions AND eternal, whereas eternity has a starting point, because it relates to time. -----------
They say that an atom exploded and made everything?
Your definition is wrong. Therefore, the rest of your post is rendered void because of a faulty definition.
me personally i believe in the big bang not god and for all the people who are like, how could everything be created ffom a little tiny ball. from what i know is the the "little tiny ball" was very dense and it eventually exploded sending particles everywhere. the as billions of years went by evoltution happened starting with a tiny bacteria eventually evolving into animals and plants
Let me ask a question for atheists. Do you believe that a higher being is impossible, or just too improbable to put faith in? From the sound of it, the Big Bang seems like a very unlikely event, and its principles couldn't have followed our logic (matter cannot create itself). There's a Premieval Atom thread somewhere that discusses this to a further extent. But a higher being may also exist outside our logic, right? Now then, belief in the Big Bang is the belief that we only have one life and that's it. In one way, you'll make your life count for more since you only have one. In another way, there's nothing to live up to but to eventually die like everyone else. So my question is, if you believe that a higher being is possible, if only slightly, what is the loss in believing in one (I understand the loss in following certain religions, but believing in a god at all, what is the loss there)? I don't mean this in a rude way, more of a curious way, because I want to understand the debate better.
@BigP: My argument explained pretty well why the Big Bang would not have to have been created to exist. ------- I'm an agnostic, and I say that it is possible for a higher power to exist, just not definite. I wouldn't even say improbable, because there isn't enough evidence to determine either way. ----------- There is actually a good deal of evidence pointing to the Big Bang.
Time is relative. Relative to space. In the Big Bang, all space was compressed to trillions of times smaller than this period:. Therefore, all time was different, as it was relative to the space that was the Big Bang. Therefore, time would be different. There would be no 'start' or 'end' as we know them. Therefore, the process of creation would be invalid. Therefore, the Big Bang would not have had to be created.
I know, I mean why does a higher being with no 'start' or 'end' need to abide by our own principles of science? I think I disucussed this with you elsewhere, Alt, more of a question for others, but feel free to respond as well.
Your definition is wrong. Therefore, the rest of your post is rendered void because of a faulty definition.