ForumsWEPR[necro]Creator? Big Bang? Or God??

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87 posts

well if any of u r familiar with the law of conservation and mass, then u know that it states that matter cannot be created from nothing, or completely destroyed. so evolutionists say this, then turn around and say the big bang created the universe as we know it. WTF!!?!?!?!the universe went from non existent to existent in a fraction of a nanosecond! and where did the bigbang come from? nothing? nope, because if the law of conservation and mass is true, then the bigbang isnt. simple...

  • 1,107 Replies
78 posts

Despite some of my christian posts on these forums, you would be surprised to hear that I believe in the big bang.

I have researched this theory, trying to disprove it while also to prove the existence of God. I have found nothing to disprove the Big Bang. Because of this, I believe that it is possible to still have a god due to the fact that this god could have created the big bang himself, compelling humans to turn toward science for their answers.

Of course, we will never fully understand how the universe was created, because that level of thinking is not capable for a human mind to comprehend. One day, hopefully, we might come to a point at which we can either prove or disprove Christianity and the big bang, but until then I remain both a loyal servant to god and science.

541 posts

I don't think that is it possible to believe int he big band and god. the way that scientist thin that the big band happened, contridits the way God said that the earth was created.

332 posts

Of course, we will never fully understand how the universe was created, because that level of thinking is not capable for a human mind to comprehend. One day, hopefully, we might come to a point at which we can either prove or disprove Christianity and the big bang, but until then I remain both a loyal servant to god and science.

We create theory's as to why we're created, but nothing can ever really be completely bulletproof. The problem with something coming from nothing occurs with the theory of God too, since thinking yourself into existence means that there had to be something to think...which there couldn't be if there were nothing. Pretty much what you said, but from this level of understanding and the way we think, we really can't exist. We do though, so despite the thought that existence should be impossible, there must be something out there that can explain it, we just haven't discovered it or comprehended it yet. Theory's change and evolve as new evidence is discovered, so maybe one day there will be a theory that's partly correct, if we ever evolve to that level of thinking.

16,587 posts

i think its god

260 posts

i think its god

but if it was god then we would have a point to live.........but now we are just living for next genration
698 posts

but if it was god then we would have a point to live.........but now we are just living for next genration
You would have a point to live if you actually believed.
332 posts

You would have a point to live if you actually believed.

Not really. That point would be to try and do nice things so that you get into heaven, and that's pretty much it. I don't see much point in that. And that statement says that people who don't believe in god are meaningless, since they don't have a role in life. Might want to reword it if you use it again.

29 posts

Before I share my point of view, I just want to let you all know that I'm agnostic. Agnostic? Yes, that means that I believe in God/a higher power, but will have nothing to do with religion due to how it is used as an excuse for killing other people and many other attrocities that exist in our world today.

The big bang theory seems entirely possible from a scientific point of view, and I believe it to be true. But it makes you think about an even larger question... But first, let's establish what the big bang theory is, for all of you who might not know.

The original big bang theory's concept was that the universe started out as a tiny, very hot, very compact, ball of energy which was EXTREMELY heavy... Then, it expanded and is still expanding today. This theory eventually gave way to the big crunch theory which states that eventually, when at its maximum size, the universe will condense back to its original size.

The NEW and REVISED big bang theory, is that the universe has always been expanding and condensing for all of time, and that there are other universes out there which do the same. It is now thought that when two universes expand to the point of touching each other, it results in the big crunch.

First of all, I find a problem with this theory because it states that universes have done this for all of time. If time is relative and if we INVENTED time so that we could understand certain aspects of life, then this theory is a big IF. Second of all, we cannot even prove if we exist, and if we do, in fact, not exist, than it is entirely possible that nothing that we know exists.

However, if you disregard the two afforementioned problems with the theory, you come to a puzzling question. If these universes all started as tiny, condensed balls of energy and matter... How did they get there? That is where belief in God comes in... Or at least, for me it does. I'm sure science will attempt to explain that in the future, as science will always do, but for now, God is behind it.

Now for all of you people who say things like "NO! GOD MADE IT SO!!! YOU'RE WRONG!!!", or just the opposite. I disagree with both sides... We have not enough information to decide whether God or some higher power created the universes, or if, in fact, science is correct in its assumptions. The one thing we do have, though, is faith. Faith in what you believe in until there is irrefutable evidence of what the REAL reason behind the creation of the universes is.

9,821 posts

Agnostic? Yes, that means

We all know what agnosticism is
However, if you disregard the two afforementioned problems with the theory, you come to a puzzling question. If these universes all started as tiny, condensed balls of energy and matter... How did they get there? That is where belief in God comes in... Or at least, for me it does. I'm sure science will attempt to explain that in the future, as science will always do, but for now, God is behind it.

Ahem. If time is relative, then it would be condensed just to that ball-and any arguments pertaining to causation or time would be inapplicable because the only perceptions we can make are ones from our post-Big Bang standpoint, which would be irrelevant as none of the forces in our Universe would have any effect on anything before the Big Bang. They would not have HAD to be created, because our methods of causation are irrelevant-including those of creation.
3,562 posts

The original big bang theory's concept was that the universe started out as a tiny, very hot, very compact, ball of energy which was EXTREMELY heavy... Then, it expanded and is still expanding today. This theory eventually gave way to the big crunch theory which states that eventually, when at its maximum size, the universe will condense back to its original size.

exactly, because it is still expanding, I think that there was some definitely some kind of explosion.
196 posts

about the bigbang there certainly was an explosion. god probably exsists, but not everyone beleives.

i still say that god created the bigbang.

were forgetting one thing.

the bible never said anything about the dinosaurs. if god created people first then that proves that dinosaurs are fake.

but theyre not! scientific evidence proves that. god never said that there were dinosaurs in the bible!

3,562 posts

the bible never said anything about the dinosaurs. if god created people first then that proves that dinosaurs are fake.

this is what happened to the dinosaurs

There were dinosaurs... noah just got rid of them
44 posts

Religion doesnt lie...I mean...My religion >.< Science is in the same line as religion...

29 posts

God didn't create people first... According to the Bible, God created animals first, and then brought man forth from the earth. So there ya go, your theory about dinosaurs being fake is no more because dinosaurs could have been included in the animals present in the garden of Eden, no?

On a side note: I love you for that cartoon, DDX, lol! That's some good humor, right there.

29 posts

ALSO I MUST ADD THIS!!! The Bible wasn't written by God, for all of you UBER religious people who say NO GOD FOR JOO? THE JOO GO TO HELL! or whatever it is that you say. People were INSPIRED to write the Bible, it didn't come directly from God... ;o if I make a mistake somewhere just lemme know ^_^

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