ForumsWEPRwaiting to have (you know) with that one person...18A =P

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K if you dont understand what grownups do during some nights, you probably should turn back now... Just a warning =P

Alright so ive found that with a couple of my friends there seems to be a little bit of an arguement. Its about whether to wait or not wait to have sex with that special someone. Im just wondering wat the armorgames community has to think about this one...

Now personally i believe sex is sex. Its something to pass the time by, have fun, and i guess find out what the opposite sex likes and doesn't like, and finally be good at it, so that when i do find that special someone, ill be good at it... Practice makes perfect right??? (make sure to use a condem =P and practice safe sex XD)

  • 66 Replies
996 posts

About how having sex is like running a mile? Is this true or not?

I'm not sure. I'm saying having sexual relations after a certain age can be beneficial, I'm not comparing it to other forms of exercise.
13,344 posts

About how having sex is like running a mile? Is this true or not?

Except running a mile is a lot less fun, and lying down after running a mile is very unhealthy.
3,224 posts

Would that mean there will be something like an STD pusher that that you pay to have sex with, and then you go score money on getting cured before going to get the STD again?
Government be not thinking clearly.

Never really thought of that, although it's not much, only about $15, so to make any real money out of it, you'd need to, well, go out there and earn it.

So THAT'S why they aren't doing so well...silly government, STDS are for the horny!

I think the idea is to get people who unkowingly have STDs to get tested, because for a lot of people, they are symptomless, and so this obviously means people won't take precautions either.
9,462 posts

Having sex at a young age can lead to physical problems including tearing of that certain area for females and a pregnancy at such a young age can stunt the female's growth.

The stunting growth makes sense thinking about it. You have all that energy and nutrients that would normally go to helping the body develop instead go to forming a whole new lifeform.

I saw someone mentioned the age of consent in the United States is 18 and if an 18 year old and a 17 year old have sex it is a crime. Not really actually. The age of 18 is the age of adulthood and when you can sign a legal contract and so on though this is an issue left up to the states. The only Federal law on the matter deals with porn and nude images. The states have their own laws, for example, the age of consent in the state of Texas is 17 and there is a Romeo and Juliet I believe it is called clause that makes an exception for a couple within two years of each other, say a 16 and 18 year old. Though 15 and 18 and you're in trouble.

That would be me. I said most of the US was set at 18 not all. On the 17 having sex with 18 point I was only aware of a stipulation in Florida law that would allow it. I'm actually glad to hear other states have similar clauses. However not all states do so there are places in the US where 17 with an 18 year old is just as illegal as a 50 with 7 year old. I would also imagine not everyone would be aware of those clauses and could still get charged regardless.
131 posts

[/quote]It's actually healthy to do it as you age. It promotes better cardiac and pulmonary (Is that spelled right?) health. If they still find it fun, who are we to tell them otherwise? I say go for it old people![quote]

can you imagine your grandparents getting down every night? it is wierd and how is it healthy? if they are physically fit they could get hurt. not saying you have to stretch anything though.

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