ForumsWEPRwaiting to have (you know) with that one person...18A =P

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K if you dont understand what grownups do during some nights, you probably should turn back now... Just a warning =P

Alright so ive found that with a couple of my friends there seems to be a little bit of an arguement. Its about whether to wait or not wait to have sex with that special someone. Im just wondering wat the armorgames community has to think about this one...

Now personally i believe sex is sex. Its something to pass the time by, have fun, and i guess find out what the opposite sex likes and doesn't like, and finally be good at it, so that when i do find that special someone, ill be good at it... Practice makes perfect right??? (make sure to use a condem =P and practice safe sex XD)

  • 66 Replies
13,657 posts

Would that mean there will be something like an STD pusher that that you pay to have sex with, and then you go score money on getting cured before going to get the STD again?
Government be not thinking clearly.

9,504 posts

The situation is now so bad in Britain the government pays you to get tested and cured.

So THAT'S why they aren't doing so well...silly government, STDS are for the horny!
278 posts

i think the FIRST time you ever have sex it should be some what special it was 2 years with my girlfriend before we did the dirty but after your first...i say go crazy

2,906 posts

Especially HIV and Viral Hepatitis.

aids isnt too great either. but it sure is funny.

And one in eight adults (in Australia) carry genital herpes regardless of whether they're symptomatic or not.

1 in 8 adults in australia is a kangaroo.

STDS are for the horny!

then I must be a lucky one.
3,817 posts

In our time? Whenever is fine. Its mostly a "game" most of the time to the human race, so as long as they take the proper precotions its fine by my book.

5,061 posts

If you think about it, the only reason the stigma on sex is because (no offense to any one of religion) those self righteous religious priest, and bishops and rabbis, etc. all condemned it. hell if you wanna make like bunnies go right ahead as long as you aren't spreading disease what does it matter!? Our bodies start puberty in most cases between the ages of 10-15, am I the only one who thinks this is natures way of telling us "You're adults now!" But with pour generation it doesn't matter because we're starting to care less and less about it until eventually it just won't really be a big deal right now.

1,482 posts

If you think about it, the only reason the stigma on sex is because (no offense to any one of religion) those self righteous religious priest, and bishops and rabbis, etc. all condemned it. hell if you wanna make like bunnies go right ahead as long as you aren't spreading disease what does it matter!? Our bodies start puberty in most cases between the ages of 10-15, am I the only one who thinks this is natures way of telling us "You're adults now!" But with pour generation it doesn't matter because we're starting to care less and less about it until eventually it just won't really be a big deal right now.

Kyouzou, because there are many kids that don't give a **** -- Its why peeople say they aren't mentally ready for it, they can't handle the consequences of it.
Also, its just not religion. Many polytheistic religions before the surge of monotheism felt that Sex is a great thing but should only be available to adults -- the Mesopotamians got it on in large groups in public -- but the kids had to wait for the fun.
Why? Back then there was really no form of contraception [excluding 'ulling out'] -- The end result was that some families and obviously children could not take care of a child. If they're def. not ready for sex at the age of 12 how the hell would you expect them to be ready for a kid?!

Also, I've met many people tell others to use the 'mom' method. If you can't own up to your mom that you've done it, then your obviously not ready.
9,462 posts

Kyouzou, because there are many kids that don't give a **** -- Its why peeople say they aren't mentally ready for it, they can't handle the consequences of it.

When telling a kid particularly teens not to do something they will often be more likely to do it. especially with something they're bodies are telling them to do in overdrive.

Also, its just not religion. Many polytheistic religions before the surge of monotheism felt that Sex is a great thing but should only be available to adults -- the Mesopotamians got it on in large groups in public -- but the kids had to wait for the fun.

Going back in the day. Ancient Egypt girls were expected to get married and have sex as soon as they were physically able this would often be around the age of 12. Modern age restrictions only came around in about the past 100 years or so.

Why? Back then there was really no form of contraception [excluding 'ulling out']

Don't know how far back it goes but before the modern latex condom people would use sheepskin.

Anyway there ain't nothing wrong with a little bump and grind. Also we're all just animals, so let's do it like they do on the discovery channel. (Yeah I know lame joke, but I've been wanting to say it since the start of this thread.)
5,061 posts

Kyouzou, because there are many kids that don't give a **** -- Its why peeople say they aren't mentally ready for it, they can't handle the consequences of it.

Kids are naturally inclined to do anything that they're told not to do hence underage sex/smoking/drinking etc. you know the forbidden fruit and all that jazz.

Also, its just not religion. Many polytheistic religions before the surge of monotheism felt that Sex is a great thing but should only be available to adults -- the Mesopotamians got it on in large groups in public -- but the kids had to wait for the fun.

I should have been clearer you was talking about modern religions as they're usually the ones that preach sex a sin, and etc. The ancient people were amazingly free people who had little to no regard for sex...

[excluding 'ulling out']

'ulling out' is not a valid form of contraception as even if you do pull out up to a billion sperm have already been released to act as lubricant...

The end result was that some families and obviously children could not take care of a child. If they're def. not ready for sex at the age of 12 how the hell would you expect them to be ready for a

That's why we have contraceptives....seriously put on about three
9,504 posts

That's why we have contraceptives....seriously put on about three

Hopefully you read the multiple posts about multiple condoms = fail?
3,817 posts

If it's just a game than you are shallow. Just doing that to do it. You do that for one to show your love and affection for one another. I find it really uncomfortable talking about this so I will go.

Thats what everyone says, its more of a " Im doing this for a reason, not because its a game" thing. People used to do it to actualy creat children. Now it is just done as a way to pass time, a game. Thats why there are condoms, so you don't get the kid and can still have the fun. Its naterall and there is nothing wrong with it, but its a game. Next time bring up an actual argument.
131 posts

i think it is wierd for middle schoolers to do such a thing. i know this one girl who has been laid by 3 different boys in one month. high schoolers are older and more mature, bu i think it is ok for college kids and adults. i do think that old people doing it is wierd though. they probably over exert themselves and have heart failure.
Just kidding.

996 posts

i do think that old people doing it is wierd though. they probably over exert themselves and have heart failure.

It's actually healthy to do it as you age. It promotes better cardiac and pulmonary (Is that spelled right?) health. If they still find it fun, who are we to tell them otherwise? I say go for it old people!
408 posts

Like it or not, there are emotional bonds that can form with sex and STDs are an obvious drawback. 12 and 13 years old is way to young to be having sex, the body is technically ready for it though it really isn't. The equipment is there and in working order though not exactly in the best condition. Having sex at a young age can lead to physical problems including tearing of that certain area for females and a pregnancy at such a young age can stunt the female's growth. At the age of 12, 13, 14, 15, the early to mid teens the vast majority of people are not mature enough to be engaging in sex, I say the vast majority as there is always that one exception though I wouldn't count on being that one exception. As you age you become more mature and your body becomes more, ready. I'd say late teens at the earliest.
Also, I saw someone mentioned the age of consent in the United States is 18 and if an 18 year old and a 17 year old have sex it is a crime. Not really actually. The age of 18 is the age of adulthood and when you can sign a legal contract and so on though this is an issue left up to the states. The only Federal law on the matter deals with porn and nude images. The states have their own laws, for example, the age of consent in the state of Texas is 17 and there is a Romeo and Juliet I believe it is called clause that makes an exception for a couple within two years of each other, say a 16 and 18 year old. Though 15 and 18 and you're in trouble. The age of consent laws vary from state to state, some I know are 16, som I think may even be 15, though I personally believe 17 is the absolute earliest. Just becouse your body thinks it's ready doesn't mean it is, remember, condoms and the pill can and have failed and a pregnancy, even for an adult woman, let alone a child can easily become a lethal experience. Pregnancy has been refered to as a woman carrying her coffin and in many cases especially before modern medical technology this was quite common.
In conclusion, wait until you're at least in your mid to upper teens, I know preaching abstinence will fail everytime and please protect yourselves, the last thing we need are, no offense, but more kids being parents. Protect yourselves and only really have sex with someone you care about and trust, it's a big thing best not done with complete strangers.

9,504 posts

they probably over exert themselves and have heart failure.

That's how Roosevelt died! That is ONE interesting way to die....

It's actually healthy to do it as you age. It promotes better cardiac and pulmonary (Is that spelled right?) health. If they still find it fun, who are we to tell them otherwise? I say go for it old people!

Hmm...what's that unproven rumor again? About how having sex is like running a mile? Is this true or not?
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