ForumsWEPR"AMERICA" The worlds police?

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America seems to get involved in other countries affairs, is this the right thing to do when we have problems of our own, or do we need to control the out side world to ensure our own safety?

  • 99 Replies
2,837 posts

1) Our drones are taking care of the job your government has neglected to do.

2) Drones do not = marines.

3) Religion cannot be defined by a geographic basis.

4) You are a citizen of 1 nation, not over a dozen.

5) How many countries would I, a Christian have to consider myself a member of? Oh ya that's right I don't belong to any of them as I am just temporarily visiting. Also my last name has Jewish origins yet I am not calling Israel my Country.

115 posts

1) Our drones are taking care of the job your government has neglected to do.

My government has been performing extensive military ops in Taliban areas. Maybe your media says otherwise, but our government (no matter what its faults are) cannot neglect to deal with people who bomb our cities monthly.

2) Drones do not = marines.

No way! Srsly?!

I said that it starts with drones.
Followed by marines.

3) Religion cannot be defined by a geographic basis.

I guess but we Muslims have a concept of Ummah, Brotherhood, between all Muslims. If a Muslim country is attacked, all Muslims have a duty to defend it. Maybe that is absent in other religions, I don't know.
2,837 posts

1) Your government saw fit to neglect such things for a good while. As if I trust the media. We know you are doing something about it now but for a good while it wasn't seen as something that needed taken care of asap.

2) I know what you said. I am saying that I would bet every armor point I have that we will not have marines invading your border chasing the terrorists.

3) My point was that nations shouldn't be defined simply by their religious practices. I am not a big fan of state religion. Christians work together all over the world, we just don't consider specific countries more important than others.

115 posts

1) Your government saw fit to neglect such things for a good while. As if I trust the media. We know you are doing something about it now but for a good while it wasn't seen as something that needed taken care of asap.

Yeah that's kinda true... sad but true... which is why I hate the current government. But anyway...

2) I know what you said. I am saying that I would bet every armor point I have that we will not have marines invading your border chasing the terrorists.

I hope that is true. I don't want my country to go the way of Afghanistan. Still, drone attacks do count.

3) My point was that nations shouldn't be defined simply by their religious practices. I am not a big fan of state religion. Christians work together all over the world, we just don't consider specific countries more important than others.

Ideally, state religion is a good thing. However, sadly, we don't have too many modern examples of its success. So I can understand your point of view.
145 posts

Well yoll see.. People can solve problems but when goverment doesen't agree with them America comes to help I live in Israel and O know IDF (Israel Defence Force or just Israeli army ) can fk Iran up yet goverment doesen't agree so I'm happy that America plans to do it

115 posts

You are happy that Iran might be harmed?
Happy that war might ensue?
And as a result millions may die?

That's nice to know!

2,837 posts

I think he missed the memo where Obama told them they weren't allowed to build houses. The current administration is not ProIsrael but seeks to maintain peace at all costs.

3) I see the former State Church of Scotland (Presbyterian) as a very nice way that state religion can be done. Thing is my people are trying to convert your people and your people are trying to convert my people. Can't be both and as thus Religion becomes restricted. Freedoms are taken away (or simply never had to begin with).

115 posts

Thing is my people are trying to convert your people and your people are trying to convert my people.

That doesn't necessarily have to happen. In the original Islamic Empire and the following Caliphates, forced conversions were declared illegal, and Moorish Spain (Spain under Islam) was considered a haven for Jews. In fact they experienced a golden age during that period.
2,837 posts

And on the same hand I can point to the wiping out of Christians on the other side of the Mediterranean by the Turks.

3,224 posts

Great example! The usual one I throw out there is how the US practically gave foreign weapons out to anyone they could in Afghanistan to stop the Russians during the cold war's war in Afghanistan -- they also used foreign aid to Pakistan so they could help fight in the war. The end result was the Taliban and Afghani independence, now we are off fighting a war to stop what we created.

I don't think it was equipping and training the Taliban which was the biggest cause, although that's certainly a part of it, more the actions of the US immediately after the war. They'd poured billions into Afghanistan, and right when they needed foriegn aid, the US turned their back on them. It seems they're perfectly happy for a people to fight and die for their purposes, and then abandon them when they're no longer strategically important. Oh and then have the nerve to return decades later and call the Taliban evil.

But I mean, the US throws out 50% of the worlds food aid, gives out load of national aid which (in some instances) is actually beneficial for people.

True, but there is always a catch, which inevitably involves privatising everything to a ridiculous degree in the Chicago School model, which exacerbates the already prolific corruption as well as benefitting US corporations more than the people themselves. I have to say, the US sure know how to be imperlialists. Why bother spending money on a military occupation? Get them dependent on your loans and you will have total control. Clever.

The current administration is not ProIsrael but seeks to maintain peace at all costs.

The billions of dollars worth of weapons and aid Israel still receives each year from the US indicates otherwise.
115 posts

And on the same hand I can point to the wiping out of Christians on the other side of the Mediterranean by the Turks.

When did that happen? Crusades? Could you please elaborate?
272 posts

United States (not America, America is a continent): the world's intruder.
Mind your own business.

1,482 posts

And on the same hand I can point to the wiping out of Christians on the other side of the Mediterranean by the Turks.

Read your textbook. Feudal Western Europe bombarded into Palestine to 'recover' the holy land, and they murdered everyone there. Deaths of Christians are also documented, the Patriarch lied due to his losses of land against the Abbasid Caliphate, and the killing occured after millions of lives had been lost and the Western European armies were pushing out into areas like Egypt and Jordan -- Thats when the Egyptian Mamlucks came to save the day under Suleyman.

Also, Al-Andalus [Islamic Spain] was actually a haven for Jews, many were quite the doctors and stuff. Then the Crusades happen, which weren't caused by us, mind you. On the other side, the Reconquista occurs and whatever Jews and Muslims were there end up fighting against people mindlessly killing.

America is a continent

Its actually two... With Central America being in the middle!

Oh and then have the nerve to return decades later and call the Taliban evil.

Well I find them evil myself, but the fact that such a radical group was supported by the Americans just to help their own endeavors sickens me.

Wal-mart has a little over 2 million employees world wide and 1.4 million of them are in the USA. I just started working for them part time but the instant I can find another job I am going to GTFO.

Are you BSing me? You don't think people work in sweatshops totally unaffiliated to wallmart and then send their T'shirts off for 10 Bucks to a manufacturing plant to be refurbished and sent off? Your honestly here to tell me that all those people that work in cotton textiles manufacturing has nothing to do with wallmart -- the world's largest retailer? 2 Million people is a joke, bro. WallMart's got power.

By this, you mean the US government plays little role in economic and political intervention in other countries?

Sorry, I got my point off the wrong way. I mean't the US government is too lenient on allowing big business to screw with the rest of the world. They themselves do it quite often, as well!


Especially those in the Middle East. The United States has more men and bases their than any other subregion of the world. Actually by last count, I think there were more there [excluding the Army fighting] in bases than there are in all of Africa.
Tell me, if American's chose to squat on our countries to 'hold their power' aren't they being imperial mothernubbers?

People say that we learn from history. I say thats a lie.

Not entirely. I think Islamic Empires have much to learn about conservatism. I believe it was their excessive conservatism that led to the Ottoman Empire's downfall, but it was also Europe's rather lengthy liberalism that led to the destruction of Africa for 500 years-present.

3) Religion cannot be defined by a geographic basis.

Wrong again, Religion can be USED to define SOMETHING by a geographic basis.
In Islam, we call it Dar Al Islam. Basically, if you've got a bunch of connected countries, bam. You create what, is actually a term in English called "The Muslim world"
Wikipedia it!

1) Your government saw fit to neglect such things for a good while. As if I trust the media. We know you are doing something about it now but for a good while it wasn't seen as something that needed taken care of asap.

I believe that is quite true. We can't go droning the hell out of everywhere. Then again, when we do stuff we don't randomly kill innocents. America drops tons of bombs a day, where do you think they go? I understand our Government is corrupt, but our world isn't the only one. America's expectations for Government are clean, but most of the world has had trouble with keeping their Government steady. In poor regions of the Earth such as Pakistan, a clean government cannot run efficiently.

2) I know what you said. I am saying that I would bet every armor point I have that we will not have marines invading your border chasing the terrorists.

Thats what they said about Afghanistan.

Ideally, state religion is a good thing. However, sadly, we don't have too many modern examples of its success. So I can understand your point of view.

Well, all modern examples wouldn't work due to the Enlightenment period in America and Europe for democracy and equality. That spread across the world. I can argue that the laws made were based and set on Christian ideals. (Which I have nothing against that, Islam practically shares the same ones)
It doesn't matter which way you look at it.
If America was on a forum.
It would be trolling. It would also have 'Moderator' above its name.
The other Mod's would be called 'Microsoft' and 'ExxonMobil'.
Mod in training would be called 'Israel'
Banned players would be 'Muslim countries and China, although China can still use the messaging system'
And lastly, everyone else would be regular users.  
3,224 posts

Well I find them evil myself,

Do I disagree with their ideology? Yes. Do I think you can really call them evil? No. Good and evil are entirely subjective terms. They believe we in the West are evil. Would that justify them invading our country and imposing Sharia law upon us? No. So why do we think it's ok to invade and impose our ideals on others?
115 posts

Read your textbook. Feudal Western Europe bombarded into Palestine to 'recover' the holy land, and they murdered everyone there. Deaths of Christians are also documented, the Patriarch lied due to his losses of land against the Abbasid Caliphate, and the killing occured after millions of lives had been lost and the Western European armies were pushing out into areas like Egypt and Jordan -- Thats when the Egyptian Mamlucks came to save the day under Suleyman.


Also, Al-Andalus [Islamic Spain] was actually a haven for Jews, many were quite the doctors and stuff. Then the Crusades happen, which weren't caused by us, mind you. On the other side, the Reconquista occurs and whatever Jews and Muslims were there end up fighting against people mindlessly killing.


This was the Jewish Golden Age.

Back to topic.

Not only is the U.S policing the globe, it is doing so in a remarkably twisted way.

Look at the Iran-Iraq war, when the U.S blindly supported a Kurd/Shia/Christian killing genocidal maniac named Saddam Hussein against Iran FOR NO REASON OTHER THAN TO SUPPORT THEIR OWN NOTION OF SUPERIORITY.

Next, the U.S did the good ol' "OMFG WE THINK YOU GOT WMD WE GONNA KILL YOU" routine, and bombed the living hell out of Baghdad. When they finally crippled the country in every way possible, the U.S hanged their former buddy Saddam Hussein in a most undignified manner.

Go Eastwards. Enter Afghanistan.

The Afghan government requested the aid of the Soviets to help them solve a terrorist rebellion. REQUESTED. Unfortunately, Commie Paranoia kicked in, and you know what happened from here. Unfortunately (again) our government at the time, under Zia-ul-Haq, was intensely eager to be best mates with the U.S, and so bases were established, funds, militant training blah blah blah. Now you got the Taliban.

Look at Vietnam. Look at the Mai Lai massacre that took place there. Looks like a case of severe police brutality.

Look at Korea. Another example of the u.S using natives as pawns in their commie paranoia.

Of course, it still continues today....

P.S Sharia Law is not necessarily bad... but thats a different discussion.
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