America seems to get involved in other countries affairs, is this the right thing to do when we have problems of our own, or do we need to control the out side world to ensure our own safety?
Do I disagree with their ideology? Yes. Do I think you can really call them evil? No. Good and evil are entirely subjective terms. They believe we in the West are evil. Would that justify them invading our country and imposing Sharia law upon us? No. So why do we think it's ok to invade and impose our ideals on others?
Well if the terms are subjective, I have every right to call them evil. I understand they see the west as evil, but their ideology is one spurred out of hate and unrest due to their unseemingly painful lives. I doubt its good enough to just put it aside and say 'you can't blame 'em', but people don't do extreme things without a reason! The Taliban are used people, and they want their country back. I suppose you put it the right way, that their ideology and means of doing it are disturbing.
Either way, whichever way you look at it, America's acts still can't be justified.
Also, I'd like to ask. Whats wrong with other nations being nuclearly armed? The only places we see PROBLEMS with other nations being Nuclear are in cases where one is and the other isn't! Either America polices with the intent of peace in mind and leaves it up to the big 5 to have nuclear armaments, or they be fair about it and quit BSing the world by letting their good buddy Netanyahu say he'll bomb the living mess out of Iran. Its not right, and its not fair either. I understand life is not fair, but politics should, to some extent, be pretty fair.
Politics are not fair because the most important international organizations are controlled by the United States. When a country makes the international rules and decides when to follow them it's quite simple to be unfair.
Politics are not fair because the most important international organizations are controlled by the United States. When a country makes the international rules and decides when to follow them it's quite simple to be unfair.
America's not even on the international law council. If it were, our general would be in loaads of trouble
I agree with your statement, but many international organizations are BS anyway. Though its nice, the UN is nothing of a world changing factor. The US is unfair just because it has the power to do so, not because it made the rules. Otherwise, wouldn't our own president be corrupt? Though maybe a little, I've never really found anything horrible from a US president in all of history. I think it has more to do with our own arrogance and control over the world.
It's not only arrogance. The army and the army industry want wars and so they do what they can to start them. In 2002 U.S. Military Spending were 328.7 billions in 2003 after the invasion of Iraq were 404.9 billions. Then the Occupation of Iraq started or if you prefer Operation Iraqi Freedom. In 2004 the U.S. Military Spending were 455.9, in 2005 495.3 and in 2006 535.9. After that year they started decreasing but are still way higher than the 2002 spending. In 2006 were 535.9, in 2007 527.4, in 2008 494.4 and in 2009 494.3 billions. Imagine that these figures do not include expenses for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
Well if the terms are subjective, I have every right to call them evil.
Oh, I'm not suggesting you have no right to call them evil, I'm just pointing out that since 'good' and 'evil' are so relative to culture, that it's foolish to try and justify what the US is doing in Afghanistan at the moment, on the basis that the Taliban are 'evil'. By the standards of who people consider 'evil' anyway, there other groups who should be much higher up the list.
I agree with your statement, but many international organizations are BS anyway. Though its nice, the UN is nothing of a world changing factor. The US is unfair just because it has the power to do so, not because it made the rules. Otherwise, wouldn't our own president be corrupt? Though maybe a little, I've never really found anything horrible from a US president in all of history. I think it has more to do with our own arrogance and control over the world.
We have had a few bad presidents. Andrew Johnson tried to wreck everything Lincoln has done. He did his best to keep blacks from living civilized life. If I remember correctly, he eventually kept his mouth shut due to the fact many yanks were threatening to kill him.
Anyway, the war in Iraq is ridiculous, however, other than being stationed doing practically nothing, most military efforts outside of Iraq are dedicated to foreign aid. America's military isn't all about shooting guns in every which direction, that is a huge misconception.
Anyway, the war in Iraq is ridiculous, however, other than being stationed doing practically nothing, most military efforts outside of Iraq are dedicated to foreign aid. America's military isn't all about shooting guns in every which direction, that is a huge misconception.
America's military is pretty much all about having guns and bombs for the time to arise. They're 'operation's' for the military outside of Iraq and Iran stand for operation "Station yourself and make sure no one snags teh oilz" Also, the war is ridiculous. Though America's stationing across the globe, especially their heavy stationing in the Middle East, guns firing or not, is wrong.
How is walmart a monopoly again, when there are many other supermarkets out there, not to mention regional and county markets? If walmart was really a monopoly, 1, it would shut down all other markets in competition, and 2, the government would have done something about it.
How is walmart a monopoly again, when there are many other supermarkets out there, not to mention regional and county markets? If walmart was really a monopoly, 1, it would shut down all other markets in competition, and 2, the government would have done something about it.
Well in an economy large as this I suppose a total monopoly would be impossible. But corporations are rather characterized as monopolies when they have a large influence of trade. So its not that they have full control, but rather enough to drive out competition.
Wikipedia's introduction to monopoly.
In economics, a monopoly (from Greek monos / Î¼Î¿Î½Î¿Ï (alone or single) + polein / ÏÏλειν (to sell)) exists when a specific individual or an enterprise has sufficient control over a particular product or service to determine significantly the terms on which other individuals shall have access to it.[1][clarification needed] Monopolies are thus characterized by a lack of economic competition for the good or service that they provide and a lack of viable substitute goods.[2] The verb "monopolize" refers to the process by which a firm gains persistently greater market share than what is expected under perfect competition.
And some actually argue that government regulation actually makes monopolies worse, even being the cause of them. That is the stance taken by the anarcho-capitalists.
In response to Armed Blade's rather extensive quote on Canada I would like to point out a few points.
1. The French-British conflict founded British North America, which was parts of modern day Canada and America.
2. Canada, as a nation, was recognized on July first 1867. Prior to that we were a British colony. Any conflict we took part in would be not be considered Canadian, but Birtish.
3. Britain gave leave to become a sovreign nation due to upkeep costs.
Thus Canada was founded peacefully. Any prior British conflict which carved out British territory cannot be considered Canadian, regardless of the end result.
"These guys lookin' laaik they thret'nin' us! We best invade'm 'fore th' take our cows." Just a nice, stereotypical example of what the rest of the world thinks of Texans.
I just think of drinking beer in an alley with some guy named boomhour
Also, the war is ridiculous. Though America's stationing across the globe, especially their heavy stationing in the Middle East, guns firing or not, is wrong.
cause our bases in foreign countrys have proven nothing anyways
Thus Canada was founded peacefully.
pshhh your frech, you wave the flag before the battle even starts =p