ForumsWEPR"AMERICA" The worlds police?

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America seems to get involved in other countries affairs, is this the right thing to do when we have problems of our own, or do we need to control the out side world to ensure our own safety?

  • 99 Replies
3,880 posts

Then again, considering our economy and debt, I would still find it best if .05% of the GDP was spent on something more worthwhile than somebody else's cannons.

Statistically, it doesn't seem like it would improve anything at all.

The US controls about 50 percent of the worlds resources. How is it fair that its citizens enjoy such wealth that comes from other countries but yet the US has no obligation to send foreign aid? If anything, foreign aid should be increased.

The economic instability isn't caused by too much spending on foreign aid.

As of social security and medicare, wow. The numbers spent on that surprised me. How is it that more than 80% of the US's giant GPD is spent on health care but yet so many people are uninsured?

Well Idk about that, maybe another of those almost uknowing things. I know that part of the reason of the war was the cold war. I also know that the US aided the Taliban and started their foreign aid connections to Pakistan to pwn the Russians. They succeeded. Now they're stuck.

I don't know if the Soviet Union sought any gains from Afghanistan. Though I guess protecting its puppet state would qualify as one...

The US's role in Afghanistan helped the US back then and its helping it now. I read somewhere that the Talibans that were in power were being paid by the CIA up until 1999. The US had good relations with Saddam even up then.
The whole rise of terrorism has now given the US another reason to invade Afghanistan and Iraq.

Imo, they should mind their own buisness. Capitalism is fine, being a watchdog isn't.

Read Lenin, "Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism".
3,437 posts

Woodrow Wilson is cool dawg. He won WW1.

Let me clarify something. The Americans did NOT win WWI single handedly as some believe. The Americans came in in 1917 a year before the end of the war. Meanwhile the British, Australians, Canadians, French and various other British colonies had been there since 1914. It was the original Allies that won the war, not the Americans. The Americans wanted nothing to do with the war until the Germans attacked a British ship with American passengers on board.
358 posts

Now, im not American. But I have noticed somethign that is always apparent. America is almsot ALWAYS at war. It always is. It is your driving force for your economy, whether you like it or not. Your country, compared to most nations, the percentage of your development=

Mostly Military
Some Marketing
barely any Education/Health Services
and microscopic amounts of internalized industry.

Put that all together, and your nation is driven by a War Economy, that relies on forieng nations with cheap labour to fullfill its material demand. Thats the way I see it.

The USA's private companies, it's Industrial force, instead of building industry in America, they moved it to India, Pakistan, Central America, the Caribbean, South America, China, and Japan. All these nations they rely on for their goods. And the reason? seeking profit, companies hired large populations that would work for low incomes, then make materials that sold 9 times the worker's were payed, and clsoe to 15 times the materials actual worth. Buti n doing so, America is merely a skeleton with no organs. You have barely enough industry.

The largest export of America is Soldiers. It's a proven fact.
But, War has developed your nation, but it's also what will ruin it. It's showing signs already. Your fighting the very people who were your friendsi n Afghanistan, and your also fighting Geurilla's. Of which America was once itself. America was founded by Rebels, By Geurilla's. Your nation was founded by Terroirists.

But is that a bad thing? No. But your seeking to control a nation that isn't yours. So, the fall is on your nation. Mabye pay attention to yourselves. The world will get by on its own like it has before. It's better off if you do pay attention to yourselves. Now then. Thats my statement.

3,437 posts

Thank you Comrade Wolf. What he says is true. The American economy is crashing and burning right now. Just a few years ago the American Dollar was about twenty five cents above the canadian loonie. Now the Loonie and Dollar are almost par, in fact there have been times of late where the Canadian Loonie has surpassed the Dollar, Furthermore let us take a look at debt. The Americans are in over 9 trillion dollars worth of debt do to the war in Iraq alone. Also here's the irony. Since America went in and screwed up they can't leave because the nations the went into would fall apart and the rest of the world would be pissed off well...if they weren't already

3,880 posts

It always is.

Quite true. US has been in a military conflict ever since WW2!

then make materials that sold 9 times the worker's were payed, and clsoe to 15 times the materials actual worth.

9 times? The workers are paid less than $0.50 an hour and their products are sold for like $20 a piece.
Its really the bare minimum wage for subsistence.

The Americans are in over 9 trillion dollars worth of deb

Near 12 trillion actually.

Since America went in and screwed up they can't leave because the nations the went into would fall apart and the rest of the world would be pissed off well...if they weren't already

The ruling class of America is still profiting off the war. Its the taxpayers money that is being used to fight the war.

Its not right to just generalize the term "America".
5,043 posts

The US controls about 50 percent of the worlds resources. How is it fair that its citizens enjoy such wealth that comes from other countries but yet the US has no obligation to send foreign aid? If anything, foreign aid should be increased.


Thats completely untrue.
They (as usual) are listed #1 as foreign helpers by Government by the world community.
Every kid I know has gone through the brutal task of memorizing the end result factors of leveling off in a superpower economy, one of them being that America sends 50% of the worlds food aid and hunger resources. I'm glad.

Very interesting.

I have to say, I was stumped on the Israel argument. The only question I can raise about the Israel issue is... what do you suppose should be done? The whole Israel thing would make a good thread.

The argument really curved off into the negative influences America has had, which we all saw coming. However, I saw Drace marching a mile away with his "America is too involved in war, not enough foreign aid! America is being greedy!"

I have read one side of the argument, suggesting that the foreign aid going to Israel should be going to the American people instead. On the other side of the argument, I hear someone yelling that America is too rich and should give more money away.

So should America be spending more money on poorer countries, sending them more foreign aid?

The largest export of America is Soldiers. It's a proven fact.
But, War has developed your nation, but it's also what will ruin it. It's showing signs already. Your fighting the very people who were your friendsi n Afghanistan, and your also fighting Geurilla's. Of which America was once itself. America was founded by Rebels, By Geurilla's. Your nation was founded by Terroirists.

Name a country that wasn't built on war. I agree that America should concentrate more on her own economy than foreign affairs, but it doesn't make capitalism the devil.
3,437 posts

Name a country that wasn't built on war.

3,880 posts

The argument really curved off into the negative influences America has had, which we all saw coming. However, I saw Drace marching a mile away with his "America is too involved in war, not enough foreign aid! America is being greedy!"

Considering the much of the wealth acquired has been through imperialist means, would it not be the ethical thing to do? I would also have wanted the British to return the goods exploited from India and Africa. As well as France returning the 23 billion it took from Haiti.

How else do you explain the geographical difference of wealthy nations?

Is America simply wealthy because it has harder working people?

So should America be spending more money on poorer countries, sending them more foreign aid?

That would be the ideal thing to do, however it won't solve all the world problems even if foreign aid was quadrupled. I'd argue the root cause would have to be abolished.

I agree that America should concentrate more on her own economy than foreign affairs, but it doesn't make capitalism the devil.

The communists would argue that capitalism inherently creates monopolies and requires the state to protect property which gives rise to imperialism.
However, the anarcho-capitalists fully acknowledge imperialism as a driving force but blame the state for this. They believe what we need is to abolish the state, not capitalism.
But thats a whole different argument.
9,504 posts

The communists would argue that capitalism inherently creates monopolies

Our federal anti-trust laws prohibits doing so. If any company was found to be eliminating competition for becoming a monopoly, then they would be sued, prosecuted, other things. Do we have full monopolies here? No.
3,880 posts

Do we have full monopolies here? No.

Microsoft, Exxon Mobile, AIG, Goldman-Sachs, Halliburton, De Beers, Game Stop, Monsanto, AAFES, SAQ, and the US Senate :P
9,504 posts


why isn't Macintosh out of business?

Exxon Mobile

Verizon wireless, AT&T

Goldman-Sachs, Halliburton, De Beers, Monsanto, AAFES, SAQ

??? what are these?

Game Stop

B&B games, Disc Replay

US Senate

Executive Branch, Judicial Branch (who cares bout them lol)
3,880 posts

Verizon wireless, AT&T

LMAO! Exxon Mobile is a oil company. That calls for a facepalm.

Goldman-Sachs - global banking and investing.

Halliburton - Oil fields in more than 70 countries.

De Beers - Diamonds

Monsanto - Possible the largest monopoly today? It controls most of the food supply.

AAFES - Part of the Department for Defense.

SAQ - Controls alcohol distribution in Quebec.

Executive Branch, Judicial Branch (who cares bout them lol)

They own the world =O

I forgot Walmart!
Though large corporations are quite dangerous themselves. Watch the documentary "The Corporation" on this.
9,504 posts

LMAO! Exxon Mobile is a oil company. That calls for a facepalm.

woah woah back up... yeah you're right XD *facepalm* See when I saw mobile.... yeah. Y'know it sucks being up at 3 rofl

I forgot Walmart!

*insert every other super market, regional market, and county markets in existence*

But now that I think about it....what does this have to do with the topic again? lol
263 posts

At its worst, I can justify the first bombing, but the second was uncalled for.

As for this the second bomb was necessary to ensure japan's surrender, without it the war would have preceded, which would leave more American soldiers, along with other, soldiers dead, it was completely necessary
3,880 posts

As for this the second bomb was necessary to ensure japan's surrender, without it the war would have preceded, which would leave more American soldiers, along with other, soldiers dead, it was completely necessary

Japan was much already ready to surrender before the atomic bombings. The fire bombings might even have been too much.

The second was dropped only two days after the first. That doesn't leave enough time for the government to surrender.

And considering that it was dropped on a civilian population and the bombings in all killed over 300,000 people, I can't justify it so easily.
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