ForumsWEPRThe Christian Situation...

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263 posts

The CRISTIAN SITUATION is what i would call the revealing of how strong of a Christan you are. The question here is directed towards Christians, but can apply to all religions. There have been instances where a person held a gun to anther's head and told them to say that they didn't believe in GOD. This person was a Christan and refused to and was killed, was this faithfulness, stupidity, suicide, what do you think of this situation, and how would you react?

  • 71 Replies
3,437 posts

GO COMRADE WOLF! Die Zealots! Also I would have said I don't believe in god because it's true.

4,097 posts

The way I see it is that the goal of life is to survive. To do something that you know will cause you death, unless done as an act of martyrdom, is utterly stupid.

One should never allow their personal opinion to be the death of them as long as the choice is in their hands.

1,532 posts

I got nothing to live for at 16. no responsibilitys, hell i could dance in front of oncoming freight trains. If somebody put a gun up to my face, shoot me. im not afraid to die for something like faith

2,837 posts

Luke 17
32Remember Lot's wife.
33Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.


John 6
44No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
45It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me.
46Not that any man hath seen the Father, save he which is of God, he hath seen the Father.
47Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.
48I am that bread of life.
49Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead.
50This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die.
51I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.

290 posts

I don't see why it's a big problem to lie to some armed maniac when the entire religion you are being forced to give up is based on lies. That would make it the mother of all hypocrisy.

If God wanted human beings not to lie, he would have existed.

Lol, can you say, "troll?" Possibly the most arrogant statement I have ever seen on AG forums.

What Kirby said is right. If you are grounded in your faith in God and Jesus, you will have no problem saying "yes, I do believe in God." If I remember correctly the first post said something about the guy who dies because of telling the truth is an idiot. Tell that to the parents of the girl who died in Columbine
76 posts

Many people die for what they believe in. Some poeple have a big hissy fit over faith and God. The guy was being faithful. Lie probable would have been smarter in the long run but how many poeple are killed for what they believe in. No one would have thought bad of the guy nor would god smite him for it. All of you people who thought he was stuiped, think about this. This guy would would have died for some nonexisting thing as you believe, he probable would have jumped in front of a bullet for you. Because if he was truly a christian he would have believed this too.John 15:12 No greater love has a man, then one who would lay down his life for a friend.

1,026 posts

Many people die for what they believe in

The problem isn't ith people that dies for what they belive; if they not make a mess and soil my carpet, well, go for it.
The problem is with people that KILL for what they belive; if a man whit a gun shoots me because the voices told him so - or god, or his cleric -, THAT is a problem.
77 posts

Yeah, I'm backing up Wex.
Killing for your faith is just plain wrong. In the Islamic Koran, one of the 'laws' in there is to kill the infidels who do not worship Allah.
Don't get me wrong, not every Ismalic person is a radical Islamic (someone who carrys out that Law in the Koran I just mentioned), but the ones who are might not take you lightly if you told them you we're a Christian.

And just so I'm not picking on one side, I equally dislike any Christian who would kill a Muslem (unless in some wacky situation in which it was self defence. But that is something compleatly different). The reason why you don't see that as much, is because in the Bible is says not to kill. But that still doesn't stop some Christians from going off on a Crusade

409 posts

Christianity sure is the cause for thousands of dead people, maybe millions. That is one of the problems I have with any religion, they all cause war and death. I think the catholic christians are worse than protestants( i was baptized one, but don't believe in it), because they are the one's who introduced the inquisition, the absolution, the flames of hell etc. Martin Luther saw this and went against it, which is one of the greatest deeds in the history of religion, I think.

3,817 posts

Idiot. From my aithiest point, he waisted his life for his immagination. Even Cristians whould argue that there diety whould want them to live and whould know its situational, but to be killed by your immagination is stupid...

263 posts

The crusades where fought by drunk Catholic farmers that followed a corrupt Pope, this was a big embarrassment to my faith BUT, we Christan to day would not go out killing even if the pope told us to, we can think for ourselves and just use the pope as a guide, so saying we kill people for our religion is outdated, that's like saying Germans still have concentration camps, it was in the past and is in no way out motivation of today's time

3,817 posts

The crusades where fought by drunk Catholic farmers that followed a corrupt Pope, this was a big embarrassment to my faith BUT, we Christan to day would not go out killing even if the pope told us to, we can think for ourselves and just use the pope as a guide, so saying we kill people for our religion is outdated, that's like saying Germans still have concentration camps, it was in the past and is in no way out motivation of today's time

It is still used as a scapegoat to justify wrongdoings, such as hate crimes. Riligion is an easy scapegoat do to the fact that, for the most part, if someone says "god" is against it, a million people will join in just because they think its in there diety's wish... real pathatic if you ask me, but it happens.
2,837 posts

I hardly think the Kings of Europe can be defined as drunken Catholic farmers. Read some history every now and then.

31 posts

Christians say "God" gave us free will to think and feel whatever they want to think and feel and yet as soon as we say something they don't like then "you are going to burn in hell" or "you shall feel the wrath of the lord" or some complete bull like that. Personally Christianity and all religion in general is idiotic and useless and that Christians need to get over themselves.

1,482 posts

Killing for your faith is just plain wrong. In the Islamic Koran, one of the 'laws' in there is to kill the infidels who do not worship Allah.
Don't get me wrong, not every Ismalic person is a radical Islamic (someone who carrys out that Law in the Koran I just mentioned), but the ones who are might not take you lightly if you told them you we're a Christian.

Law? Where is your proof to back that BS up? Your most likely sitting at home listening to some dumb thing like "" -- The word "Kufaar/Kufr" in Arabic means "Nonbeliever", not "Infidel". Instead of using western translation to back up Middle Eastern ideologies, please don't go around spreading the word that there is some inhumane law for all Muslims to go and murder all that is not Islamic. Thats the biggest load of trash out there.
To make it worse, Your all talking about history -- But I hope you know for the 1000 years power actually DID exist in the Middle East -- Christians and Jews were never murdered or prosecuted by the Government. We gave them a tax, every one else on the opposing side gave them their own blood.

The crusades where fought by drunk Catholic farmers that followed a corrupt Pope, this was a big embarrassment to my faith BUT, we Christan to day would not go out killing even if the pope told us to, we can think for ourselves and just use the pope as a guide, so saying we kill people for our religion is outdated, that's like saying Germans still have concentration camps, it was in the past and is in no way out motivation of today's time

Hell No. The Crusades started because the Byzantine Empire was weakening and the newly formed Patriarch of Eastern Orthodox Christianity was, due to the turn of events, felt as if he were to get his butt kicked by the Islamic Abbasid Caliphate. He tells the Pope that we're all murderers and rapists, and the Crusades begin in all holy glory of God to kill the men in the Middle East so the Christians will be safe. It was more Western Europe than the Byzantine, and not only were they fought by Christians -- they killed everyone they could find in Jerusalem. What's that mean? The men from Western Europe killed the Christians in Jerusalem, and there are documented deaths of it.
So no, they were not drunk catholic farmers. They were feudal kings, knights, and nobles. Pretty much the entire upper class that had been founding the social way Christianity runs in Europe in post-feudal times.

So in all realistic sense, Islam is not a religion meant for killers. That pretty much defies the entire law itself. I know in Christianity -- because Jesus died for your sins -- you don't have to follow Moses's law or something? Not 100% Sure. Though, to us, Killing is never permissible. Historically, if you look at premodern empires, we have spilled less blood. I don't think its fair just to take the modern example of Islamic extremism and create fake ideologies that all Muslims are 'out to getcha.'

Dying for something you believe in is great. Killing for something you think you believe in is contradictory. Our own prophet has related that the thoughts of a killer cannot bring about the love of Allah, therefore I call BS.
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