ForumsWEPRMarijuana, a step closer to legalization.

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5,043 posts

I am aware that there is already a thread about marijuana that is quite popular. However, I want to discuss a more specific event that is happening; four specific events, to be more precise. If you think marijuana should remain illegal because it is bad, please refer to this thread here. I would like to discuss what will happen if marijuana is legalized and if the new marijuana laws and restrictions are fair.

Oregon, California, Washington, and Nevada are currently putting marijuana legalization into consideration. Oregon and California are actually putting marijuana legalization to a vote!

As far as I can tell, the current laws and restrictions are as follows:

1. You must be 21 or older to smoke marijuana.
2. Marijuana can not be smoked in public areas.
3. A percentage of profit from marijuana will go to drug and alcohol treatment.
*4. Residents over 21 years of age will be aloud possession of up to one ounce of weed.
*5. State residents can cultivate small marijuana gardens, and local governments can decide whether or not to allow sales of the drug in their area.
~6. Adults could grow their own marijuana and the sale of all cannabis strains' seeds and starter plants with no license, fee or registration. People who want to cultivate and sell marijuana, or process commercial psychoactive cannabis, would be required to obtain a license from the state.

* Refers to California, but may be similarly implemented by other states decided to legalize marijuana.
~ Refers to Oregon, but may be similarly implemented by other states decided to legalize marijuana.

What do you think? Are these fair terms? How will marijuana effect the market? How will marijuana effect these states? How will marijuana effect the country?

If you do not support the legalization of marijuana due to the belief that marijuana is a harmful substance, please go here.

  • 31 Replies
1,416 posts

The whole nation isn't going to become giant pothead. People who want to smoke are going to do it, legal or not. Making it legal will keep crime lower by getting rid of the dealers.

3,137 posts

In the house i was raised in pot was for zeros. and if you are stupid enough to smoke when it is illegal then you are stupid enough to smoke pot enough to kill you. And kids in those states that are NOT 21 will think that it is ok and got caught underage.

5,043 posts

1. Pot does not kill you.
2. Learn to read the bloody OP.

Alright. Here'e a few random thoughts.

Obviously if one of the states legalizes marijuana and no harm is done, then other states will also be influenced to legalize marijuana.

It's odd that some of the money from marijuana will help pay for drug addiction clinics, but the very few people who really are addicted to marijuana and those addicted to alcohol and other hard drugs will finally get some proper help without being nearly as heavy a drain on our tax dollars.

Many businesses will try to get into the marijuana trade. I believe that whichever state becomes the first to legalize marijuana will remain a huge marijuana state (business wise) even after many other states legalize, if they decide to.

I think the restrictions placed are very fair. The only thing I disagree with is the age. I believe the legal smoking age for marijuana should be 18. I also think the same for alcohol. Another issue is going to be 0 tolerance laws. Anyone who smoked under the age of 18 will still be highly punishable. I predict that after a few years, punishment will be more lenient when it comes to smoking under aged.

13,344 posts

A percentage of profit from marijuana will go to drug and alcohol treatment. about irony.

I believe the legal smoking age for marijuana should be 18. I also think the same for alcohol.

Isn't the legal age in some states still 18? Or has the legal drinking age become national at 21? Either way, I don't think most 18-year-olds are quite mature enough to "drink responsibly" (most college students can't even do that), so I doubt weed would be much different.
4,220 posts

drink responsibly

Drinking isn't typically responsible. Period, no matter who you are.

I find this to be a double edged sword. On one hand it could take a severe weight off of our prison system, and produce pretty high tax revenue. On the other, we'll end up with similar problems with current drugs such as tobacco and alcohol. Kids will be easier exposed, and will probably drive while they are at it.

It's good, but also bad.

Also, if I was those states I would make dam* sure not an ounce leaves the state. Highly punishable if caught.

Otherwise they'll be taking flak for years if a person is caught in another state with legal marijuana from the state that it is legal.
9,504 posts

3. A percentage of profit from marijuana will go to drug and alcohol treatment.

Epic requirement is epic. This could actually be of use. Maybe they should do this for cigarettes too

I believe the legal smoking age for marijuana should be 18.

....21 is good enough. Chewing tobacco is legal for KIDS 18+, and they bring it into high schools. Regardless of people thinking 18 is mature, KIDS still bring it to school, share it with minors, and worst of all, be immature and stick them in places where people do not want to find them. 21 is perfect, if not, better than 18 as an age requirement. I don't know if three extra years will help in terms of maturity, but being caught using some in universities...dire consequences, much higher than if caught in a high school.
5,043 posts

Isn't the legal age in some states still 18? Or has the legal drinking age become national at 21? Either way, I don't think most 18-year-olds are quite mature enough to "drink responsibly" (most college students can't even do that), so I doubt weed would be much different.

People who drink and smoke will most likely do so before they are 21. Those who don't would probably be mature enough at the age of 18. The reason the age should be 18 is because it's old enough that it's an adult thing, yet young enough to teach teens how to drink.

Most people who drink under aged will start out getting wasted and being stupid. People generally (not always) start drinking more maturely when they hit 21 and start drinking at bars and less at parties. At the age of 18, teens will learn how to drink responsibly at a much younger age.

My mom's bf found out his son was drinking when he was 16 or 17. When his son hit 18, he let him drink because he knew he would drink no matter what, so it's better if he lets his dad know he is drinking responsibly than have his son drinking foolishly behind his back.
5,043 posts

However, despite the age being a little high, in my opinion, it's a grand start and I can't really complain.

16 posts

legal or illegal those who want to will, be it pot, alcohol, cigarettes, or anything else

9,504 posts

Most people who drink under aged will start out getting wasted and being stupid. People generally (not always) start drinking more maturely when they hit 21 and start drinking at bars and less at parties. At the age of 18, teens will learn how to drink responsibly at a much younger age.

I don't know what to make of this. What you say about teens learning how to drink responsibly sounds like a good deal. Could the same be for marijuana, learning how to smoke responsibly, especially WHEN to smoke and when to NOT smoke? Could we say 18 to smoke under supervision, 21 to smoke whenever? Or am I being too restrictive... I think I am. I never did have pleasant smoking experiences.
1,573 posts

and if you are stupid enough to smoke when it is illegal then you are stupid enough to smoke pot enough to kill you

I could think of many responses, but the main one is stfu you are spewing bs. Sorry to be harsh but im drunk... and DRINK IS GOOD. AND LEGAL HAHAHAHAAaaaaa.... the darn irony...

I actually agree with the laws xept for the age limit. I dont agree with age limits on alchohol or anything tbh. Not that I have a better way so I will agree anyhoo for now.

I like to smoke weed, and if it was legal I doubt I would ever have more than an 8th at a time, and would prolly smoke less than ever (tho I have just taken a month off weed and have stopped tobacco for good, am getting a bit frustrated the noo)
1,532 posts

Wait...i live in oregon!!!!

Hmmm can be bought at 21? Thats gonna make it a hell of a lot easier for minors to get their hands on. Not that its not easy to get now, but now its just like getting ciggaretes.

piece of cake

1,532 posts


Isn't the legal age in some states still 18? Or has the legal drinking age become national at 21? Either way, I don't think most 18-year-olds are quite mature enough to "drink responsibly" (most college students can't even do that), so I doubt weed would be much different.

All states are 21, since like 20 years ago. something about getting money for roads
9,504 posts

Wait...i live in oregon!!!!

Hmmm can be bought at 21? Thats gonna make it a hell of a lot easier for minors to get their hands on. Not that its not easy to get now, but now its just like getting ciggaretes.

piece of cake

ID? And if minors get their hands on it, who's to blame? Not the law enforced, but those that never kept their eyes on their plants. The same buying and selling concept is similar to cigarettes, except knowing that the person smoked marijuana is more conspicuous. Ergo, minors who don't know when and where to smoke will be caught, and they and the original owners will be arrested.
3,880 posts

I really don't care if minors get their hands on it.

Marijuana isn't a dangerous drug.

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