ForumsWEPRPre Rapture Or Post Rapture?

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468 posts

It is RAP-TURE not RAPE-TURE for you perverted people.

Anyway the long awaited rapture, or the taking of God's souls up to heaven during the time of the apocolypse, has been argued over weather it will happen before, or after the apocolypse. I say it is Pre-Rapture, because if it was Post-Rapture, then there would only be 1/6 of the world's population left... and there would be no one to save. What do you guys say?

  • 150 Replies
13,344 posts

All we need to know is that Christ is coming soon

Yeah, let me know how that turns out. If he comes back, I'll convert to Christianity. Until then, we have no proof of any of his teachings or God's existence, and therefore, we cannot predict any "rapture" because we have no supporting evidence that it will ever happen.
1,633 posts

Nice job at trolling you ****ing *******s. You really have nothing better to do than to insult someone that you don't agree with? Get over youselves. You twisted this thread from the beginng with no intent whatsoever to discuss the topic at hand and every one of your posts should be deleted. Have you all forgotten that there are various types of trolling and that you all were DOING SO before he even got pissed? Do I have to post the ****ing definition for you cretins? Off topic posting is trolling.

LOL look who's talking. That kid clearly lost the debate and had to resort to name-calling.

All we need to know is that Christ is coming soon

In 1200 AD: " Chirst is coming soon!"

In 1500 AD: " Jesus will be here any day now!"

In 1800 AD: " The Rapture is almost here get ready!"

In 1999 Ad: " OMG Jesus is going to show up now!"

On 2/13/10 : " Christ is coming soon"
468 posts

If you think... you would see that if "SCIENCE" is right about how old the Earth is... then a period of the 800 years or so you mentioned is not even a tick on the clock so... it is soon.

3,817 posts

If you think... you would see that if "SCIENCE" is right about how old the Earth is... then a period of the 800 years or so you mentioned is not even a tick on the clock so... it is soon.

If science is right about how old the earth is the the creationist view is incorrect thus that whould be void, and do to the fact of the dinosoars, we can guese that science is atleast close, in whitch case your "magic book" is incorrect...
1,720 posts

You know the other day I ran outside and starting yelling curse words up in the sky and saying horrible things to God. He didn't do anything though. I said "curse you God you suck balls!" but nothing happened.

13,344 posts

He didn't do anything though.

That's strange. Whenever I go out and do that, he sends the police over and they tell me I'm disturbing the peace.
1,614 posts

I think it would be pre because like you said there is no point of having it after.

62 posts

Pre Rapture. When Jesus Descends to earth (Pre Rapture) he will take all of those who are faithful to him to heaven while the rest will wait 7 years for the second coming of Jesus. After those seven years are up, and Satans rule of earth is over, all of those who remain alive and have become faithful will be saved as well.

9,504 posts

That's strange. Whenever I go out and do that, he sends the police over and they tell me I'm disturbing the peace.

I lol'd very hard....XD

If science is right about how old the earth is the the creationist view is incorrect thus that whould be void, and do to the fact of the dinosoars, we can guese that science is atleast close, in whitch case your "magic book" is incorrect...

How old did the Bible rectify how old the Earth was again? Several science articles say 4.55 billion years (plus or minus about 1%), so...
3,817 posts

How old did the Bible rectify how old the Earth was again? Several science articles say 4.55 billion years (plus or minus about 1%), so...

The bible said advanced humans just happened on day 7 of the world, or day 6, and we have lived a few thousand years, so Id say the bible is a few BILLION years off...
9,462 posts

(Looks around) Wow how did I miss this one.

In 20-30 something AD: Jesus: All these things I have said will come to pass before the generation dies. (A bit paraphrased but you get the picture.)

In 1200 AD: " Chirst is coming soon!"

In 1500 AD: " Jesus will be here any day now!"

In 1800 AD: " The Rapture is almost here get ready!"

In 1999 Ad: " OMG Jesus is going to show up now!"

On 2/13/10 : " Christ is coming soon"

Anyway since it's improbable that God exists, this would mean an event that can only happen if he does exist is also improbable to accrue.
62 posts

In 1200 AD: " Chirst is coming soon!"
In 1500 AD: " Jesus will be here any day now!"
In 1800 AD: " The Rapture is almost here get ready!"
In 1999 Ad: " OMG Jesus is going to show up now!"
On 2/13/10 : " Christ is coming soon

The People that havesaid this are incorrect, that I do agree with, but they are wrong not because the rapture will not come (which it will), they are wrong, because the Rapture will come when people least expect it. The Rapture is un predicatable, it could happen at anytime.
9,504 posts

The People that havesaid this are incorrect, that I do agree with, but they are wrong not because the rapture will not come (which it will), they are wrong, because the Rapture will come when people least expect it. The Rapture is un predicatable, it could happen at anytime.

The Catholic Church hath struck again!

1. As more and more foreign animals are dug up from the past, Noah's boat started to sink. The Catholic Church proposed re-writing the Bible to make it include that Noah housed "different KINDS of animals".

2. Dinosaurs were found underground! Catholic Church proposes adding dinosaurs to the days before man came into being. (7 days of dinosaur and that's it?)

3. Copernicus proves that the Earth revolves around the Sun, not vice-versa. Religious leaders execute him to keep him quiet. Other scientists, years later, thought "hmm, maybe he was right, this DOES make sense". Catholic church adds that into the mix.

Y'know, the only religion that makes sense is Breakfastarianism. It only has two rules:

1. Shut up and eat your pancakes.

2. Don't be a jerk.

Firm believer. t
62 posts

I Am not catholic, nor do I belive in most of their Ideals, I am a different denomination of Christianity. No offense to anyone catholic or of the catholic church, but in the past, the catholic church has made many ignorant decisions.

468 posts

The bible said advanced humans just happened on day 7 of the world, or day 6, and we have lived a few thousand years, so Id say the bible is a few BILLION years off..

Explain to me how long you think GODS days are hmm? You 455,000,000 years (4.55 billion years) IS divisible by seven so... possibly the creation story is correct hmm?
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