instead of arguing which leader of an ideology was responsible for more death in the past, it would be also important to check the ideological goals of each political movement. only in that way you can judge its pure form and not what people made out of it.
so communism wants to establish an equal working class society in which all the wealth is distributed equally.
fascism and especially nazism believes in the superiority of a certain race over all the others and the ultimate consequence is to kill them all.
i truly do not like the economical aproach of communism and i also now that it was screwed up everywhere so far, but i would always choose it above fascism.
The Neo Nazis ruined what Hitler believed in. I dont think he wanted them to sit around and get high and be involved in gang related activity. True Nazism is dead.
The Neo Nazis ruined what Hitler believed in. I dont think he wanted them to sit around and get high and be involved in gang related activity. True Nazism is dead. You will find a large number of bastards who hate Jews, Communists, Negroes, homosexuals, Asians, and essentially all non-whites.
The Neo Nazis ruined what Hitler believed in. I dont think he wanted them to sit around and get high and be involved in gang related activity. True Nazism is dead.
No, he didn't invision skinheads bashing the brains out of innocent people. He just wanted every girl to support her boy as he joined the military so that he may kill innocent people with a nice clean uniform on instead.
You can't compare Nazis to Communists. If you want to compare Nazis to some group of people, look up Westboro Baptist Church.
What I was trying to say though is that the Nazis Hitler wanted are non-existent today. The Neo-Nazis are bad compared to what the 1920-50 Nazi was. But I can accept a bash.
What I was trying to say though is that the Nazis Hitler wanted are non-existent today. The Neo-Nazis are bad compared to what the 1920-50 Nazi was. But I can accept a bash.
Again, go on, read some of their shit, and say that again.
WTF? Do you want to say that the Nazis were good in the time of 1920-1950??
Eh, Brainwashed people loving it up on Hitler doing what he says. Eventually leading to inhumane acts. Neo-Nazi's aren't worse by action, but they're idea of nazism is rampant hate/killing of Jews when possible. They basically hate them. Though, I wouldn't go so far as to say one is worse than the other. One just had better opportunity of 'living it out'.
They have no idea what the swastika really means.
Its actually an Indian symbol... The Germans adopted it for something but I forgot what it meant or what it was for lol.
Btw, I don't believe Stalin could or did have killed that many people, but I do believe he could have caused enough disorder to kill so many. Then again, he prolonged Russias crumble
Actually the swastika in eastern culture represents good luck and the sun, but then again in the east, it's counter clockwise, opposite of the nazi swastika