ForumsWEPRNazi's in America

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Found a lot of websites and so on but here is what I found. They are trying to rise in America!

  • 56 Replies
358 posts

And one thing to note too. Not every person is bad if they are nazi, Communuist, or Captilist.

But, it depends if you let your idealogy rule your actions.
For example. Nazi's, when dictated by their ideals, will strike out on whatever ethnic minority (mostly Jews) And kill them and torture them.

Communuist's, when on a angry role, will burn shops, kill bussinessmen, and loot banks.

Captilists, will enslave people for making profit, and make other's miserable for their own profit, such as the Labour camps they currently have for large companies such as Aero where they force people to work as slaves.

But, I look at both sides. Nazi's premote industry, a sense of unity, pride for your nation, and welcoming as long as you aren't in there undesribale ethnicity/Religion.

Communuist's support industrial growth, equalized labour, a sense of community, and a sense that you belong, as well as a unified front of workmanship, and a sense to perfect your well being by working hard in your duties, and being loyal to your family and countrymen.

Captilists, premote individaulism, a feeling of self pride, and a feeling that you can acheive whatever you want, and go forth with it.

I look at all idealogies from a good perspective, but I also do not discoutn their bad objectives.

Thats how I think, you should look at something, you must make sure you see the whole picture, from all veiwpoints. Because I've talked with jews, and Nazi's. Two opposing sides, and me the middleman. And I got both their opinions, and I form a picture with it. Otherwise, you might as well be semi retarded in a topic. So, look at the facts fron both angles. You may be suprised.

As for the matter at hand, Nazism was almost invented in America. Because honestly, Instead of the Jews, you guys killed the Irish, and the English. Booted out the english, then when the Irish came over during the famines in the 1870's, especialyl in NEw York, you people formed gangs to kill the Irish, and the Irish, through massive numbers, and the fact they made gangs as well, survived. So it's no suprise really. Your nation has always been a boiling pot. You can add some ingredients, but what those ingredients do with each other is entirely a diffrent matter.

But thats my point, and I am done speaking for now.

197 posts

But, I look at both sides. Nazi's premote industry, a sense of unity, pride for your nation, and welcoming as long as you aren't in there undesribale ethnicity/Religion.

I like how you say as long as. As if the extreme lack of morals and acceptance can be pushed to the side and forgotten.
Are you in one of their undesirable groups?
5,043 posts

As for the matter at hand, Nazism was almost invented in America. Because honestly, Instead of the Jews, you guys killed the Irish, and the English. Booted out the english, then when the Irish came over during the famines in the 1870's, especialyl in NEw York, you people formed gangs to kill the Irish, and the Irish, through massive numbers, and the fact they made gangs as well, survived. So it's no suprise really. Your nation has always been a boiling pot. You can add some ingredients, but what those ingredients do with each other is entirely a diffrent matter.

You do understand that America is not the first nation to mistreat foreigners, right? Saying Nazism developed in America is stretching it quite far. However, almost every nation has gone through this phase of thought.
358 posts

Obviously. Im just saying that it's no suprise NoName. All through out history other groups have been mistreated. it goes back to the first civilizations in Mesopotamia, the Assyrians persecuted the Bablyonians, and so on.

And Raider, I am one of their undesirable groups. Im Black. A hispanic Black fro mDominican Republic. I would be killed.

But I never said I supported any of these groups. Im a Planetarist. Not a enviromental nutcase, but I belive we should be loyal and not so brash to ourselves, and our planet. But deosn't mean im a humanist eithier, im not full of &quotity the poor" crap. I lived through poverty. I fought in the Haitian civil wars, Im no forienger to misery such as that.

Just trying to express a point.

1,707 posts

Nazis are just Fascists of Germany. They just believe their nation is the best. If you think your nation the best and that everyone should be American,

WRONG [b]WRONG [b]WRONG Are you stupid are ignorant? Nazis don't think that more so Aryans that think that Nazis were strongly communists, homosexuals, jews, handicapped, black, mimimally against fats and smokers, strongly against gypsies ect...

Nazis are fascists which in theory is good killing people to make the world a better place they THOUGHT they were doing good not bad.

Also, Nazis are only hated because ww2 was only 60 years ago. Remember the French revolution? Napoleon, the original Adolf Hitler of France? Louis 14th? There have been many Genocides in the past, besides the Holocaust.

Oh and your forgetting the Christian's crusades in the medival times they [b]WERE JUST AS BAD AS THE NAZIS HOLOCAUST ON JEWS because the Christian crusaders would just go through Pagan territory (Jerusalem), and ra-pe, torture, massacre, beat ect... The Pagans as badly as the Nazis treated the Jews correct if not worse? In 1000 years this war will have been forgotten just like the Christian crusades and another bad holocause will have started of a different sort this time on all white people or something.

I wouldn't say someday, Neo-Nazism has been her efor a while, and Skin Heads have been here a while as well. I have only seen one at the current school I'm currently attending, so hopefully it's stay that way.

That's one open Neo-nazi theres propably alot more than that in the closest neo-nazis than that.

so communism wants to establish an equal working class society in which all the wealth is distributed equally.

That's true communism and I think it's a great idea, but unfortunately no where HAS EVER HAD TRUE COMMUNISM only fake communism.

No, he didn't invision skinheads bashing the brains out of innocent people. He just wanted every girl to support her boy as he joined the military so that he may kill innocent people with a nice clean uniform on instead.
You can't compare Nazis to Communists. If you want to compare Nazis to some group of people, look up Westboro Baptist Church

This sounds like a troll thread coming from a mod *tut* *tut* bad from noname

They have no idea what the swastika really means.

Not much people do at first it was created as a peace symbol in Asia then Hitler used it to help get followers if I'm not mistakened.

You do understand that America is not the first nation to mistreat foreigners, right? Saying Nazism developed in America is stretching it quite far. However, almost every nation has gone through this phase of thought.

Canada hasn't FTW!!!

Btw I'm in Nazis desirable groups not even a 0.1% of jew blood, black blood ect... Some days I'm for Nazism and other days I'm sickened by them but in all I sympathise for them not matter the day. And sometimes when I watch t.v. of a show that's positive Nazism or if I read something that's + Nazism I can feel myself getting brainwashed and when people are unfairly bashing Neo-nazis and Adolf Hitler for some reason I feel a pang of dissapointment and I feel myself liking Neo-nazis more and more except kill Jews that's just stupid to me but everything else is good at some points.

My ideals are strong crude and involves genocide to a MASSIVE degree but I could never do it personally, maybe order it done but I could never kill someone, beat them, or ra-pe them I'm just to good a human
1,751 posts

My ideals are strong crude and involves genocide to a MASSIVE degree but I could never do it personally, maybe order it done but I could never kill someone, beat them, or ra-pe them I'm just to good a human

Maybe a geroside on people in canada, or people with under 100 AP, or fans of hulk movies ect. Lots of people will think that these categories need to be wiped out.

Btw I'm in Nazis desirable groups not even a 0.1% of jew blood, black blood ect...

you're proud of that?

when people are unfairly bashing Neo-nazis and Adolf Hitler

Maybe because he killed 60 million people?

Oh and your forgetting the Christian's crusades in the medival times they [b]WERE JUST AS BAD AS THE NAZIS HOLOCAUST ON JEWS

because hitler killed lots of people, and lacked support from people as a whole.

Nazis are fascists which in theory is good killing people to make the world a better place

He didn't even have support. What's so great about killing people and how does it help the world?
13 posts

Yes no big deal the Nazis, they're relativley small in numbers, heck the communist party is the bigger deal here.

131 posts

sounds bad

1,707 posts

Maybe a geroside on people in canada, or people with under 100 AP, or fans of hulk movies ect. Lots of people will think that these categories need to be wiped out.

Yea I agree whole heartedly (sarcasm), and I thought it more so on serial killers, rap-ists, the starving ect... (not on blacks, jews, communists in particular). Because I find that serial killers rap-ists, shouldn't be alive and if you kill the starving ect... It would make there lives better because no one deserves to starve or dehydrate that way they want suffer alive if you kill them, don't you think?

you're proud of that?

Well I can't say I'm proud of it or not proud of it it was a little P.S. note.

Maybe because he killed 60 million people?

People forget about the good things he does:

because hitler killed lots of people, and lacked support from people as a whole.

Doesn't matter the people the Christians killed didn't have a choice unlike the people that Hitler ended up killing like civilians in Russia, Canadian soldier, U.S.A solders ect... They could've avoided death by mutiny or treachery to their country right? And the reason the Christians didn't kill more is because there weren't 6 million pagans to kill but they did try to kill em all and torture them.

He didn't even have support. What's so great about killing people and how does it help the world?

Because Hitler THOUGHT that killing Jews, blacks, ect... would make the world genetically pure = a better world. Even though it really wouldn't.
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