ForumsWEPRNo More Smoking?

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263 posts

Public smoking has become an issue over the past couple years and i'm here to settle this. I don't think this thread exists in this manner and if it does just let me know. Now I'm a person who hates standing somewhere and then suddenly being overcome by all this smoke in my face because the wind is blowing in my direction and someone is smoking the opposite. I absolutely hate this and "could" be harmful but that isn't the worst part, it is all that smoke in my face. Is that right to do? My grandfather said this about this topic "If your going to blow smoke in my face how about i come over there and fart in yours and see how you like it"
he has a point there, now what do you people think on this subject?

  • 54 Replies
3,224 posts

We also don't have "designated car zones" where cars can smoke all they want to. So how would cars bring smoke to pedestrians? Unless they are in a car with shut of air vents or not wandering aimlessly in the streets, I don't see how cars could actually "harm" bystanders.

Crossing a road is not a rational idea? You don't have to be inhaling the fumes directly from the exhaust pipe. Simply breathing within a 1 metre radius of a car gives you far more toxins than a cigarrette.

This view also neglects heavy smog. Just look at cities like Cairo. With so many cars, asthma and lung cancer rates are extremely high, but they have average numbers of smokers. The people who are so ready to expound on the dangers of second hand smoke completely forget this, and instead choose to discriminate on one particular behaviour type out of a sense of moral righteousness.

This regulation at least brings down the amount of smoke to those that don't want any of it near them.

This isn't some sort of fascist state where we ban everything we don't like or because something is dangerous. That's patently undemocratic.
240 posts

OK so why can't I just walk around peeing on people? Pee is sterile, it won't hurt you... But it's kinda nasty and uncomfortable and I could be arrested...

(Well lets take out the indecent exposure part)

Why can't I just walk around pouring urine from a cup on you?

I hate walking around on campus breathing in that nasty cig smoke and shit, but that's legal. It's unhealthy and disgusting. Why shouldn't it be illegal to do it around others?

70 posts

Honestly? You don't have a right to a fresh smelling park. I'm sorry, live with it. It's been said before, but car smoke is more obnoxious than cigarette smoke, and worse for you. We're not going to be able to ban unpleasant smells. If that was so, we'd have to ban a whole lot of people, I know a few who smell bad ALL THE TIME, even after a shower.

You can ban smoking in your place of business, that's fine, and probably a good business move. But all these bans? Really? I find it ridiculous that some people don't think I should be able to buy a bar and make it a smoking bar. I'd tell people that if you don't like smoke, don't come here. There would be a sign. If you don't want to come in, don't.

5,043 posts

If anything, it should never be a national law to ban smoking. If a state wants to ban smoking, they can let the states decide. Personally, I think people should be allowed to smoke in certain public areas. If they are outside, I see no problem with them smoking unless it's crowded out there. Do you know how often wind blows people's smoke in my face? When cigarette smoke is caught in the wind, it is ripped apart and the particles are pulled away from each other. By the time anything reaches me, I'm breathing in something that's impossible to smell and too small to harm me in a thousand years.

The only time public smoking is a problem is when someone is smoking in a crowded place. I would rather it take people getting into fist fights over having someone not smoke in public than have the government step in.

9,821 posts

Public areas excluding bars, casinos, and hookah lounges should be smoke-free. Cigarette smoke can be a serious danger to my health because my moderate-to-severe asthma - even if the stuff's diluted by the air, it can still cause an asthma attack if there's enough of it.

3,675 posts

So, let me get this right:
You want to ban any smoking in public.
All because you/someone might get some smoke accidentally blown in your face.

I can simply answer that in two words:
Grow. Up.

For a more drawn out answer:
First and foremost, it is not as if the smoker(s) in question intentionally blew smoke right in your face. That hardly ever happens, unless someone wants to start a fight. Aside from that, it is just the wind blowing it around. Sometimes in your face.
Secondly, you just can not outright ban something that you may not like. I mean, you can not just ban homosexuals. Wait, some people are trying to. Fine, you can not just say that suicide is technically illegal. What is that you say? It is? Well, shoot. Fatty foods still fine? How about sodium levels in food?
Oh right, I forgot. We live in a world/country where everyone has crocked up opinions on how -other- people should live, what they should or should not eat and so on. A large part of these opinions based on the holder of those opinions feeling 'uncomfortable' with seeing those things. Gays, smoking, fat people.
Perhaps I should start my own movement. One where anyone who has a problem with someone living their own lives is labeled a criminal. Those people shall then be forced to adhere to a set of rules made for them by others who live a totally different lifestyle than themselves. And until they adhere and conform, they shall be looked down upon by the rest of society and made feel like a giant a-hole for it.

**All typed while smoking two cigarettes**

70 posts

I agree that states can limit smoking if they wish, that's their land. Still, I would argue against banning in public with the exception of schools and playgrounds.

9,821 posts

So, let me get this right:
You want to ban any smoking in public.
All because you/someone might get some smoke accidentally blown in your face.

I can simply answer that in two words:
Grow. Up.

For a more drawn out answer:
First and foremost, it is not as if the smoker(s) in question intentionally blew smoke right in your face. That hardly ever happens, unless someone wants to start a fight. Aside from that, it is just the wind blowing it around. Sometimes in your face.
Secondly, you just can not outright ban something that you may not like. I mean, you can not just ban homosexuals. Wait, some people are trying to. Fine, you can not just say that suicide is technically illegal. What is that you say? It is? Well, shoot. Fatty foods still fine? How about sodium levels in food?
Oh right, I forgot. We live in a world/country where everyone has crocked up opinions on how -other- people should live, what they should or should not eat and so on. A large part of these opinions based on the holder of those opinions feeling 'uncomfortable' with seeing those things. Gays, smoking, fat people.
Perhaps I should start my own movement. One where anyone who has a problem with someone living their own lives is labeled a criminal. Those people shall then be forced to adhere to a set of rules made for them by others who live a totally different lifestyle than themselves. And until they adhere and conform, they shall be looked down upon by the rest of society and made feel like a giant a-hole for it.

Nice strawman.

Read my post again. to clarify, I don't want people to be smoking in most public areas(indoors is okay, I guess. Restaurants too, as long as there's a smoking section for me to avoid.) because I don't want to have an asthma attack all because some Aqualung can't stand stepping indoors for a smoke. It comes down to which is a more important right - the smoker's right to light up in the sunlight, or my right to breath.
3,437 posts

I agree. Smoking is terrible and second hand smoke can cause cancer in non smokers. I think there should be even tighter regulations on public smoking. You want to smoke do it at home.

6,672 posts

i think smoking is virtually pointless.... it gives you no beneficial value and its terrible for you... why do it? cause you can? do you like to waste over 50 bucks a month on what you could be spending on gas for maybe groceries

1,714 posts

Why does it matter what other people do with their money? If they want to smoke they should be able to. However I do see thisisnotanalt's point, smoke can cause problems for some people and because of that should be limited to certain areas.

386 posts

because I don't want to have an asthma attack all because some Aqualung can't stand stepping indoors for a smoke

This is the only reason I can see why smoking should be banned. A diluted cloud of second hand smoke carried a block down the street will not give you cancer. Someone blowing smoke in your face will not give you cancer. To get cancer from second hand smoke, you have to live like my family USE (Not anymore) to live, with two smokers in the house that smoked IN the house. Now my sister moved out, and my mom smokes on our porch.

I agree. Smoking is terrible and second hand smoke can cause cancer in non smokers. I think there should be even tighter regulations on public smoking. You want to smoke do it at home.

Like I said, unless you're lettin a guy breath smoke in your face, you wont get cancer. And if you want to breath without smoke in your face, how about YOU go do it in YOUR home. There's plenty of cons to you breathing in my face, just like there's plenty of cons if I were to breath smoke into yours. (Hypothetical, I don't smoke.)

I'm just like most people, I don't approve of smoking, but I'm not gonna grab a picket sign and stand around a bar going "DON'T CHOKE ON SMOKE OR YOU'LL CROAK! DON'T CHOKE ON SMOKE OR YOU'LL CROAK!" (Which I saw happening once.) Because I respect the fact that smoking is an addiction. Sure, people choose to start smoking. They choose to take that first puff. But then they think "....what harm can one more do?" And then that one more is two, then four, then eight, and suddenly you're addicted. In my state you can't smoke in bars, you can't smoke in restaurants, you can't smoke OUTSIDE of restaurants, you can't smoke in stores, the only time you can smoke is in a park, on the street, or in your car. Unless you're in your house. And I don't know about you, but I think that's bull.
I think I got off track there for a second ._.
3,224 posts

I agree. Smoking is terrible and second hand smoke can cause cancer in non smokers. I think there should be even tighter regulations on public smoking. You want to smoke do it at home.

Smog fumes can cause cancer in non smokers. Let's ban cars too. And hey, why not industrial plants that emmit pollution while we're at it, since they account for more second hand lung cancer than cigarrettes.
5,838 posts

Let's ban cars too. And hey, why not industrial plants that emmit pollution while we're at it, since they account for more second hand lung cancer than cigarrettes.

That would be a terrible idea firefly :P (please don't hurt me)

I think we've come along way from the days were smoking was "cool" and everyone did it.... now at my 6th form out of about 100 people only 3 smoke regularly and of those all of them also smoke weed; it's not the second hand smoke that bothers me if I feel like I'm being smoked out I'll just walk away (I'm not great friends with them.... well no one is they're the idiot pot-heads) the only thing is the smell when you have to sit next to them in class >.< it's vile lol I'm all for letting people do what they like most of the time but using some breath mints and deodorant isn't a big ask
3,224 posts

That would be a terrible idea firefly :P (please don't hurt me)

Lol. Not actually advocating it. Just pointing out the logical nonsense of discriminating against one behaviour form and not the other.

now at my 6th form out of about 100 people only 3 smoke regularly and of those all of them also smoke weed;

When I was at school it was pretty much the opposite. Interesting demographic difference there.

it's vile lol I'm all for letting people do what they like most of the time but using some breath mints and deodorant isn't a big ask

My gf is a pretty heavy smoker, and it's not that easy to get rid of. You eventually get 3rd hand smoke which is tiny smoke particles sticking to your clothes, giving you a permanent smokey aura. Thankfully I don't have it yet, but it's often not for lack of effort that smokers reek.
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