So many people no nothing about gay people, but insult them! Come on! Its in your DNA! It's like being black! And lets not repeat history folks. Your born gay, but people act as if its a choice. And so many people say "Uhh... The bible says you can't be gay, so yeah..." So God has a little spot in Hell for all his children born gay?
Being gay is a choice, If i hate black people i am not born that way i am taught that by growing up in an environment. I do not hate gays i feel they should be left alone, BUT it is a choice, if it is not then you must also be born racist sexists child molesters where born that way, killers are born that way, why is are gays born that way but no other type of person?
Out of pure curiosity are there any intelligent Christians left? Or did bigpo and kirby leave after me?
Anyway because there has been no "gay" gene isolated it's hard to say without a doubt that it's not a choice and because homosexuals are often exiled from society it's hard to say it is a choice. I have a gay friend and generally I've no problem with them; I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman but that homosexuals should be given all the benefits of marriage through, oh fail what's it called, the other marriage thingy whose name escapes me. Also I think that Christians take this issue way to far (divorce is mentioned more than homosexuality) and need top remember the greatest commandments are love God and love other; not hate the gays.
Isn't homosexuality mentioned directly only very rarely in the Bible?
The vast majority of the time it's referenced as the act of, uh, sex between two members of the same sex. The main reason I believe it's wrong is that no homosexual marriage is excepted by God in the bible. Again though I'm for homosexuals getting all the same benefits as heterosexuals.
Just like any phobia of a specific group of people
I could always say to not take the Bible for all the ethics that are written there in this thread, but that would be inappropriate. There are over 1000 rights denied to homosexuals including marriage, so saying that they should all receive the same rights as heterosexuals would be deeply overdue.
I'm homophobic to a certain extent. I'm really only comfortable hanging out with gays that don't act gay (don't act gay for the most part).
That being said, I support all gay rights and am obviously certainly not ignorant to their side. However, I still feel slightly to moderately uncomfortable spending a prolonged period of time with homosexuals.
Just wanted to point out that this should really be about those against gay rights, not those who are naturally repulsed by gays.
Being gay is a choice, If i hate black people i am not born that way i am taught that by growing up in an environment. I do not hate gays i feel they should be left alone, BUT it is a choice, if it is not then you must also be born racist sexists child molesters where born that way, killers are born that way, why is are gays born that way but no other type of person?
When did you decide which sex is preferable? And why would you choose one over the other when they are both easily like able, according to your logic. Did you chose which foods you like? Why didn't you choose to like good foods and hate bad foods?
When did you decide which sex is preferable? And why would you choose one over the other when they are both easily like able, according to your logic. Did you chose which foods you like? Why didn't you choose to like good foods and hate bad foods?
that my friend is very explainable, taste buds, that is scientifically proven, there is no science behind the gene theory that proves it, some scientist "think" there is a gene, but with all the research nothing has been proven meaning you can't use that in a debate. When did i decide, it is how i was raised hence "environment" one way or another the way you are raised will effect your decisions and likes and preferences in life. Logical choices are not mapped out in genes, we are taught them, it is not instinct to go and buy a bands CD, you are raised to like it, not by some one telling you to like it but by vast occurrences of events that makes you want it. People are not born with likes and dislikes beyond tastes and other related things, humans like "good" tasting foods bec. of the sugars usually and other ingredients preferable to humans. that is science, there is nothing but guesses and unproven assumptions behind the "gay gene".
that my friend is very explainable, taste buds, that is scientifically proven, there is no science behind the gene theory that proves it, some scientist "think" there is a gene, but with all the research nothing has been proven meaning you can't use that in a debate.
It's not all genes. Current scientific study suggests hormones during development play a strong roll. This is a truer explanation of the "gay gene".
My view is going to be radical for both sides of the debate.
It should be commonly accepted by now that all emotions and thoughts may be summed up as biochemical changes in the body. Therefore, homosexuality could be genetic. However, because of this I don't believe that this says anything about the morality of homosexuality at all. If all of our dispositions or our natural inclinations for anything are genetic in nature, then there would be no point in using it as a basis for morality, because I'm sure we can agree that there are definitely immoral things. "I'm born with it" does not in my mind count as a legitimate excuse for showing that homosexuality can be moral. In fact, I believe that like many of our genes a homosexuality gene would need to be activated by some environmental trigger.
Indeed, if homosexuality is genetic, what about pedophilia? After all, I'm sure pedophiles are born with a predisposition to children. Pedophilic relationships don't need to be promiscuous; their tendencies can't be predicted by family background or other psychological/social variables; and pedophilic relationships could possibly exhibit mutual commitment. Why don't we allow NAMBLA some room then?
Therefore, homosexuality could be genetic. However, because of this I don't believe that this says anything about the morality of homosexuality at all.
That's actually a very good point. What does make homosexuality immoral?
Indeed, if homosexuality is genetic, what about pedophilia? After all, I'm sure pedophiles are born with a predisposition to children. Pedophilic relationships don't need to be promiscuous; their tendencies can't be predicted by family background or other psychological/social variables; and pedophilic relationships could possibly exhibit mutual commitment. Why don't we allow NAMBLA some room then?
I don't think the two are very comparable. In the case of homosexuality you have two consenting adults who can comprehend the implications of there actions. While pedophilia you only have one consenting adult. In most cases the child while possibly willing and consenting is unlikely to fully understand the implications of those actions and more often then not end up hurt either physically, mentally, emotionally or all of the above.
Now you might argue the same can happen to a homosexual couple but in these cases you are mostly looking at external reactionary responses from others who condemn such actions.
That's actually a very good point. What does make homosexuality immoral?
Certainly not from a biological perspective, is what I'm trying to get at. In a summation, "I'm born with it" does not constitute a valid excuse.
Now you might argue the same can happen to a homosexual couple but in these cases you are mostly looking at external reactionary responses from others who condemn such actions.
I can't say I'm entirely sure what you're getting at here. Please clarify.
After all, I'm sure pedophiles are born with a predisposition to children.
The clear difference there is consent. Homosexuality constitutes the relationship between two consenting adults of the same sex, which there is nothing morally wrong with, unless you take the biblical view.
Paedophilia on the other hand is illegal because it involves deception, abuse and a great deal of unhappiness to all parties involved (I know sounds just like conventional marriage).