I just relized people have alot of stress in their daily lives and constantly worry about every little thing, argueing non-stop, hating each other, starving, deprived, animals are alway beaten, slaughtered and so on every second. (you get the picture) what if there was a national or a world-wide date for every body to die (kill themselves and or one another) I think that would be easier for all, you have no worries any more, doen't matter if you were late to work if you have enough time for something or somebody you love. There would be no war, no racism, and no body in pain (in thought and in body) What is your opion ? Why should or shouln't this happen ?
This is just stupid. If we killed ourselves, of course we wouldn't have stress, but we would be dead! Christians think that suicide is wrong, so I am against it.
Dude suicide is for cowards... The point of life is to struggle,fight! Big deal so everyone fights and/or gets depresed at certain times,big whoop! So we hate each other nothing has changed there... In the end thats humans nature you cant change that...so dont try,and dont think about all the shit gets me through the day,and my vountry was bombed recently,we lost the most sacred part of our land,and we had a war wich we fought against almost the whole world... Should i kill my self cuz of that? NO! I will keep fighting for my land and people! PS.I dont know why i even responded this topic is so stupid...
Anyway, If there was a date for us to die, then it would be worse. We would get the best out of our lives, which for some would turn to desperation and we would probably murder ourselfs before that.
Therefor, the suicidal thought will only worsen our stress. The world will be chaos, and when we all end up dying we'll have gotten nothing out of it.
I would like to be able to kill myself when I hit a certain age. I don't want it to be a forced thing, like Logan's Run, but I'd like to have that option available. I'm still an advocate of a suicide pill, it's so much cleaner than other... alternatives.
You know, just two hours before this thread was posted, I was listening to a radio talk segment about the Voluntary Extinction movement with a member of said movement (no joke, this is a really cool coincidence!)
One of the points he mentioned was that any single being will never effect a net positive on their environment, which I guess he meant in terms of entropy, ultimately.
I think that sums up most of the last page.
Moe: very very interesting suggestion you take up- but I have difficulty envisaging how this would, if ever, be integrated into society as some regulated practice. I can't help but think that this is related to what I'll call a spiritual malaise, too.