They are both one and the same, christianity and Islam follow the same god, and yet they create wars between each other and muslims call christians "the misguided" or "those who can be saved". The Qu rann is litterally a sequal to the bible and Muslims believe that jesus was a previous prophet.
Im being very general here so forgive me.
Are there any christians/muslims who do not know this or does anyone dispute this info.
I want them to know that Allah and christian GOD are one and the same.
Actually they are not. The name is the same, but the idea is different due to different transcripts.
All ye people of faith... you need to know you are all going to hell for fighting EACH OTHER. rawrl!!!
If you interpret everything too loosely then you can make it whatever you want.
I've always laughed in a sense of sadness for those ignorant fools out there who, actually Post comments insulting Allah or God, depending on one's religion.
Ju talkin' bout dem trollz.
Ignorance is a bliss.......
Ignorance is bliss is a phrase that's situational. We're all ignorant so are we all in bliss? NO.
Regardless of being true or not, I could just as easily say that the Islam extremists have treated the world like dirt by blowing themselves up and celebrating the death of "unbelievers"...
Well not really. a tiny minority of suicide bombers is not comparable to holy crusades with the aim of conversion or annhilation. Suicide bombings by radical islamists have killed about 3000 in total globally. All the crusades put together killed millions, directly or indirectly. Either way, my point still stands, muslims are and have been over the centuries, much more aware of the fact all the 3 abrahamic faiths worship the same dude.
TO an extent you're right, but the Islam god is a very angry god and wants revenge. The christian god, my god, is loving and forgiving, and many other things. I believe that the only way into heaven is through Jesus. That's what I believe in a nutshell
You know god is pms-ing. The Jewish god (same god) is all RAWR DIE! then Christian God is all: I LOVE YOU! and then Islam God is all: HAHA JUST KIDDING! DIE
TO an extent you're right, but the Islam god is a very angry god and wants revenge.
No. Allah is all about the kindness and forgiveness too. Id personally be most afraid of the christian god if i believed in him, since he's a schizo and takes completely different moral standpoints after a point. That's not something which is particularly comforting to me.