They are both one and the same, christianity and Islam follow the same god, and yet they create wars between each other and muslims call christians "the misguided" or "those who can be saved". The Qu rann is litterally a sequal to the bible and Muslims believe that jesus was a previous prophet.
Im being very general here so forgive me.
Are there any christians/muslims who do not know this or does anyone dispute this info.
Because I've come across these types, that's why. Sure I don't know them enough to fully understand who they are, but I did understand enough from what they presented, to know that they were this type of person.
Now, does a self-proclaimed ignorant comment have much value?
No, but it depends on who you ask. If you had asked the person making the comments, they would say yes, and who would you be to say they are wrong and you are right?
But in this case, the person was claiming that God was better then Allah, which is a paradox. How can God be better then god?
That person was uneducated in this field, and yet chose to make the comment without further knowledge of the said discussion - coming off as ignorant.
Islam beats up crisitians because of their beleif in saint someona and saint someone else and have 3 gods so they count cristianity as a pagan religion, so they have to kill them. Cristianity beats up jews because somehow they caused the "death" of jesus. Cristianity preaches the instrumant of murder that killed their profhet.
Just making the point that its an entirely useless exercise seeing as it is the same god they are fighting over. the place they differ is with regard to prophets and some new chapters in an adventure book.