This is a discussion thread about Marijuana, Cannabis, Weed, Dank, 420, Pot. It is currently legal in a few states, though they are regulating the usage of it.
contrary to popular belief, weed doesnt cause cancer, it's like alcohol, impairs your motor skills. that's about it.
I figure you young kids will be eventually come into contact with it once you hit your college/high school years, and it would be good to dispel some wrong and wayward thinking brought on by the government.
so please have fun, ask questions, keep it lighthearted.
For others who partake in god's choice smokes please give me some of your favorite dank
Weed is legal in a couple of states, cali, colorado. up in Canada, Vancouver has legalized weed. Amsterdam too.
It's a great experience really, not advocating you should try it, since it is also quite the expensive plant (prices are artificially inflated in legalized areas also for government control purposes)
so yea just a shout out, You may experience extreme hunger, and eat a lot. You will feel like crap the next morning. like my friend and I finished off a crave case of jalapeno burgers. I swear my flatulence smells like white castle.... anyway dont stuff yourself silly, cause you will feel it the next day, and it isnt pretty. at all
Ok, thanks for the warining xD. But can someone notice i've smoked it, the day after?
But can someone notice i've smoked it, the day after?
Nope, the smell doesn't stick like cigarettes/cigars. Heck, use a little visine and act normal and no one will be the wiser within an hour of smoking! And I mean you won't smell,if you do it in a friends room and parents walk in, that's diff.
But can someone notice i've smoked it, the day after?
you might be a little loopy, I remember being completely out of it the next morning.
also if your eyes are red after smoking and someone asks you the question if you've gotten high, the answer you should give them is you have allergies and are taking benedryl which is why you are a little sleepy and have red eyes.
I also noticed within the hour of smoking it is a good idea to change because you can kind of smell it in the clothes.
University of Mississippi (where I attended undergrad) is the only place where the government officially grows marijuana. It was right next to our soccer complex. They would burn it season after harvest and you would see people with bizarre "smoke catchers."
I've finally read this thread, from the beginning and I've only found a few things that are 'off': * I agree with DDX & Klaus, using cracked ice in the bong is so nice. By the way, add a shot of vodka with the ice and ka-boom! * Please, Do Not Use 1.5, 1.25, or any other rolling paper for marijuana unless it clearly says on the package that it is untreated! Even with untreated papers only use what you need to roll a joint with. How much is enough? Roll up a pencil with the paper, that's all you need. Excess paper makes the smoke harsh, will make you cough and ruin your experience. Regular papers, like 1.5, 1.25 are treated with the same chemicals as cigarette papers that will also make the smoke harsh and may even make you nauseous. * If you must smoke before your 18 then you have been warned about the side effects by Ms.Asherlee. * Please, don't drive or even ride a bike while impaired. People have even wrecked boats while impaired. Just not cool and talk about a BUZZ-KILL! * I wouldn't advise anyone to smoke by themselves, the first time. First-timers should be in a small group that plans on hanging out together. * Until you know what your limitations are, I would strongly advise against drinking shots of any alcohol whilst smoking the sacred herb! * If you do drink alcohol while smoking you're wasting your time and money. The alcohol will be a massive buzz-kill plus give you a headache the size of Miami! I'm talking about the routine college keg party where someone lights the fat doobie and passes it around, like we used to at concerts. Do one or the other, until you're more experienced. * Smoking etiquette: I'll help explain the previous suggestion of pinching the joint between thumb and index finger and simply kiss your fingers, and slowly release the grip on the joint, little by little and you may not even cough at all. * If you do start to cough, try to control it because you don't want to hurt your esophagus by damaging the lining. All of us have coughed though and someone will try to make you laugh. Just remember to drink water, not vodka to stop coughing. * Marijuana smoke will cling to long hair and sweater fibers. Klaus is right about the Visine and DDX has also given good advice.