This is a discussion thread about Marijuana, Cannabis, Weed, Dank, 420, Pot. It is currently legal in a few states, though they are regulating the usage of it.
contrary to popular belief, weed doesnt cause cancer, it's like alcohol, impairs your motor skills. that's about it.
I figure you young kids will be eventually come into contact with it once you hit your college/high school years, and it would be good to dispel some wrong and wayward thinking brought on by the government.
so please have fun, ask questions, keep it lighthearted.
For others who partake in god's choice smokes please give me some of your favorite dank
Weed is legal in a couple of states, cali, colorado. up in Canada, Vancouver has legalized weed. Amsterdam too.
It's a great experience really, not advocating you should try it, since it is also quite the expensive plant (prices are artificially inflated in legalized areas also for government control purposes)
I wish I could challenge you to marijuana knowledge. I will take a picture soon. Between my lady and I, we have over 2000 nonfiction books. Most of those are medical journals, medical/health/psychology text books, peer-review articles, etc. Also, mixed in that room of treats are about 15 years worth of High Times. Thank you daddy!
[] Haha wow that's sooooo awesome! High Times is the bomb, I'd love to see the old ones and see how it used to look. And your library sounds very intriguing, do want. [/]
being your first time smoking I would say be careful on taking large hits of it. because your lungs could be quite sensitive and you'll have a burning sensation for a bit.
[] Very true, unless you smoked cigarettes or shisha before, this will probably be where you will either smoke way to much or way to little, you'll learn the exact right amount to suck with practice. [/]
The thing about weed is that no matter how long or short you smoke, you take a good hit anyone will start coughing, so if you cough too much and feel self conscious about it, don't, because many people would probably also cough.
[D:] Yeah one thing I try to express to people I smoke with is that coughing isn't something to be ashamed of, like a sign of being a newb or something. Although I cough a lot less than most, I will still be sidestruck myself a lot and cough like it's my first time; it's 100% normal and shouldn't be looked down upon. [/D:]
smoking etiquette:
don't put your whole mouth around joint/blunt/smoking piece it kind of makes it disgusting for others lol. instead curl your lips over your teeth and puff.
[x-x] Yeah honestly making the joint wet sucks and it really awkward for everyone, either make your lips dry as shit while smoking or do the teeth thing. Another simple way is to actually just smoke out of your fingers. What you do is pinch the end of the joint so that its sortoff now a line/slit shape, and smoke it perpendicular to your mouth, so you are sortoff cupping your fingers instead of the actual joint and pulls just the same. Easier to show than explain in text... [/x-x]
[:x] Also if it's a joint its puff puff pass, so take one puff, hold in, chill blow out, take another hit, and pass. You aren't in a rush, don't need to like take two and insta pass, just take two, slowly, chill, pass. And if they want to do something diff then let them explain, like suicides! (one hit, hold it in, pass, and hold it in until the joint passed back to you; good if you don't have much weed and not that many people (3-5)) [/:x]
[] ps see my handy dandy emotitags, like divx tags but for my emotion! [/]
So, I purchased a pack of tobacco rolling papers and it had a huge warning on just the papers about causing cancer. What's that all about?
believe that its only on cigs, but if you buy rolling papes they shouldnt have anything on em.
I wish I could challenge you to marijuana knowledge. I will take a picture soon. Between my lady and I, we have over 2000 nonfiction books. Most of those are medical journals, medical/health/psychology text books, peer-review articles, etc. Also, mixed in that room of treats are about 15 years worth of High Times. Thank you daddy!
wowwie thats a lot
I am sure most people know the placebo effect by now, and that's the biggest problem with marijuana I have had with people. First off, for people who know know, Placebo Effect is the idea that if you tell someone something will happen(like if you take this pill your headache will be gone), regardless of whether it should happen or not, it will, because the effect is completely psychological.
yea I mean it is possible, because weed does have a huge story to live up to, being almost illegal everywhere and such, people expect their eyes to shoot lasers or something after a hit/drag. I mean it's funny to see people pretend they're high immediately after intake of smoke, then 1 minute later it hits them and they just like try and stand up and they fall over.
Tobacco papers are terrible, best be going with normal rolling paper. And if you are so short that you NEED to use cigarette paper, take out their godawful cig filter. That thing filters out a lot of the good stuff in weed.
oh yea I just saw this and I was talking about it in my comment above lol
My biggest joy is finding new ways of ridiculously smoking. I have a huge photobin full of them, from just normal coke cans, to apples, to watermelons(yes), to 18.5 litre water jugs for water coolers.
omg yess, I've done monster cans, apples then like eat the apple afterwards its soo goood omgggg yees, I've done orange medicine bottles (not the best idea lawl) cucumbers, ect. quite nice
joints,bongs,grav bongs,specialty joints, vaporizers, interesting new ways of smoking
well I've tried blunts, joints, bongs, vapes, and like flavored paper joints. I have to say bong is a lot better the smoke doesnt burn my pink lungs that much since it goes through water (nice cold water )
ps see my handy dandy emotitags, like divx tags but for my emotion!
[xD] win lol
klaus you seem to be quite the well smoked gentleman
changed my opinion of you.
personally I dislike it when the joint becomes really small, and hard to smoke, it really burns my hands
and sometimes if you dont pinch it right and you accidentally hit it too hard it like singes your fingers. [/xD]
I am starting to hate people on youtube. A video explaining why marijuana should be legalized just came out. Almost everyone who posted is complaining because they don't want marijuana to be taxed...
my buddy, his parents bought him a personal hygiene kit, he smokes the ends with tweezers, and like uses the titanium scissors to cut up the buds into smaller sizes before grinding it. but yea he was like you gotta pinch the end partially and smoke with your fingers. buuuut I dunno sometimes accidents happen, and I end up more than often burning myself :c
cause alcohol is a depressant, and weed makes you high, so I mean hypothetically it should cancel out right?
Not so sure. A good friend of mine regularly gets high and then drinks. It seems to enhance the effect of the alcohol over the weed, although to get an accurate test, you'd need to consujme equivalent levels of THC and ethanol, something that's hard to do in a day to day environemtn, so in short, I don't really know, but there's one case I know of.
hitman, just so we are clear I am not condoning the use of marijuana. I am simple separated facts and myths.
Ddx, the are both in the category of depressant. And "cancelling" out effects exist in our logical mind, but in reality it isn't the case. You will have two separate sensations if one partakes in alcohol and marijuana simultaneously.
The effects felt are going to be somewhat unique to each person. I can say that uniformly it is going to make you very, very, tired. You wont' make it through the night.
well I've tried blunts, joints, bongs, vapes, and like flavored paper joints. I have to say bong is a lot better the smoke doesnt burn my pink lungs that much since it goes through water (nice cold water )
Haha also if your bong has a nice place to drop ice that's so nice. oooooo yeah
klaus you seem to be quite the well smoked gentleman
Why thank you sir! 8)
changed my opinion of you.
personally I dislike it when the joint becomes really small, and hard to smoke, it really burns my hands
Well I use a filter(just rolled up paper like asherlee said), and if my friends don't use a filter I just find tweezers or just hold it like a pro. I am unusually good at finishing those hard to smoke J's.
and sometimes if you dont pinch it right and you accidentally hit it too hard it like singes your fingers.
Haha used to happen to me.
I am starting to hate people on youtube. A video explaining why marijuana should be legalized just came out. Almost everyone who posted is complaining because they don't want marijuana to be taxed...
Oh man if they tax my dope, I am gonna cry.
I have your solution. You can find me on MSN or AIM through my AG profile. I will send you a nice, pretty picture.
Oooooo pretty pictures, sounds awesome. I like pretty pictures!
my buddy, his parents bought him a personal hygiene kit, he smokes the ends with tweezers, and like uses the titanium scissors to cut up the buds into smaller sizes before grinding it. but yea he was like you gotta pinch the end partially and smoke with your fingers. buuuut I dunno sometimes accidents happen, and I end up more than often burning myself :c
Yeah I use the tweezers from my huge swiss army knife; it's like a portable bud kit! Speaking of personal bud kit I took apart an old nintendo controller(nes) and turned it into the most badass case ever. Insides are took out mostly, except things to keep structure/buttons, and I put rare earth magnets on the inside of all the corners and they pull so hard at each other the controller stays tight on but is easy to open, if you guys want I will take a photo, it's so awesome for holding joints in.
Roll a **** filter into it. All it takes is a piece of notecard torn into a rectangle piece about 1/2 wide and 1 1/2 inches long.
That's what I do, but some people still soak their lips before taking a hit or something. It's retarded.
with time your finger tips will toughen up like playin' the guitar
The day where someone asks me why I have calluses and I say from smoking weed, will be the proudest day of my life.
Thanks DDX, Klaus and Asherlee, you really cleared up some doubts i had about marijuana.
Yo' Welcome!
Does something bad happen if i smoke while drinking beer or whiskey for example?
Some people react badly to drinking and smoking, I personally have a great time doing both, but that's me. The one thing about it though is that if you like it, you need to keep a count of your drinks even if you are high/drunk. Cause what happens is that when you are high blood flows less to your stomach, which means it doesn't notice you are drinking a shitload and doesn't tell you to stop, which means you could go way over your lethal dosage and not even know it. :< So if you are going to, just make sure to keep track of your dranks!
Well if no one else is gonna do it, i guess ill have to be the one to... HAPPY 420 EVERYONE. =)
Ps: If you dont know what 420 is you really shouldn't be debating =/
Going on dundas square in toronto, everyone is gonna get mega baked there rofl.