"I haven't seen anything like this since the 1960's" - Congressman
Is it that sad? Is it that horrid that we are going back to the days of racial discrimination? Are we really sinking to this low? Conservatives suck. Well, they did, until they started doing this sh*t. Now they're screwing up our f-ing country, so they suck even more.
From actual witnesses at the Tea Party demonstrations, many of the heard things like: N-Word "White Boy" Gay
This is just really f*cking sad. I'm not kidding, I never "swear" like this in a post, now I'm just ticked.
I can sort of understand this, we're passing a bill that 49% of the nation wants, and 49% doesn't. But is this really the answer to our problems? No, it's not.
Scare Tactics
f*ck whoever made this. you can't compare a great/good/ok change to Hitler.
I am just f*cking ticked - Didn't catch that earlier, now you did.
The good is people are trying to be heard and change something in govt by forming large groups to have elitist politicians think they have some value to their opinion.
Well...our Texas board of education may have cut that part out as well.
Didn't Texas go the insane distance to teach creatism and evolution side by side? Or was it just get rid of Evolution, I know they did one of those two. Insane.
Does that not sound VERY similar to something you might have read in your history book?
Just like to point out... Really? You would really think that just because Texas has taken over California's textbook distribution that it's automatically super far right-winged? Oh, and but of course California is the most unbiased poverty run state here.
I even already predicted stating anything related to politics would result in bashing. I even told you. Through that question I'm implying that you mean I don't even try to think through all perceptions but just listen blindly to whatever is told to me. Great job. Really. *claps*
Oh, and but of course California is the most unbiased poverty run state here.
Excuse me? Everyone thinks that Californians live next to Will Smith and smoke pot while eating some kind of weird diet. And if your Hispanic in California, then you are mowing some guy's lawn.
Our state gov't is broke, and some areas got hit hard with the rescission, but most Californians are doing fine.
Come and live here first before you make generalizations about us.
Excuse me? Everyone thinks that Californians live next to Will Smith and smoke pot while eating some kind of weird diet. And if your Hispanic in California, then you are mowing some guy's lawn.
Excuse me? You think that I assume that? Read again to see if I said anything remotely near what you've responded with.
you think we are poor and poverty stricken. Which is very much un-true. If you think that, then you must believe California stereotypes.
Excuse me? Everyone thinks that Californians live next to Will Smith and smoke pot while eating some kind of weird diet. And if your Hispanic in California, then you are mowing some guy's lawn.
When you say "overty run" 99% of people think of orphans in Africa.
Critique me more on stereotyping why don'tcha?
If you are trying to convey that the state reserve is broke, then just say so. *which is somewhat true*
The good is people are trying to be heard and change something in govt by forming large groups to have elitist politicians think they have some value to their opinion.
Not bias at all....
I'm not sure how right-wingers complaining about how their medical bills are lower and the fact that a democrat is in the White House is improving the American Society.....
Facts = Opinion when you break it down far enough.
I'm not sure how right-wingers complaining about how their medical bills are lower and the fact that a democrat is in the White House is improving the American Society.....
well, oddly that was the slogan of Hitler, Stalin, and Obama, but many have used that for political support, and the tea party partakers that have the right to peacefully assemble, just like all other groups, from the KKK to the million man march, as long as they are peaceful i don't mind, and about Fox News? many say that they are on the Conservative side but many studies have found that fox is more balanced then all other major news, but all things aside people have the right to form there own political ideas, so if you disagree with one activist group, counter it with a new one
Alright, the poster that say "CHANGE" is absolute BS. Most leaders preach change to gain followers. Someone just took 2 other people that nobody likes and found something they all had in common, leaving out the hundreds of other people who preached change.
I would like to see a link to how the Tea Party is influencing racism.