highfire, your ethics are disturbing. I am only going to point out one things because I am pressed for time.
The first, you said Hitler is a "hero" because he made Germany a super power.
Now, this is very rarely associated with any kind of moral goodness. Power-hungry people/country never have good intentions.
Obama has power?
> Killed millions of innocent people.
> Got destroyed by Russia
> Commited Suicide
> Targeted with multiple assassination attempts.
1. Millions of people, hello - we started the war, sure they may have triggered it but as I say - Hitler doesn't seem the person who'd just do something for the popularity or a name in History.
2. He fought 2 wars on 2 fronts, I think 7/10 Germans were fighting Russia - not Britain or America, that is a superpower.
3. Not proven.
4. Yes, and? Just because he's shown as an evil corrupted man on the side of the Media, and, I'd hate to bring a quote from a game with this but. Even on MW2 it tells the truth. History is told by the Winners, you realise the Pacific is made by Tom Hanks? He's not German or Japanese or w/e. Don't get me wrong - I just
absolutely love Band of Brothers and the Pacific, but it's told from the winner's side. If Germany won then we'd probably be better off as immigration is taking us over quite alot, Britain is a small country, a dot, compared to Russia, and yet we're being flooded with people.... 2012 Just came to my head lol
So on and so forth, you scare me. That 'smile' face made me think you should be in the insane asylum. Do some reasearch, Hitler was a horrible person. I don
t see the likes of Hitler in Obama, Obama isn't power hungry, he's just trying to to change stuff. Bush tried to change stuff, but he epically failed, it's Obama's turn and we'll see how he does, give Obama a chance.
Rofl - for one, Obama lied, and I can't remember anything about Hitler lying.
And bigger rofl - do some research? I think you need to gain some perspective
Don't try the average media or anything, try some German books or even Hitler's own book, it's good from what I'm told.
Oh and about the Hitler lying - I don't want to say Obama will be bad, but he hasn't exactly put a nice face to the people who don't follow everyone else, if you get me.
About the insane asylum - I get where you're coming from, but try gaining some perspective, and please -
please think about morales. Despite what I've told you and how it must have come about to you I'm a morale person and I think that some - not
all of what Hitler done was right - I'm not too sure whom's side I'm on, and it's hard to find out judging by what we're told from our own countries perspective.
With that I give you a goodnight, and to everyone, I hope you think about it
- H