If it is real, it might not be about, earthquakes, meteors or the devil, or beasts or anything of the matter.
It might be us thinking its real and panicking. 2012 could be us killing eachother because we THINK it's going to happen, people would be robbing from stores, from eachother. People would go crazy and a mass panic will happen. Then battles break out, then wars break out, then nuclear wars break out, then we all die. Not because of the Mayans, or the bible, but because of our own selves.
Since mass apocalypse is obviously fictional, and since people today are too lazy to get up off their asses and riot, we're safe from any kind of disaster in 2012.
2012 is very real. Just as real as 2009, 2010, and 2011. You didn't honestly think it was a false year, did you?
As for the conspiracy theories, you can thank fat guys with glasses who sit around blogging about this kind of thing between a stressful day of DND and a WoW all-nighter.
The point is, the world isn't going to end. There are too many theories, which can only mean someone (probably fat) had to have thought up this date as a good day for an apocalypse, and other (fat) people decided they'd play along, and they came up with their own theories. But some more serious (fat) people took these theories seriously and started making a huge deal about them, and now, thanks to all of those stupid (fat) people, combined with the gullibility of the world, we now have a date in which every conspiracy theorist/gullible moron thinks is the apocalypse.
Yes, I am back. BWAZAZAZAZA....lol.. Whatever the case, 2012 is like any other apocalypse theories. EXACTLY like Y2K. A reset in a Calendar, in this case its the Ancient Mayan calendar.
Honestly, even if the world does ends, does it REALLY matter? suck it up.... Because I dont live life living in fear. If I did, I would be dead by now because there is alot of things to fear in life. But it takes real courage to just ignore those fears, and move on with someones life, and actually make something of yourself. it dont matter if your athiest, Jew, Christian, Islamic, whether you belive in the 2012 theory or not. The real point is EVERYONE (at least in my eyes) Is just enjoy life. You know the reason why people come up with conspiracy theories? they like to blame their problems on something else thats most probably their own fault. And in this case, 2012 is just another bogus claim based on fluky dates on a Mayan Calendar and some flimsy evidence from solar flares that the world will end.
In other words, its a great way to waste your life in FEAR. But, you could, if you believe it( I don't, I find its really retarded to be honest... for numerous factaul reasons...) get so scared you enjoy life better. So eithier way, JUST ENJOY YOUR TIME. if the world ends, its because Bob Marley got bored in Heaven and is just tired of singing. (Im athiest btw, except I believe in the Bob marley. No its a actual faith. No joke.) Now then, as said before, and it may be a pain, but I dug into 10 pages worth to revive my modern survival club, if for a moment, FIND OTHER THREADS. Its about time we reformed our actual political, analytical, basic world news crap threads we been doing, and not just a useless OP Thread thats just more or less a guideline, that the majority of people will not read.
"The Reformed World Events" Thread, if it served a purpose, it wouldn't be on the OP then would it?
I know this is off topic, but people, if your going to post a reform, actually commit to your cause, and REFORM the whole Thread.... not some crap of a guideline, we got plenty of that....
Wow... the Mayan caledar ends.... too bad the Mayans were wiped out a loooooooooooong time ago.... perhaps they should have made their calendar a bit shorter.....
I'll be laughing if it happens and all the people who denied it die. (Although i know, "hope" it's not gonna happen.)
Y2K was just a bug, it would only affect computers and technology etc. If it DID happen, we would live like older times, in peace. Scratch that, instead of wars with nuclear weapons and guns, it would be with swords and bows and shit. Pretty cool.
It's not going to happen. If it was, scientists would have looked into it and by now, they would have already come up with a solution. The problem is, there isn't just one theory. There are a million theories, meaning that scientists have probably looked into the probable ones and declared them impossible.
A magazine here stated it ever so nicely "Scientists think that the Mayans, at the end of their calender, would have celebrated, and then started a new one."