ForumsWEPRIf 2012 is real.....

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186 posts

If it is real, it might not be about, earthquakes, meteors or the devil, or beasts or anything of the matter.

It might be us thinking its real and panicking. 2012 could be us killing eachother because we THINK it's going to happen, people would be robbing from stores, from eachother. People would go crazy and a mass panic will happen. Then battles break out, then wars break out, then nuclear wars break out, then we all die. Not because of the Mayans, or the bible, but because of our own selves.

I'm gonna go fortify my house.

  • 86 Replies
184 posts

Lol. jeol, I think you'll be on your rooftop screaming "Save me, Jeebus"

1.tons of earthquakes
2.the volcano in iceland(?)
3.plane crash
4.nuclear armed north koriea
5.death of gara(!!! naruto fans only)
6. tigar woodses return

im starting to believe

1. Lot's of earthquake because like before, the continents of the Earth is moving. That's why it is called "earthquake"

2.The volcano in Iceland totally freak me out a bit cause I can't find a logical explanation.

3.Plane crash? It is because of the stupid humans nowadays stocking drinks and foods int the plane but forgot to stock a pilot.

4.Who to blame for the nuclear, Einstein. Because of his rash action there is nuclear.

5.Dude, Gaara is revived when Grandma Chiyo exchange her life for Gaara's. (Yes I'm a Naruto fan. Just wish it doesn't twist around the story -_-)

6.So what if Tiger Woods return. It doesn't concern anyone ya know?
It doesn't make anyone miserable except for other golf players that is competing or hate Tiger Woods.
1,903 posts

The volcano in Iceland totally freak me out a bit cause I can't find a logical explanation.

Iceland is where the Mid-Atlantic Ridge comes out of the ocean, and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is made by, and consists of a chain of volcanoes.

4.Who to blame for the nuclear, Einstein. Because of his rash action there is nuclear.

It may be because of his signing of a letter that Roosevelt started the Manhattan Project, but it's not his fault entirely... Besides, the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki might have actually saved lives.
Plus, look at all of the good things that relativity has given us.
37 posts

It's not real.

Mayan Calenders stopped at 2012 because they were conquered before they could continue.

44 posts

if you believe that,

you were ready to die,
you probably prayed.
you will probably go to church and give MONEY because of that.
you will pay MONEY for insurance.

now i have studyed basic Marketing in college, and the second most profitable way to make money with a product is assurance/security.
people will just pay you Uber money if you tell them they are safe, wich is why certain people need to feel someone, like god, is behind them all the time or they will flip and go berserk if they feel on their own in life.

4,005 posts

Guess what. 2012 is real. Just as real as Y2K, 2001, and every year since. The Mayan calendar cycles. Wow.

You know, I think if I were going to accept prophetic stories about one culture's calendar I'd be picking a culture that wasn't wiped out by people they thought were gods...

1,903 posts

Mayan Calenders stopped at 2012 because they were conquered before they could continue.

The Mayans just disappeared, they weren't conquered.

You know, I think if I were going to accept prophetic stories about one culture's calendar I'd be picking a culture that wasn't wiped out by people they thought were gods...

That would have been the Aztecs...
4,005 posts

The Mayans actually had similar stories as the Aztecs regarding white men, and I'm not referring to the legend of Quetzlcoatl, which you are correct, was an Aztec legend.

4,005 posts

Mayan legend says that the Yucatan was originally inhabited by &quoteople of the serpent," and their leader's name was "Serpent of the East." Mayans claimed that they got their writing from the Tula, and that their leaders sailed over the sea to the East to learn their wisdom.
- History of Astronomy,

The Mayan Long Calendar. The Mayan timeline began on 13 August 3114 B.C.E. (very near the start of the Egyptian Old Kingdom). This is the starting point of the Mayan Long Calendar. The time divisions in the long calendar were:

* 1 kin = 1 day
* 20 kins = unial (20 days)
* 18 unials = tun (360 days)
* 20 tuns = katun (7200 days)
* 20 katuns = baktun (144,000 days, about 394.25 years)
* 13 baktuns = a Great Cycle (1,872,000 days, about 5,125.25 years)

A Great Cycle, or Age, is also known as a "Sun." Their legends state that at the end of each Sun there is a catastrophe, followed by a renewal. They count time in a cycle of five Suns, which therefore spans 9,360,000 days, or about 25,627 years. Some cite this Five Sun cycle as evidence of Mayan knowledge of precession of the equinoxes.

Mayans believed that we are currently in the Fifth Great Cycle, which will end, and a new First Sun begin, on 23 December 2012. Popular literature abounds with speculation on this event, and its near-coinciding with ecliptic crossing to the north of the Solar System's orbit around the Galatic Center.
- History of Astronomy,

The Mayans just disappeared, they weren't conquered.

Actually that is not correct. They were conquered several times, starting in the 1500's and lasting up until a revolt was smashed as late as the early 1900's, and contrary to popular belief there are actually Mayan people still alive today, although their culture and empire was defeated over 400 years ago.
4,871 posts

Actually that is not correct. They were conquered several times, starting in the 1500's and lasting up until a revolt was smashed as late as the early 1900's, and contrary to popular belief there are actually Mayan people still alive today, although their culture and empire was defeated over 400 years ago.

The Mayans last empire disappeared but it's now thought it was due to sickness. Either way have we gone over how they thought the world was created? All there creation stories involve failed attempts at creation by "gods" what kind of god fails? Discredits them a bit for me.
48 posts

December 21, 2012 is a doomsdate founded by the Mayans, I Ching, The Bible, and a lot of other things. If this is all a hoax then why do two civilizations, the Mayans and the Chinese, thousands of miles away from each other, predict the end of the world on the same date? They could be right. If 2012 will happen, then we must take action. We will need to do all to survive. If it was real, there will be anarchy, every man will forget their sanity and will go mad. They will take the limited resources we have left and find shelter underground or somewhere. It sounds depressing, but can be a possibility. Remember what happened in Haiti? Not the quake but the effect it took on everyone? They were fighting for resources, sure many still stayed sane but it was almost total chaos. Now imagine that times 5, 10, even 20! Crazy huh? So pray and hope that it won't happen. The Mayans had it with their calender that predicted events centuries beyond their extinction. Now for the fifth time the world will end according to the Mayans.

But there are other possibilities, the Mayans's prediction might of meant that their king would rise, which is unlikely, and teach us about the stars, astronomy, stuff like that.
Another possibility is that nothing will happen, and all will stay alive and well.
And the last possiblity is that they will make the iPod the size of an atom and you'll step on it and it will create an atomic explosion that devours the world. XD

If you want to learn more go to this Youtube vid made by Charlie Frost:

Any wrong information is my fault, please correct me if I messed up

48 posts

biggest post i ever made. hope it helps!

4,689 posts

hmm that civilizations having the same prophecies reminds me of arguments for pyramids in eygpt and the americas. I think the Ipod idea is most realistic well not really I think nothing will happen and everyone will hold their breath and then go "Awww" when it is just another day.

48 posts

hold their breath and then go "Awww" when it is just another day.

lol, where's the fun in that? The world is destined (not rly) to end!
4,689 posts

well true it will end I just doubt it will be december 21 2012.

48 posts

point taken.

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