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ForumsThe TavernThe Zombie Survival Club (READ OP)

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5,642 posts

Welcome, Veterans and newcomers! This is the reconstruction of The Zombie Survival Club.

First off, I'll introduce you to some of our staff.
-SkaterKidWhoPwns- This is the guy who is my 2nd in command. If you cannot get to me, go to him and he'll answer questions/comments/concerns.
...We have no other staff? Well then.

1. Do not ask "Can I join?" or any other variation of that comment. (instructions on how to join will come soon)
2. Do not make a "Scenario" (will be explained later) unless you are a member.
3. Don't be stupid, use logic and think as if you were in the actual situation. OF course it's unlikely that it will happen, but we ask that all visitors and members be serious and literate.
4. Do not question mod or my/skater's authority (unless a mod directly opposes it)
5. No overly smart-*ss comments against other members, visitors, or your superiors.
6. Do not make a Virus until you are a member. The sheet for making a virus will be given to you upon asking me or skater.
7. DO NOT. ABSOLUTELY NOT, ASK "CAN I JOIN?". I cannot stress this enough.

Now that all the rules are over with, I'll go over some Jargons (slang terms relating to "work&quot that we use here.

Scenario - This is a term we use for a situation that is meant to test the user (as well as give you something to do). These are non-linear, and are generally Hypotheticals. Any MEMBER can make a scenario. Scenarios are generally matched with a previous story/situation and they give the supplies you have on hand. As well as the supplies near you. There's also generally a map that goes with it.

Virus, Parasite, Infection - These are the general types of a zombie virus. If there is not a previous virus that is mentioned before a virus or a plan, it is automatically changed to the current dominant virus (Goliath). Goliath will be explained later in the OP.

Zed - Is the common nickname for Zombie. I.E. "Yo dude I just shot up some Zeds!" Or: "Gah! That d**n ZED bit me!"

Well that's it for the terminology! Here's the dominant virus. It's gone through plenty of tweaking, and I think it's pretty much the most realistic virus in the club (aside from hungers). If no other virus is specified before a Scenario or a plan, this is the virus to be used.
Name - Goliath Syndrome
Type - Parasite
Speed - Leisurely walking speed (2-4 MPH)
Sounds - A mild groan, much like a man/woman in pain. No screaming comes from the virus.
Infection - Infection comes from the cells. If so much as a skin cell gets into you, you'll be quickly infected (aprox. 10-160 minutes, depending on strength and immune system of the user). It contracts a lot like AIDS, but it can be ANY cell, be it secretion or meat.
Hunting - It hunts by smell and hearing. It can't see that well, but strong light in the dark will attract it. Best time to attack one is in the daytime. They can't see in detail but they can see blurry instances of light, I.E., a fire or a flashlight.
Other - Cannot swim. Cannot fly, cannot run, cannot climb.
Believability Factor - Goliath was made in a lab (Codename: Anthemia, which is a prototype of the virus. Can also be used for begginers). It hyper-evolved and infected a rat. THe rat got out and began to infect humans (as well as certain birds, causing the infection to be worldwide). What the parasite does is: It enters the body as an infected cell. From there, it infects all the other cells, coating them in a secretion that fends off any form of decomposer (In short, it makes the immune system of the host really powerful). Then, it randomly selects a cell in the body (it is generally a cell in the torso). It grows to about the size of a human heart. IT then crawls it's way into the brain. IT preforms a lobotomy and hooks into the brain, feeding it with a steady flow of required nutrients and oxygen. It shuts down all other systems besides the lungs and flushes out the blood in the body (the parasite provides the necessities for living brain), and spreads long, muscular tentacles across the zombie's body, becoming a puppeteer. The parasite feeds by slowly eating the host. IT'll take a couple of decades in order for the parasite to starve/suffocate.
Best ways to kill it - A shot to the head, killing either the parasite or the brain. A punctured lung will also kill it, but it'd take a couple of minutes for it to actually die.

How to become a member
First off, you need to make a plan. You have everything you would at home. IT would happen the moment you are typing up the answer. So if it happens at night, then it happened at night, happened at day, it happened at day. For the sake of not-cheating, we'll use AG time.
Then, you have to answer a Scenario. The Scenarios come every couple of pages.
Wait for Both the Plan and the Scenario to be graded. Each member has their own form of grading. Once it's been passed around me and Skater will figure out whether or not to let you in.
If you are not initially let in, do not be disheartened! You have unlimited tries to enter, and all members (should) give you tips to get a better plan.

Why the hell am I doing this?
Reasons vary. Some people in the club do think the Zompocolypse would actually happen, and some people (like myself) do it for fun and practice for writing. Others do it because they just like killing and surviving zombies, while keeping it pretty realistic.

Can I make a Virus?
Sure, if you give me a comment on my page I'll be happy to give you the layout for the virus.

Can I Join?
Scroll up and read the OP. Do it.

Can I make a Scenario?
If you are a member, sure. Just make sure it's somewhat realistic. There are no real parameters for it, it just has to be a situation. Try and make it hard, too.

I think that's pretty much it! There are a couple of tiddly bits for you guys, though:
Titles/Ranks - A title or a "rank" will be given to you if you do something outstandingly awesome, stupid, weird, or just plain out there while still keeping it realistic. For a list of the ranks/titles, visit my page.
Members - A list of the members can be found on either my, or skater's page.
Discussion - Discussions will be held every now and again, as a stand-in for a Scenario. There will be a topic in BOLD (BOLD, MEMBERS) to let you know what the Discussion is about.
and that is pretty much it.
Now then, have fun everyone!

  • 518 Replies
4,375 posts

To seocnd thoad, It dosn't matter if your dad is in the millitary. All G.I. (goverment issued) equipment has to be accounted for. And its not like your gonna sneak a life grenade back with you, especially 20 of them. So unless you bought them o nthe black marcket, you don't have a G.I. rifle, pistol, andthing.

thoads scenario. As far as I know, the roof would be a smart place, and also a homocidal place to go. Good, beacuse your far from the ground. Bad, beacuse you have to make it down 50+ story building, and then to an evac, in T-30 minutes. So first things first. Make sure I can find the brute. Thats top priority. If I could pull a bull fighting move here, and have ti charge at me, then side step it, that would be terrific by the edge of the building.

If the power was on, take the elevator down to the floor where I found the closet. Knock, and tell her to trust me. In a situation like this, depending o nthe person, they will trust you beacuse they have no other choice really. If she wouldn't come, fire ax the door in, and carry her. If she fought that, just leave her. I wouldn't have time. Then reach ground level, and kill everything that moves near me. Honestly, everything. If it tlaks to me, dead. If it jumps towards me, dead. If it walks away from me, dead. I can't take my chances. I would head for the docks. reason being, if I don't get on a hellicopter there, maybe I can find a boat that I can sneek onto.

If I got cut, I would have to waste valublae time to get into a makeup store. reason being, if I have a cut, they might mistake it for a bite. If i have cosmetic powder, I could cover the cut up, and later uncover it and say I was cut on the ship/hellicopter/something.

There you have it, my answer.

5,642 posts

I'll rate it a 6/10. It leaves a little too many variables, such as what would happen if an airborne were to pounce, or an amount of brutes (generally in packs of 5-10), and a succubus situation.

By the way, you can only get infected if the enemy breathes into you.

1,671 posts

By the way, you can only get infected if the enemy breathes into you.

All they have to do is breath on you?!?!?one?!? How can you say "only"? That's worse than a bite infection or through an open wound.
4,375 posts

by breath on you, he measn like right next to your mouth. If it breaths on your skin your fine, but an open cut, or your mouth, forget about it.

5,642 posts

It does have to be entered into the bodies. So it literally has to breathe INTO you.

5,642 posts

I would just like to say that I would make a new scenario, but it seems that there is a lack of posting as well as a lack of space for said scenario to be answered!

I'll post up a new scenario I baked the other day soon.

By the way, my mother's back from the hospital!

610 posts

Congrats thoad =)

and cant wait for the scen, hopefuly il be able to give a good answer

358 posts

back. Posting a Scenario (I hope you people havent revoked my membership, I did say I was going to be gone for a bit.)

I am using the Goliath zombie virus in this scenario.

Your in a abandoned subway system, underground. Your about 2 km (about 1 mile for you Americans) from the next exit to the surface. You went down for the electric generator in one of the trains, as you have gas back in your safehouse.
You are with 2 other people, a burly man who's been with you for with at least a few years after the initial outbreak, and not too shifty.

The other person is a woman, a blunt and moody woman thats very parranoid, and has been with you for 6 months.
You hear moans, and then you see some zombies in the seats. You have a crowbar in your hands at the moment, and a 9 MM pistol (makarov) With 6 clips of ammo. The burly man has a AK 74 carbine with 3 magazines, and the woman has some Molotov cocktails and a knife.

You see 5 zombies, and 2 are crawling, and 3 are walking. one crawling one and a walker are coming in from the back door, and the other 3 are coming through the front. You are in the Engine car, which is about 8 metres long, 2 metres wide.

You also hear other moans, and all of you have flashlights on your heads, and you can only see 4 feet in front of you, as the subway tunnels are pitch black.

What do you do?

180 posts

What do you do?

Well, I would order the &quotarranoid" woman to throw the molotov`s and then run with all my forces to escape, and if a zombie gets too close i would use the pistol or the AK 74
5,642 posts

Well, considering that the train is probably still "live", I'd tell her to wait with the molotov's. I'd trade my pistol for her knife and while they get what we're after, I'll do my best to fend off the goliath in the car.

4,375 posts

So, let me make sure I understand this. We got 5 zombies, two crawiling, and three walking, one of each coming from behind, and the other three from the front? If I understand this right...

Jim: Big guy
Tammy: Little miss paranoid.

"Jim, what the hell are you doing?" I turned to look at the man next to me. He was a big man, burly, thick black hair curled from his head mixing in with a beard down to his belt.
"Not me, kid, and Tammy hasn't made a peep since we came down here." Hank fixed the gun agaisnt his shoulder. "what ever it was, it ain't here to help us out."
Tammy pressed into my back hiding her face in my shoulder. She was a small women, at one time probably very pretty. NOw however, she was very skinny, and stress had took its tole on her.
"Hank, something is outside...." I whispered, pulling the makarov out of its holster. I rested it in my left hand, and put my crow bar in my right.
"Tammy, get under a Don't light one of those things. The last thing we need to do is light our selfs on fire. IF something gets close, use the knive. And pull it out of the zombie this time." Hank was crouching facing the back of the train. Tammy was under the seat next to him, silently crying.

Glass sprinkled down across the floor.

"HANK! We got zeds!!!" I kicked the zombie that came at my first, and shoved the next one back. I heard gun shots behind me, and a scream.

"Tammy! whats wrong?" Hank yeleld between blasts from his gun.
"It.....has my leg!" She was being pulled under the seats by the crawling zombie by hank.
"Jesus christ...." I wipped around, and shot at the crawling zombie three times. I hit it in the head one of the times, it let go. Thats when I was grabbed around the neck. One of the zombies had gotten back up, and was holding on to me.

I was geting chocked as its head moved closer to my neck, when I was sprayed with a stream of blood. Hank had shoot it, missing my head by a few inches. I moved forward, picked my crowbar up, and smashed the one behind hank.
"Tha....than.....thanks." I managed to gasp between gasps of air.
hank grunted, and nooded behind him. I kneeled ((knelt?) I got on one knee)) in front of hank. He fired, nothing happened. His clip was empty. "God Dam it!"
I swung out, and killed the crawling zombie, but the standing zombie knocked my onto my back. My gun was to far away, and hank was busy reloading. He didn't react in time. This was it for me.
"Greg!" Tammy brought the knive down on the zombies head, it feel, on top of me.

"Tammy! Thank god, come on, we gotta move! Hank, you got the generater?"
"Yeah, I got her allrgiht."
"Tammy, throw a molotov at this train, cover out backs, we gotta run."
I picked up my pistol as Tammy light the train on fire. The heat was nice for a moment, and let us see. The train was covered in blood. As where our cloths.

we escaped the tunnel and made it back to our safe house. Though barely...

4,813 posts

Scenario I've been cooking, version 1:

You're stuck in a truck of some sort. You just woke up, and even though you had a supply of guns and ammo, you can't find them anywhere. All of a sudden, you hear a chorus of groans. By your estimate, you can hear about 16 Goliaths moaning, and not that far. You look around (cursing your luck for an obvious horde), and find a note from some looters. The note says that if you want to join them, you have to get out of that situation. There is a box nearby of various non-conventional tools, including a noisy monkey slingshot, glow sticks, bouncy balls and anything else you can think of that I think is plausible. After evading teh zombies, you'll have to go to the base listed to either join them, or take your (and their) gear. your choice.

No gear
Hostiles: 16 Goliaths
nearby tools: age 1-16 toys
Goal: 1. Evade zombies
2. Grab gear/join looters

(don't worry, this doesn't connect to anything)

4,375 posts

Kylo....while Ido encourage scenarios, If there is one avaliable in last page or so, make sure to answer it.

4,813 posts

Wait, what?*reads*

Oh, sorry, better answer that.

First off, I'd have Molotov girl and AK 74 guy shoot the larger clusters of zombies, and remind burly guy to aim for the head. As for me, I'd pick off any zombies that the other two weren't firing at, putting walkers before crawlers in terms of shooting. After we clear the zombies, we'd grab the generator and go, using the AK 74 or crowbar on any zombies that are still outside.

2,269 posts

Sorry for the AWOL a few months ago. (Was it even that long?) Anyway, I had my reasons and am now back, so can someone fill me in, or would I have to read the 10+ pages to get informed?

Showing 166-180 of 518