This isn't a bashing any certain genre or group of people that like certain genres. However, I've noticed that certain fans act in certain ways. More often, people who listen to genres of punk, ska, classic rock, and stuff like that tend to forum post in rational complete sentences with correct spelling. On the other hand, people who listen to newer music tend to... usoboifiyah- can n e1 tell me why this old ass crip usin red lol. kool song tho 18 minutes ago
Why is this? Is it as simple as those who listen to the former are older? I thought so too, but I've noticed it in younger people too.
If you look at youtube videos, this is especially prominent. Post your thoughts.
I don't mean to offend, but if you're actually entertained by most of today's music, how smart can you be?
Most of the idiots I know are into either gangster rap or bubblegum pop. Most of the people I know who listen to alternative are fairly smart, as far as I can see.
Then again, alternative hasn't been on top of the charts in a while.
I don't mean to offend, but if you're actually entertained by most of today's music, how smart can you be?
Well, I pretty much like any music. I like alot of old stuff, but theres alot of good stuff In my opinion, thats new. You can't really insult someones intelligence off of there opinion on music genres and styles.
And yes, we metalheads can get uppity when someone insults what is, for us, the best thing in the world. Wouldn't you?
Well if it was a family member or my girlfriend, then yes. If it's my favorite type of music, no I just think they have different tastes than I do, and let them hate the music I like as much as I want. I do get somewhat offended when people insult the music that I play, because that's just rude.