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AZ Immigration Law

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed a controversial bill Friday that makes it a crime for illegal immigrants to be in the state. The new law will require local police to seek proof of immigration status if there is reason to suspect individuals are illegal immigrants.

This means a situation in Arizona can go down like this:

Nice Mexican man born in Mexico, but is now a citizen. He is walking into a parking lot full of cars. He can't remember where he parked...
He looks around, checks a few aisles. In the mean time, a police officer is watching him.

This police officer, now, can approach this man simply by the color of his skin, demand to see proof of legally being in the country (visa, passport, social security card, etc).

Personally, this is a dark day in American history. They might as well slap a Star of David onto the Mexicans there.

  • 47 Replies
1,739 posts

This police officer, now, can approach this man simply by the color of his skin, demand to see proof of legally being in the country (visa, passport, social security card, etc).

Oh, tough cookie.

You have to see it like this:

The USA has gradually tightened their security system for quite some time. Call it paranoia, but they want to stop bad things from happening before they happen at all, or are planned.

OK, so this can be seen as racist from one point of view (I think so too). But it must mean that Americans fear the outside world the most. Maybe terrorist, or as they said drug dealing.

I did not like this thing:
Brewer, at an afternoon news conference in Phoenix, cast the law in terms of public safety, saying, "We cannot sacrifice our safety to the murderous greed of drug cartels." Brewer said she would order the state police training agency to form guidelines to train officers and protect against racial profiling.

That's basically stating 'All Mexicans are drug dealers' which is very racist. It includes the rest of the world too, but it isn't too hard to see it's pointed at Mexico.

Like they will be able to train all the officers into that... There are always outliers...

This is a very, very sad business.
534 posts

Truly this must be embarrising. If illegal immigrants hadn't started crossing the border in the first place we wouldn't have this problem in the first place. My mother is from the philipines and so I look more like a philopino, even though some insist I look mexican. So I would be afraid to go to arizona right now.

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