most rap songs have the same sub noises, various clap/snap sounds, always say ' yee-uh,cmon, west side', and other stupid things. 90's and some early 00's rap was... bearable. now its just filled with posers who get their 15 minutes of fame and keep thinking theyre the shit and keep making new songs. Rap is ruined now. lil wayne is a bitch
bullsh*t. racist? no, thats not racist. Racist would be something like ( im censoring this so chill out. *** i am not a racist *** you have been warned. ) p*rch m*nk**, sp*d*, sp**k, j*gg*b** and what about all the things ignorent african americans say about white ppl? whitey, honkey, cracker. i take offence to that. sorry for getting offtopic... it is my firm belief that rap music has died a little bit since the 90's and early 00's. Before auto tune people had to sing with skill, now anyone can become a rapper and make one... tollerable song and be called the greatest rapper ever. its sad
ya the whole solja boy thing kinda got me flamed up to.. i mean youre completley right on that. since when has it turned to any random black guy writing an annoying song with a cool dance and making a million dollers!
i think andre 3000 is one of the, as you guys would say, "most tollerable" rappers out there. dudes a beast. and if you dont know who he is, hes the guy from outkast. which i know you all like them... no need to lie
Rock all they way, not that heavy screaming satan bloody head banging punk stuff. and rap...most rap songs=FAIL, but there are a few good ones that just arent crap rap
True, true... I don't like rap but it's still music. I have respect for music that have message and just isn't bullsh*t. I don't fu*cking care if somone says SlipKnoT are posers for metal. I still like them and they have good lyrics and melody. But I won't tolerate fa*gots like Lil wayne, Solja boy and other ni*gers. They're poor and live in the slum. Then they get hands on a computer and starts to talk in a mic and then auto-tune it. YAY! I earned 1,000,000 dollars on 1 hour! Yay! I'm rich! BLING BLING NEGGAH! YOYOYOYOYOYOOYO B*TCH F*CK YOU MAN IM GONNA KILL YA WITH MA NINE MILLIMETER!!!!!
guys no swearing! ir even bul***, you can get banned pls.
You do know I'm not white, correct? I live in the hood too. A place lovingly referred to in town as 'L block'. However, I live on the very end of that block, which is actually a nice neighborhood, with actual houses and everything!