i do what fippin says. we have a limited number of passes to go so i just go before school then right after :P 6 hours isnt that long to hold it if you just dont drink in school
I don't think that I ever saw a toilet paper in my school bathroom. But sometimes you can find half of the paper tissues that someone left behind just in case someone goes for #2 unprepared. Legends say that rolled paper spawns in school's bathroom on special occasions like competitions and similar manifestations and mysteriously disappears after.
Yeah that's the word, wiping! In quebec schools toilet paper is so thin you can't really use it for all ''applications'' unless you take a whole bunch... Don't knwo if it's everywhere but all the schools I've been to were like these.
I just use it before, after, and during my homeroom period (the period where we do nothing and chat :P) The teacher doesn't care about our bathroom passes