First of all, I feel thankful that I'm not subjected to such um, tortue. Education in New Zealand is very good.
My school is drowning in money . . . why the hell can't they afford two-ply? Seriously.
My school in the Philippines had a very good stash of money. However, that was the Philippines and expecting to get paper put in a school if it already isn't there, is pretty useless.
I once had a teacher that said something along the lines of: 1/16 ply, it literally disintegrates in your hand! You mine as well not use any.
That's worthless really. What do you use that for?
my school is so poor we have had some of the same books since 2000
Lol. I had a school that made us buy all our books every year, but that doesn't count really.
My school throws away books every six years . . . this is the last year for all of our textbooks.
Do they recycle them? That would be a waste if they didn't.
Anyways, my school stopped distributing after people pissed on it too many times. I never used number two anyways.
My school uses those ones you find in public toilets that carry multiple rolls, so you can't piss on them really.
Anyways, my school stopped distributing after people pissed on it too many times. I never used number two anyways.
Yeah. Well I did.. Nevermind.
But I swear our toilet paper is 5,000 years old and made out of reeds from the shore of the Nile.
What makes you think so? I'm just wondering.
Well, the same paper we use for bathrooms we also use for washing our hands, about an under-budgeted school....
I myself don't find too much to complain about using rolls to wipe my hands, since I've been made to do so before, but schools really are under-budgeted there. Not all of them.
For all you people who have shitty toilet paper (pun intended), go to a store and buy a bunch of good, 2X toilet paper in bulk.
Fill your backpack up with a bunch of roles of TP, then go to school.
Hang out in the bathroom, and sell your rolls for a dime a square.
If you don't want to hang out in the bathroom for long periods of time, make some sort of toilet paper vending machine. But it would have to be self sanitizing for obvious reasons, and that would cut into your overhead.
I never go #2 in any bathroom that isn't in a house.
Funny thing happened today. I was supposed to walk with my friend so he could talk to my dad about seeing Iron Man 2 tommarow. The bell rang, so I went to the front of school looking for him, he wasn't there, so I called him. He was in the bathroom going poo. I told him ok, meet me in the front of school and hung up. He comes up, and we walk to my dad's car. After I put all my stuff in the trunk he told me that there was only ONE sheet of toilet paper left in the bathroom stall. I hope he used that one sheet well :P.
...not when you live in a small school. No one really cares about the toilet paper here
Then you're going to have to expand to other schools. Start some sort of organized toilet paper smuggling ring. Get a system of suppliers and dealers going, and pretty soon you'll be rolling in dimes.