I only use the school bathroom for you know......because you know about 1,000 kids have pooped there before.And yeah last time I checked was the toilet paper feels like sand paper...it gave my booty a boo boo.
But I swear our toilet paper is 5,000 years old and made out of reeds from the shore of the Nile.
haaaah...I get the joke if there was one XD
If there is absolutely no TP left in a bathroom I'll use my hands. No joke
If that's what the guys in India did with their left hand, it can work for you. Just don't use the left hand for anything else, because otherwise, they consider it 'tainted'.
Why would you clean your schools toilets thats just nasty
So would you use a toilet with dirt and piss on its seat and stool and paper in its bowl? If you're going to use a toilet that's dirty, of course you will have to clean it.
Here's the solution for people with no toilet paper: take normal paper with you and rip it into squares. I never EVER go #2 in public, if I have to then I check to see when we're leaving and if it's 30 mins away I can usually hold it.
Toilet paper is flimsy in schools/public places because that way they're much harder to impossible to clog and cost less, and my bottom as well as plenty others have no problem with it.
I have no problem with the paper as long as it's not extra sandpapery, but even then it's just a very temporary slight uncomfortableness.
I wipe off the seat before i use it and wrap the toilet paper up so it's nice n thick but that's just being logical.
My school just got new bathrooms for the first time since Asbestos was acceptable in schools, and now i use it all the time (it's still a bathroom with bathroom germs, but it's not really old and nasty now). I almost never actually used it before, i'd just go in there to change or do some illegal stuff. With a nicer looking bathroom i use it all. the time.
My school is terribly broke, they could not even afford to fix a broken emergency exit door(4 years after the school was built), so I tend to stay away from all the 'luxuries', mainly the entire bathroom, not just the toilets.
I do use the bathroom, but avoid using the toilet if at all possible, some of the things i've seen have made me vow never to become a janitor. Toilet paper in my school is fine for the most part.