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ForumsWEPRIntelligent design Vs Evolution

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130 posts

I just now found out about this forum and didn't notice a I.D. Vs E. thread so I decided to make one.

I am a Christian and believe in intelligent design is the way the world came to be.

What does everyone else think about this subject?

  • 388 Replies
9,821 posts

Wrong. It is not testable, and not observable.

Microbes. Bacteria live and die much faster than we do, and we can observe natural selection and in some cases, even speciation, with them.

Wrong. Micro-evolution are small defections in the DNA (Small Dog Big Dog etc.) Not 99/100 dog 1/100 cat turning into 98/100 dog 2/100 cat, etc.
(Tell me if i am wrong, which i am sure you will say) Macro-Evolution is saying that a dinosaur evolved into a feathered Bird-osaur after 3000 trillion years(feathered Dinosaur-bird which does not have supported fossils) and then into a bird after another 3000 trillion years.
Disclaimer: I randomly chose birds and dinosaurs i am not saying that is what evolutionists believe.

No, you're wrong.

"Microevolution can be contrasted with macroevolution, which is the occurrence of large-scale changes in gene frequencies in a population over a geological time period (i.e. consisting of extended microevolution). The difference is largely one of approach. Microevolution is reductionist, but macroevolution is holistic. Each approach offers different insights into the evolution process."


Micro-Ev can can observed not Macro-Ev.

Macroevolution doesn't need to be observed, because it's just a way of categorizing the evolutionary process in a more holistic way than microevolution, which is reductionist.

No evidence that we evolved from amino acids etc.

The fact that WE'RE MADE OF AMINO ACIDS is evidence enough. This is stuff they teach you in middle school science class.

Because no one was alive to observe the big bang/ us evolving from AA's, we are unable to recreate the (fictional) occurrence.

Oh please. Observational evidence is not the only kind of evidence. And there is observational evidence anyway.

There have been no transitional fossils to be found.

No matter how stable it is, it's still combusting gases into radiation, heat and stuff. So it is losing gases over time. which would either make the sun Colder of hotter, not both at the same time.

The Sun is a yellow star. That means it has hydrogen and helium in close-to-equal amounts. So it's losing them both, quite possibly in relatively equal amounts.
3,035 posts

It's in our nature to want to explain things.

Yes. It's just that science is the new religion.
240 posts

[sarcasm]To me, it doesn't seem like getting smashed in a debate with two "closed minded Christian weirdos" would be very enjoyable[/sarcasm]

Probably because you are close minded and somewhat ignorant. It is actually very fun. I can open my mind to new ideas and debate things I disagree with. I guess if I was lazier and didn't want to think, then it wouldn't be much fun...
9,462 posts


Peppered moth

Can't find the link right now, but there is also a lizard that was transplanted from on environment into another who developed a completely new digestive system and social traits.

Just to name a few.

I could randomly make a tree of life that said rocks evolved into humans too.

No scientist is saying that.

Not 99/100 dog 1/100 cat turning into 98/100 dog 2/100 cat, etc.

If that happened that would disprove evolution.

Macro-Evolution is saying that a dinosaur evolved into a feathered Bird-osaur after 3000 trillion years(feathered Dinosaur-bird which does not have supported fossils) and then into a bird after another 3000 trillion years.

First off, 3000 trillions of years? Are you trying to be sarcastic or do I have to break out my facepalm made of facepalms.

Disclaimer: I randomly chose birds and dinosaurs i am not saying that is what evolutionists believe.

To bad considering it's the first thing you got somewhat right so far.

Oh, and btw transitional fossil depicted in the link. You know one of those things you say don't exist.

There is no evidence that the big bang happened, No evidence that we evolved from amino acids etc. Because no one was alive to observe the big bang/ us evolving from AA's, we are unable to recreate the (fictional) occurrence.

There's evidence it's been presented, your ignoring it.

If by evolution you meant the entire amino acids (Or w/e it was) turning into life, (AKA abiogenisis or w/e you said it was) then eventually into humans. Then it does explain the origin of life.

abiogenesis is a different theory that does explain the origin of life. Evolution just explains what happened afterwords.

Seriously, this guy is either really ignorant to just about everything in the scientific community regarding evolution (even what it is by definition) or he is trolling us all hardcore...

Maybe both?

One thing i do not get about atheists. Why do you debate on this forum? If you "convert" me to atheism and it turns out you are right, you gain nothing. Tell me if I'm wrong, but if we "evolved" from matter then we should have no purpose.

interest in the truth. I don't give a flying &*^% about converting you. As for purpose sure I have purpose in my life.

You could technically argue that one objective purpose or meaning to life (in a collective not individual sense) is to reproduce.

There are also individual subjective purposes such as the one of mine that has me coming back and debating with people like you.

Maybe, but the person that i converted would have gained everything.

Ability to not be able to think, feel, or act for themselves...
3,035 posts

Ability to not be able to think, feel, or act for themselves...

*Laughs* Apparently I am a slave who can't think for himself! But wait! Isn't a major part of the Christian religion that God gave us free will or else He would have just made us all perfect in the first place? But then if he made us without the ability to choose between good and evil then there would be no free will! But atheists argue that evil shouldn't exist! But then they say there should be free will! I'm confused!
9,821 posts

Mage . . . .

You mean . . . THIS FACEPALM MADE OF FACEPALMS?????!!!?!??!/1?!/1/1//1!

Anyway, I was convinced a long time ago that redace is just rolling us. But I like going with the flow with trolls like this, to give 'em practice before going onto something crazy, like /b/.

240 posts

But then if he made us without the ability to choose between good and evil then there would be no free will! But atheists argue that evil shouldn't exist! But then they say there should be free will! I'm confused!

You are probably confused because you are mixing things up. Why do you say atheists say evil "shouldn't" exist? And that there "should" be free will? What are you even referring to?

Apparently you really are a slave who can't think for yourself...?
3,035 posts

I'm referring to the millions of times that various atheists have said that evil shouldn't exist but that there should be free will. But I'll cut you some slack since you weren't in all the months worth of arguing in various other threads about God.

130 posts

Ability to not be able to think, feel, or act for themselves...

I am a 13 year old boy. I am a Christian and could be playing video games, But I am not. I realized when i created this forum that i probably would not win this debate. But i learned a lot more than you did. However it looks like i am standing a chance.

I'll finish the rest of your thing tomorrow, but here's a little something against your dino-bird.
240 posts

I have been reading these forums for a while now. Maybe a month or two since I came back after a long time of not reading these.

Atheists would say that evil shouldn't exist because if God exists, why would he allow it, if he is all powerful..

And there should be free will... because there is no God? I really don't have any idea what you are talking about. I'm pretty sure you don't either. Anyone else reading this have an idea, and are you able to clarify?

3,817 posts

By Christians not having free will most mean that they fallow a set of rules. The book tells you what to eat, think, and act. How is that not making you a slave?

And what free will is there to Christians? Lets say there is a cookie. Someone comes in and says you can do whatever you want in the room, giving you free will, but then if you eat the cookie he hits you with a whip. If you do anything but sit in the chair, you get whipped. How is that free will?

9,462 posts

Macroevolution doesn't need to be observed, because it's just a way of categorizing the evolutionary process in a more holistic way than microevolution, which is reductionist.

Considering macroevolution is evolution at or above the level of the species shouldn't speciation be considered macroevolution?

Yes. It's just that science is the new religion.

In a very broad sense in relation to attempting to explain things, kind of. I wouldn't call it a religion though since it's a vastly different thing. So in some way your right but in another your dead wrong.

You mean . . . THIS FACEPALM MADE OF FACEPALMS?????!!!?!??!/1?!/1/1//1!

That be the one.

but here's a little something against your dino-bird.

Please stop using creationist sites they aren't worth a damn thing and your mind would be better for it.
240 posts

Please stop using creationist sites they aren't worth a **** thing and your mind would be better for it.

Plus, even if we find ... real evidence against the theory stating that the birds evolved from those dinosaurs, then the theory would be shifted. Scientists wouldn't just stick to the ideas because that's what they think now.

If real evidence came in to change the theory, that can be accepted. And changed. The beauty of science and ... open-mindedness.
9,462 posts

a **** thing

huh, I didn't know that word was censored here. Oh way, it must have been God or spaces aliens who came and intervened with my post in mid transfer. Because we all know there is no evidence of words being censored here.
3,035 posts

Because we all know there is no evidence of words being censored here.

*Sarcastically* Exactly. For all we know you could have just typed stars. Like this. **************
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