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ForumsWEPRIntelligent design Vs Evolution

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130 posts

I just now found out about this forum and didn't notice a I.D. Vs E. thread so I decided to make one.

I am a Christian and believe in intelligent design is the way the world came to be.

What does everyone else think about this subject?

  • 388 Replies
9,462 posts

Anyway, I was convinced a long time ago that redace is just rolling us.

I find it interesting how the average troll post and the average creationist post is nearly indistinguishable. However the troll does it by choice while the creationist really believes what they are saying. Considering a defining quality of a troll is willful and deliberate ignorance what does that say about the average creationists belief?
1,830 posts

I find it interesting how the average troll post and the average creationist post is nearly indistinguishable. However the troll does it by choice while the creationist really believes what they are saying. Considering a defining quality of a troll is willful and deliberate ignorance what does that say about the average creationists belief?

I think it means that We simply believe in creation, not getting into detail, but simply stating what we believe.
240 posts

I think it means that We simply believe in creation, not getting into detail, but simply stating what we believe.

I think he was referring to the fact that both state rediculous ideas that incite flaming and completely ignore any evidence to the contrary of what they say. Either because of a strict belief or just to be a troll...
753 posts

I think he was referring to the fact that both state rediculous ideas that incite flaming and completely ignore any evidence to the contrary of what they say. Either because of a strict belief or just to be a troll...

Honestly, there is no solid evidence to disprove God, for no matter how ridiculous they may sound to atheists, there is always an explaination to every challenge they may present.
183 posts

Arent u tired of Demagogy?Even an idea u just thought has already invented B.C. Theese arguments had done maybe a million times in history.You think we ve the latest tech. of all time?Pyramids dont say so.Medicine?Brain and hearth surgery has already done thousands of years ago as all we know thanks to science.Human mind cant go further than it observes by its solid senses a.k.a african tribes.So,what do u expect to find that early but more civilized ppl couldnt found?I m desperately attempting to say that science is only reinventing the truth spoken by the GOD which we already read and lived among the 18000 universes with unexplored 5 more spiritual senses every human carries which has been blinded by our choice of so called logic.

13 posts

But god doesnt physically speak to everyone. I mean Joan d'arc seemed to have gods back. But for the rest of us, all we have is human written interpretations in ALL religions of whatever deity you chooose. People have created texts to explain gods actions. Its humanity that created god not the other way round. It shouldn't be about why we're here but rather why is the god here? Simple really. death is scary, dying for a pointless cause scarier still. Get people to throw themselves on swords by rewarding them with something irrefutably brilliant. Life after death. Thus religion. Back this up with impressive buildings and nice hats and 10000 years later people still killing each other under the impression there will be some reward for them. Its so stupid its funny. Go and die for a lot of good reasons just dont make it for an imaginary friend. As i like to call the supposed him upstairs to upset god squadders.

130 posts

Please stop using creationist sites they aren't worth a **** thing and your mind would be better for it.

Ok, this argument gets on my nerves so much.

1. How are they bad?
2. If I was to stop using creationist sites then you should stop using evolutionist sites.
3. Wikipedia no matter how good you say it is I will still not use it because of the fact anyone can edit it to make it say what they want.
130 posts

"Microevolution can be contrasted with macroevolution, which is the occurrence of large-scale changes in gene frequencies in a population over a geological time period (i.e. consisting of extended microevolution). The difference is largely one of approach. Microevolution is reductionist, but macroevolution is holistic. Each approach offers different insights into the evolution process."

1. Wikipedia......

Microbes. Bacteria live and die much faster than we do, and we can observe natural selection and in some cases, even speciation, with them.

Peppered moth

Can't find the link right now, but there is also a lizard that was transplanted from on environment into another who developed a completely new digestive system and social traits.

Just to name a few.

Mirco-evolution is observable sure, but I still have yet to see a C-og (Cat-dog) walking around. They are still moths. And still bacteria.

The fact that WE'RE MADE OF AMINO ACIDS is evidence enough. This is stuff they teach you in middle school science class.

1. That argument doesn't work, as I am still in middle school.
2. Not really, your "evidence" doesn't do a thing to prove it. If you saw blood on the ground, what would you do? take it as proof that someone killed someone? Take it as something of interest if someone was killed and investigate whether there was a murder at all.

Oh please. Observational evidence is not the only kind of evidence. And there is observational evidence anyway.

Same answer for this as above^
yes it would be interesting stuff to look at if we knew the big bang happened. but it still doesn't prove it happened.

The Sun is a yellow star. That means it has hydrogen and helium in close-to-equal amounts. So it's losing them both, quite possibly in relatively equal amounts.

Sure, I can believe that. But it's still com-busting.

By Christians not having free will most mean that they fallow a set of rules. The book tells you what to eat, think, and act. How is that not making you a slave?

Here's one thing to think about. Would you rather slave for 80 years for a payment of eternal life in heaven? or not slave and not receive the gift of eternal life in heaven?

and ... open-mindedness.

Remember, don't be so open minded your brain falls out.

Plus, even if we find ... real evidence against the theory stating that the birds evolved from those dinosaurs, then the theory would be shifted. Scientists wouldn't just stick to the ideas because that's what they think now.

That's where the theory of evolution fails. They made a theory and change it to fit the evidence.
Christianity has never been changed to fit the evidence why? because there is no solid evidence that goes against the bible.
130 posts

Wow, Alt's posts and my posts keep getting bigger as time goes on.

332 posts

Humans are a race who crave for answers. My belief is that gods are created for answers of which couldn't be answered before science. Hasn't anyone else noticed older civilizations had more than one God? Egyptians had gods for the tide, for crops, for the sun. But those gods don't exist anymore. Why? We've answered those questions. Our Gods now answer the questions science has yet to answer. How were we created and when. Then again, the most common symptom of mental insanity is self proclimation of being a &quotrophet". I'm not saying those who have religion are crazy but if that's the MOST COMMON symptom, it's unnerving to me. Besides, who cares? We're here now, that's all that matters.

130 posts

We're here now, that's all that matters.

Unless there is more? If you were a Mormon then if you were "good" enough. You get to be the God of another universe just like this one.
130 posts

But of course that would only happen if Mormonism was true.

1,828 posts

Hmm Didn't we decide somewhere that for most things to happen there must be some sort of universal constant, that is either God always existed, or Matter always existed. Anyways I think the argument for matter can be proven in reality, anyways anyone see The Secret Life of Chaos its interesting because it tries to explain how the order of things we have observed and applied in science is created from randomness

240 posts

Honestly, there is no solid evidence to disprove God, for no matter how ridiculous they may sound to atheists,

So just because you can't disprove it, I should believe it to be true? I think there is some logical fallacy in that statement.

there is always an explaination to every challenge they may present.

And of course there is always an explanation to every challenge. You just say... oh he's god. He can do anything he wants. It's not a real answer. It's just what you say until you actually understand something. It's complete blatant ignorance in it's ugliest form. It's disgusting, even revolting, to know that my fellow humans actually think like this. Although in the recent years I have come to realize that most of the population is somewhat dumb and selfish in their own ways.
240 posts

Wow, Alt's posts and my posts keep getting bigger as time goes on.

I would refute the many points you have posted in that long post... but I have come to realize you are just an incredible troll. I really hope no one actually thinks in the way to project your beliefs. If it's true, I just hope you don't get into any position of power, or affect my life in any way other than to argue online.
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