I am one who loves to read. So, as a result of not knowing where to start reading, I turn to you, AG. I am currently reading the Dragonlance Chronicles, and then I plan on reading Dragonlance Legends after that. But after that, I don't know what I'll do. Any suggestions?
Unfourtunate events- all 13 books Hitchhikers quide to the Galaxy- all 6 books J.R.R.Tolkien- My friend is a fan and he recomends them all. Watch the movie before reading LOTR or you will fall asleep reading about how frodo and sam went in circles. Orston Scot Card- Shadow series are the best, but they are all good. Issac Asimov- I,robot is rather bad. Try out the Robot series or the short stories first. I'm a fan of his. Eragon series- Good books. HP- It starts getting really lousy after you get 11 years old, but it is a very good series. Roald Dalh- good series for 8-year-olds, after that you read each book quickly and that's it. Terry Prachet- Try out "Night watch" first, and then prossed on the books featuring Samuel Vimes as the main character. Horrible Histories- Great books. Read whichever you want first. Artemis fowl series- Very good series for nerds. Maybe I forgot something.
How is this possible? Dune is not mentioned once in this entire thread. Maybe its just me, but I found Dune to be the greatest science fiction book I ever read. The first trilogy is the best but all of them are good.
as freakenstein said the xanth series is pretty awesome. piers anthony is one of my favorite authors. that being said, i think i have something that hasnt been said (didnt read the entire thread)
but the book series that i read recently and thought was the most amazing thing ever was the nightwatch series by sergei lukyanenko (i think i spelled that right lol.) the series is about magicians and vampires and stuff living in our world and about good and evil and what not...
Stephen King has a series (I don't know how long the books are) called the Dark Tower Series. I believe at this point it has seven or eight books and he still has at least one more to write. I haven't read them yet, but being a Stephen King fan, I will eventually get around to it. Hopefully this is a good suggestion for you.
i reading a book right now really good called "Incaceron". I liked the book because it had a little bit of fantasy (not too much like in Lord of the Rings) and at the same time being serious and dramatic. Really good book
The Maximum ride series is good but the chapaters are short and if you are into them they go by super fast and i think there is around 5 books in the series i am really not sure
Another great book is angels and demons it is the 1st in a series by Dan brown followed by "the da vinci code" and "the lost symbol" tge last two are ok but cant touch the first one but the lost symbol was pretty good despite the fuss over "The Da Vinci Code" i didnt think it was that great
Read the Dark Tower Series from Stephen King. The first four are short. Well, the first oen is like 200-300 pages. I don't know. The second is about that. the third is like 400. They just get longer and longer. The last book in the series is like 1,300 pages. Also read The Stand by Stephen King. It's 1000+ pages. Get the exstended version. It's a single book. But it wont bore you.
Darren Shans are good (Darren Shan is the writers, but is also the mainchara.).
You could read 21/24 Horror stories and some of those Ghost Twin books from Dian Curtis Regan. R.L.Stine also writes very good horror stories + You could read some 'old' classics.